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We are not in a position to continue yielding the floor to the men of words because the enemy is full of men of action:
Unindicted Co-Conspirators in 1/6 Cases Raise Disturbing Questions of Federal Foreknowledge
[In regards to the “Whitmer kidnapping” shenanigans]
FBI infiltrators comprised, at the very least, 26 percent of the plotters. That is, at least five FBI operatives have been disclosed, against just 14 suspects indicted.
A look at the annotated indictment reveals that at every level of the plot, FBI operatives played the most important leadership roles:
-The plot’s “explosives expert,” who the plotters were accused of planning to buy bombs from, turned out to be an FBI agent.
-The head of transportation for the militia outfit turned out to be an undercover FBI agent.
-The head of security for the militia outfit turned out to be an undercover FBI informant.
-At least two undercover FBI informants were active participants in the initial June 6, 2020 meeting in which the plot to storm Capitol buildings was allegedly hatched — meaning at least three FBI informants infiltrated before the conspiracy even started.
In one of the plot’s climactic scenes, in the main van driving up to look at Governor Whitmer’s vacation home, three out of the five people in the van — 60 percent of the plot’s senior leaders — were federal agents and informants:
Further, in the Michigan Plot, defense counsel alleges it was an undercover FBI operative who actually organized and paid for the hotel rooms during the key planning meeting on June 6, 2020.
In the very beginning of this piece we drew attention to Senator Klobuchar asking Christopher Wray about infiltration, but formulating the question in a way that assumed there was none. Don’t you ever kick yourself, she asked the FBI director, for not having infiltrated these groups that planned to do violence on 1/6?
Now, armed with the formidable research in this article, any politician in Senator Klobuchar’s shoes ought to kick themselves if they don’t ask the following:
Director Wray: How many of the unindicted co-conspirators in January 6 cases are now, or have been, undercover agents or confidential informants?
Indeed, pulling on the thread developed in this ground-breaking report could unravel the full story of what the FBI really knew about 1/6 — a potentially extraordinary scandal.
Further discussion:
NOW WE HAVE PROOF: FBI and DHS Attempted to Recruit Green Beret to Infiltrate Oath Keepers Before Jan. 6 Riot — AND HE RECORDED IT
The “unindicted co-conspirators” were frequently the most violent and leaders of the assault on the US Capitol. They are also likely FBI informants.
And now we have proof that the FBI was actively recruiting military members to infiltrate and spy on the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys before the Jan. 6 protests.
Earlier this month Jeremy Brown started speaking out about how the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) contacted him and attempted to recruit him to spy on patriots and everyday Americans.
In December FBI agents contact Jeremy Brown at his home for “posting some things online.”
Jeremy released video surveillance of the FBI contacting him at his home. And Jeremy released an audio recording of his actual meetup with the FBI. Jeremy struggled for months about whether or not to go public with this information. But according to his Facebook page — “After listening to politicians and the FBI Director, Chris Wray, tell lie after bald-faced lie to the American People, he could not stay silent any longer.”
Jeremy released video of his encounter with government officials when they came to his home. Jeremy also released audio of his meeting with the FBI at a local restaurant.
Jeremy explains in his recent video that the FBI called his cellphone and asked for a meeting after trying to contact him at his house. Jeremy then met with the FBI agents at a restaurant in Ybor City in December. He told Brandon Gray that 38 seconds into the intervew the FBI attempted to recruit him to spy on the Oath Keepers.
This is really shocking information. The FBI is working to infiltrate patriot groups of retired military personnel who take an oath to uphold the US Constitution.
This is happening in America! And this took place BEFORE January 6th.
Entrapment, is the word.
The FBI, DOJ, and assorted 3-letter agencies plan, recruit, stage, and then do acts of terrorism and then arrest those that they entrapped in the process. It’s an ancient technique at this point, but it seems that the FBI especially has got it down to a science.
I’m entirely convinced the majority of “terrorists” that are caught within the U.S. are entirely groomed, trained, and egged on by the FBI in the first place. How many of them would actually commit terrorism without the FBI’s involvement? We may never know. But you can’t convince someone to do something they otherwise wouldn’t have and then count that as a win.
This is why certain political activism is fruitless in the U.S. We just can’t do certain things, especially on the right, without strong reprisal.
We cannot do nothing, we cannot be violent, we cannot be directly active in areas where the FBI can subvert it, and we cannot let people that aspire to do one of those three things within our groups at all.
Because if we do the latter, then the FBI will join and push radicalism on those people, even if we never wanted to do it in the first place. Hell, they’ll probably just get a bunch of FBI agents to join and do it themselves if we won’t. They are that corrupt and worthless.
We also cannot expect political change because they’ll just fraudulently “elect” whoever they desire.
But that doesn’t mean we sit around and do nothing. We still can do things, they just have to be specific things that cannot be countered by this type of warfare (which is what it is: The entire 3-letter umbrella has declared war on anyone right-of-center).
I’m not a super-fan of Trump, especially after his spectacular failure of leaving office. But he had the right idea of rallies. There is nothing stopping us from having community-generating rallies in friendly areas of the nation (read: not cities where violence is to be expected), but rather in private land outside of cities or in rural areas where people have to drive a bit to get there (agitators would then be smaller in number and more easily handled, prospects for violence would diminish). These rallies should be used to get local people acquainted with one another and active together. Many of us feel alone right now. That should not be the case. There are hundreds like us living nearby, we just can’t find one another. There is massive power of change in local organization. Rallies, or any other tools to do so, should be used.
We need to start the foundation for the building of tight-knit communities on whatever lines we can build (geographic, political, etc). Local political action can come from these communities supporting a partition of states. Really, we can’t do anything unless we organize locally and produce federation-level results. It starts with uniting together and then moving on the local arena. Enough local arenas in the state get centralized under our authority, and then we can move forward with a partition.
We can also start disconnecting ourselves from the evil plantation:
We can also do smaller, non-violent political activism in our towns and communities. We can convince others to join us. We can build alternative platforms to unite one another.
We have to go forward one step at a time. There is no reason to plan 50 steps down the way when we don’t even know where that will go.
They have their boot on our neck. We don’t need to talk about what to do until we deal with getting the boot off of our neck first. The local organization and break-off of states is the only method to get the boot off. Support a partition. We have to break away from the evil empire.
Attempting to resolve all of this from within is fruitless. With demographic shifts, absolute division on class and racial lines, massive corruption all the way at the very top down to the state levels, globalist enterprises enroaching everywhere, foreign subversion taking over institutions, and cultural subversion at every single important cultural marker in the nation, we don’t have the luxury of “resolving from within”. We have to get out. There is no reforming this disaster. To think otherwise is to be insane. Anything we would do internally will only delay the inevitable. It will not make the decline more tolerable nor the end result any different.
It would take a strongman and a bludgeoning assault-hammer to fix any of this. Even then, it’d be a 50/50 shot.
The American nations are too disparate. We are different people. Either they dominate or we do. Neither option is preferable. Let them live how they want to live and we live how we want to live.
Right now, it is pure evil that dominates. Support an enclave, a partition, secession, whatever. Just support breaking off of the evil empire in whatever method you prefer. We’ll figure out the rest later. We don’t need to know 50 steps in advance past then. We just need a breathe of fresh air.
We have a lot of other issues. But none of them can be resolved until we stop the centralizers from continuing their plans. To do that, we have to get their boot off of our neck.
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A Third Follow Up On FBI Being KGB
An Updated Visual Diagram Of The Cycle Of Collapse
John McAfee Didn’t Kill Himself
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