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The system does, at least.
Consider this:
Abortion is legal, encouraged, and rather unrestricted.
In 2018, there were around 3.79 million live births in the United States. 876,000 abortions took place the same year.
If a child is lucky enough to survive literally being sacrificed (abortion), what then do they endure?
Well, then they can be chemically castrated and turned into a transsexual. Forever destroying their hormones and health should they choose to retroactively disagree with the decision, which many do. Before their brain has even had a chance to develop. The “my bodies, my choice” very quickly morphs into my body but my parents choice.
If they aren’t sent into this gender-hormone insanity, then the kids will still run the risk of being completely sexualized, perverted, and pimped out [1][2][3][4].
Then if they survive those stages they get pumped full of ADHD drugs or anti-depressants [1][2][3][4].
If they manage to scrap by all of preceding sacrificial stages, then they still are destined to get sucked into the degenerate culture. Which will likely get them hooked on other drugs like blow, meth, or opiates. Or at the very least get them on the track to sexual perversion.
We train them that all that matters is consumerism and being a good product and purchaser. Buy more worthless sh*t. Become a narcissist. Be out for yourself, because that’s the only one who matters.
All the while they are having their mind destroyed by an indoctrination-oriented school system and biased new sources.
Fill in the check boxes. Never question the check boxes.
The culture promotes individualism to an insane degree so they never can feel like they are a part of something bigger or have a community to rely on.
Then we train them to believe in subjective morality so they never have a basis from which to form real, logical, cohesive beliefs and values. All of their beliefs are based solely on how they feel at any given time. Not founded in a solid value or moral system.
And if that is not enough, then we take their minds and shove them toward desiring short-term satisfaction and instant gratification. To focus on getting just a few more likes on social media. Or to practice escapism through a plethora of recreational sources.
Then we teach them that all that matters is what is happening right now. We give them no future outlook on life. Because people that are future-oriented are dangerous to the status-quo.
Then we take that f**ked up outlook and allow degenerate sexuality to form through easy-access to the most depraved type of porn imaginable. Coupled with a large tolerance to any type of sexuality, perversion, or orientation. Especially damaging ones.
Even under the best circumstances in our society, the best a kid can do is come out with a minor porn addiction or other degenerate value system/ideology. That’s the best we can hope for.
Then we, as a nation, we wonder why everything is so screwed up.
Here’s a hint: Take a look at what we’re doing to our kids.
It’s ingrained into this very system that we have created to make and raise children.
We destroy their entire mind, body, and soul.
How then are we not worshiping Moloch?
Moloch was the Canaanite god of child sacrifice. Are we not sacrificing our own kids? To degeneracy, to poor morality, to quick fixes, and in many cases to literal sacrifice?
It is irrelevant if Moloch exists or not. What matters is that the very idea of the deity and its connection to our actions should be eye-opening.
The system itself, the very institution encircling us is designed to accomplish just that. To sacrifice them.
The USA traded its belief in God for a belief in Moloch. It is why we’re declining just like the Romans did.
The sad part is we can’t do much individually. But do what you can do: Build an enclave. Break away from this culture. Promote partitioning.
And for the love of all things holy, don’t willingly give your kids over to Moloch.
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“It is irrelevant if Moloch exists or not.”
It’s very relevant. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, agains t the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:12)
It’s the difference between seeing others as your enemy vs seeing them as victims of your enemy. It’s the difference between placing yourself on the chessboard where black and white play the same vs placing yourself under the authority of God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who overcame this world and who died and was resurrected so that we may live.
Good and evil won’t be decided by social consensus. That’s a losing battle for all sides who all believe their own way is right. Righteousness is of God alone. We who are in this world but not of it know we have a King.
This man makes some good videos about culture that you might enjoy.
Regarding the title of this discussion….that is only partly true. Yes many do…but most don’t. Trump is one of those who don’t.