Chapter 1: The Need For A New System for “Enclavism: A New Government Designed to Conquer the Political Cycle of Collapse” By Kaisar
A Public Disavowal Of My Perennialist Past
A recovering perennialist formally disavows his former beliefs and positions.
No Enemies On The Right
The Worthy House published an excellent article a while ago. It is about the “No Enemies On The Right [NEOTR]” principle.
The Horseshoe Theory: Put In Practice
Considering a geopolitical horseshoe theory.
The Fall Of Christendom And The Great Lie Of The Enlightenment
Why did Christendom fall? What role does the Enlightenment play regarding our beliefs in the modern era?
Civilizationalism: A Pathway For A Better Future
Discussing a common critique of nationalism: the idea that it cannot work in the modern era. The solution is civilizationalism.
Doubting The Counter-Narrative
Three narratives exist: The mainstream narrative, the mainstream’s counter-narrative, and a true alternative narrative. Here is how to recognize each.
Dante’s Inferno: The Medieval Importance Of Nation
Dante’s Inferno is an excursion into the nationalist mind of Christendom.
The New Puritans
Leftism is the bastard child of the spiritual degeneration of the Puritans and Quakers.
The Shopping Cart Theory
Sharing one of my favorite theories formulated back during the Trump era.