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For any nation-state to actually survive, the leaders must place the nation above an ideology.
This necessity was inverted in most Western nations during the Enlightenment days. Ideology is now above the nation.
Ben Shapiro claiming that “Color doesn’t matter. Ideology does.” is a great example. Or libertarians being fine with immigrants overrunning the country because of the supposed benefits to the free market. Or even select boomers touting the “America is an idea” nonsense.
Once you start looking for it, you see it everywhere:
The only true difference from these groups is the nationalist, which is where one chooses nation first over ideology first. Every group shown above is Enlightenment-based, whereas the nation-firsters are not. This is how I personally divide the “right” versus the “left”. This is a helpful starting point as we turn our attention to abortion.
There is perhaps no better signal of a person’s inclusion with the lame ideology group than abortion, because if someone is okay with slaughtering their own young to the tunes of millions, they clearly are an ideologue over a true nationalist. Because an actual nationalist would not want the junior members of his nation to be killed off en masse just so we can continue to foster a decadent oversexualized and feminist culture.
Kind of common sense stuff. But it gets murky for some people because they approach the abortion question through the lens of ideology instead of a genuine love for their people.
But for us, it is simple. If you love your people, you don’t want them to die at the hands of Moloch. If all you care about it is some obscure, intangible ideology, then you can do some insane mental gymnastics to wrestle abortion into being an acceptable position.
Normally I choose not to call out specific people genuinely on the right when I do critiques. This does not apply to limp-wristed “conservatives” that are okay with killing babies because “Well, everybody in the United States wants it!”
These people have been going off lately because of the recent Ohio referendum. I can’t tell you how many articles I have read recently from conservative sources about why the Right ‘needs to drop the abortion position’.
Ann Coulter is one of them. In a horrendous article, she claims that the pro-life movement is the right-wing version of defund the police:
‘Pro-life’ is the ‘Defund the Police’ of the GOP
Tuesday night, Ohio became the SEVENTH state to emphatically reject the tiniest restriction on abortion. It joins California, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Montana, and Vermont.
For half a century, right-wingers have screamed, There’s nothing in the constitution about abortion! It’s up to the states!
We won, the states voted— and voted and voted and voted — and we lost. Every time. It turns out (no matter what they tell pollsters or their neighbors) the people LOVE abortion. They want no restrictions. None. Not the tiniest little imposition.
Fellow pro-lifers: This is the “change hearts and minds” part of the battle, not the “force Republicans to keep losing elections” part.
Although there’s always my excellent Peace of Westphalia-style compromise proposal on abortion: Make it illegal ONLY for Registered Republicans.
Even if we consider elections as secure enough to be valid in this country (which is a sentence that should have made you laugh), this belief is ludicrous. There is so much error in such a short amount of space, it is hard to rectify it all. But we can try.
Firstly, the latter sentence is clearly a joking proposal meant to provoke Republicans. Or at least I hope so. A conservative openly calling for a two-tiered justice system based on your personal political affiliation is so out-of-touch and asinine that I do not even want to address it. You know the risk here. That’s a horrible idea.
Second, there is a disconnect in her belief on how changing beliefs (“hearts and minds”) occur. The only way minds will change in this country on abortion is if we capture the cultural and political institutions and direct change that way. Societal belief change does not occur from discussions with the grey masses, it comes only through power. So trying to acquire these political levers is how we change minds on a large enough scale to make a difference on abortion. More on this later.
Third, even from a secular materialist perspective like hers, Defund The Police (DTP) helped the democrats win elections through fraud and intimidation (through Black Lives Matter). She is directly claiming here that the pro-life is making us lose elections. And of course, there is the obvious: DTP destroyed hundreds of cities. I haven’t noticed too many grandma pro-lifers that have ransacked anything. They are clearly not relatable. But to relate a wicked, evil institution like DTP to God-fearing Christians entering harm’s way to fight for the soul of this nation is itself an evil act that Coulter should genuinely repent of.
Fourth, what is equally troubling is that most of these articles are from supposed “Christians”. Coulter herself has said “Christianity fuels everything I write.”—But apparently Christ comes second to republicans winning elections. Odd how that works.
So many Christians continue to wallow in the pit of “live and let live” morality, but that is not God’s morality. “State’s rights” is not God’s morality. We fight for His morals, not whatever morals the world of today demands. These people don’t worship Christ, they worship a golden idol they call “Freedom”.
These types of backwards arguments happen when you have secular materialists at the helm: We are not losing because of abortion, but because of secular materialism. Her focus on the physical election results over the moral and spiritual problems of our day is the actual reason why we are losing. It’s hilarious that these people cannot see this. The materialist always inverts the cause and effect.
You can find plenty of other similar articles with a quick search. Usually it comes down to them claiming that abortion is now a state’s rights issue, so we should not talk about it anymore and just let it happen in silence. A new form of “Don’t Ask; Don’t Tell”, if you will. But instead of sodomy it is murdering children.
These types of arguments could only happen with an ideology mentality. To relate violent black looters destroying towns because of lies and media manipulation to millions of babies being slaughtered because our culture is debased is so lost that only an ideologue could devise it.
All Coulter can see here is the election results. No thought on the long-term ramifications of abortion on our nation. She cannot recognize that giving up these essential moral and spiritual positions are what led us to where we are now. It is what created spiritually weak men, which become the human-version of the soyjack memes. All of our issues stem from this form of surrender on God’s true law. These people see nothing about the long-term or the foundational. Only the temporary; the fleeting. The material.
These people are literally becoming the FreedomToons republican. FreedomToons nailed it:
Also, we need to address the beliefs of the masses. This is a hard pill to swallow. It might actually be the hardest dissident pill for many to swallow. But the truth is that what the people want does not matter (read that article if you do not believe me). Most people are indoctrinated with what they believe through the dominant culture. It is not a genuine belief. Freedom on a large scale, like in a democracy, is imaginary.
To thus guide your ideology on the fleeting whims of these masses, whose beliefs are controlled by the elites, is a fool’s errand. The elites will simply keep pushing them in their preferred direction. You will always be playing catchup. Which is why republicans keep shifting their positions over time.
I explored this reality here:
The reality, whether or not we like it, is that the prevailing culture is set by our institutions, the political leaders do what they want, and then the masses adjust to both.
Because what the people want does not matter, trying to set our objectives based on what the current modern people think is backwards. Instead, we should be trying to focus on capturing the culture so we can direct it toward sanity—toward what God wants.
We do not do that by coalescing to the whims of the masses, but by shifting the Overton window and speaking uncomfortable truth openly. The masses must merge to us; not us to them.
Appealing to the masses will do nothing to help our situation. We do not control the masses at this point in time, so any attempt to appeal to them is playing under house rules.
I do not give a damn if it is not “practical”, or if it is not proper “optics”. We stand for truth or we will drown in our falsehoods. If we truly want to win, we have to stand with the truth. Not play a political coy to get slightly ahead in our current government system.
It is this constant softness of the conservative that is bleeding them. No one wants to support or be around the softies. If more people were hardline on these subjects, we would be far better off.
We need to shift the culture in our direction more than we need to win a purple seat or make some lukewarm independent like us.
We do not need to weaken ourselves or our positions because of the fleeting wind positions of the masses. They will lead us nowhere, because their positions are everchanging and evermanufactured.
Anyone earnestly claiming “this is what the people want!” does not know how actual politics works. Because even in a democracy, the results are not based on the people, but solely on those who control the cultural, intellectual, and political institutions that direct the people what to think.
A genuine right-winger should abhor abortion. This is true even if they are a materialist. No sane secular nationalist wants abortion, because they don’t want to kill their own people when our replacement levels are already abysmal. No sane secular nationalist wants to proliferate a degenerate sex-fueled culture that is anti-family. Abortion is a cornerstone in that practice.
Christians have even less of an excuse to support it. God is clearly against murder and harming children, so Christians cannot even slightly tolerate it unless they are in grave error.
Which shows that no matter which angle you come to this question from—whether a spiritual or a materialist perspective—the answer is the same for someone truly on the Right. No to abortion.
The only people that detract from this sane position are leftist freaks and soft right ideologues (listed at the start of this article). Two groups that share much in common, even if they do not recognize it.
This error is not in a vacuum. Behind this error is the Enlightenment mindset, like most of our modern mistakes.
Until we escape this mindset, we will forever be ensnarled by it.
This mindset is what leads us to the worship of economics, to the pathological individualism, and to things like being fine with abortion just so we can win an election. It is all wrapped up together. It is why it is so hard for people to pull themselves out of the “normie” sphere and into the dissident sphere.
Andrew Isker perfectly encapsulates this in a recent article:
Abortion is the Sacrament of Trashworld
For decades Pro-Life, Inc. and most of conservative evangelicalism has pushed this single issue in isolation from all the rest of modern American life. They have operated as though everything else in American life can remain the same so long as we stop murdering babies. This has always been nonsense.
All of our modern way of life is structured around the murder of tiny children. Consumerist, managerial, liberal society requires all of humanity to be deracinated, stripped of particular, historic ways of life, and every single person reduced to bare individuals. The order that God created for humanity, to have marriage, family, and children, the very necessities for a civilization to function and perpetuate itself is now a consumer lifestyle choice, among a myriad of others. There is no marriage as nearly all of human existence has known it. Now it is merely a legal compact for two adults to live and share property together, to be dissolved whenever there is no longer mutual consent.
Abortion allows women to be unshackled from their telos, their divinely-ordained, unique purpose—to bear and rear children. Now, they can be bare economic units consuming whatever they produce, and free to pursue whatever way of life they desire, even to become “men.” The basis of our entire society is the freedom to become whatever you want, created realities be damned. You don’t want to be uniquely bestowed with the power to bring new human life into the world? Then we can kill that life whenever it is created in your body.
Abortion is the sacrament of this total freedom and atomized individualism. It is the barbaric ritual-killing, blood must be shed so you can be free to enjoy brunch and swiping right. The entirety of American society, and especially what the American views as its highest good, requires abortion be held sacrosanct.
The mainstream evangelical Christian, the bulwark that gives the Pro-Life movement its energy and foot soldiers does not view American society this way at all. It believes that the consumerist, liberal paradise is just fine, so long as we don’t chop up babies. They believe we can still have our feminism, our “strong, independent women,” and a country that is reduced to an economic zone, so long as abortion is banned.
The reason why it is so hard for Americans to give up the abortion piece is because it is a foundational ritual dedicated to the wicked state we reside under.
Abortion is the holy grail of the Enlightenment.
The greater Enlightenment tree supports abortion through all of her branches: the leftist’s feminism needs it, the republican’s individualism yearns for it, the libertarian’s desire for civilizational-destroying “freedom” demands it, the centrist’s ‘live and let live’ rationalism allows for it, and so on. It infests everything.
If we ever wish to overcome this wicked condition, we have to reject all the Enlightenment lies. We cannot pick and choose which lies we want to keep.
Isker is correct. Abortion is a sacrament of this evil country.
Which means we need to fully and totally reject it. Election results be damned.
Read Next: Worse Than Weimar
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Regarding the Ohio abortion bill I think the abortion lobby did better at marketing. I have neighbors that were conned by the wording in the ads. The statement that if your daughter is pregnant due to rape affected a few votes of neighbors.I was shocked on the people conned and the reaction when I informed them of what the bill actually did. I do not believe in any state or national election. My dominion machine was as secure as a hotspot cellular device can be. I haven’t felt elections have been fair for some time. I still wonder who the 2 million people who voted for Dewine for governor and Sherrod Brown for senate are. I don’t think they exist. The bottom line is we will not vote ourselves out of this.
To the author I want to thank you for your writing. I’m glad I have someone to read of a similar mindset. Keep up the good work. I have read your work for a couple of years and really appreciate it. First time commenting. I do hope with the boomers dying off we can regain sanity.
As usual, right? They are always better at underhanded tactics. I did not even know that the wording and statements were that explicit. I appreciate you pointing that out and the on-the-ground analysis from Ohio itself. It is even worse than I had thought now that I looked into it more. You should strongly consider sharing more about what you saw/heard during the election (for both the abortion vote and for the Dewine/other races).
Agree fully, Anon. It is a sad reality, but one we have to address with courage.
Thank you for the kind words and I fully agree with your hope of regaining sanity. We will, God willing, someday (soon).
Tremendous article. You perfectly put to words my feelings and underlying uncertainty with everyone now calling for a “backseat to the abortion debate”. I could not describe this nearly as eloquently. I will be sharing this one around far and wide. Thanks K.
Appreciate the kind words, Melissa. Thanks!
//No sane secular nationalist wants to proliferate a degenerate sex-fueled culture that is anti-family.
All I will say is, let the anti-family degenerates end their own family lines if they want to, instead of bringing unwanted and dysfunctional kids into this world who will grow up to be again welfare parasites at best, or criminals at worst.
No one should be having kids that they aren’t consciously welcoming into this world and are fully prepared both mentally and financially to raise. Conservative Christians are hopefully part of this category in the majority, so you can assume the children they have and raise will be responsible and law abiding citizens when they grow up.
If the lefty degenerates want eugenics for themselves, let them have it. Unless you are willing to rescue and adopt every unwanted kid born and ensure that they get a loving family, it only proves the criticism that goes ‘Republicans/conservative care very much about the unborn child. After they’re born they can go fuck themselves’. So ask yourself – is this really about concern for the children not yet born or about punishing people for having kids they didn’t want (which doesn’t always follow the narrative of irresponsible unprotected sex)?
Coulter was right in the sense of abortion being a show stopper for elections. And if you aren’t even winning elections, pray tell how do you plan on reversing 70= years of the long march through the institutions?
Lefties breed by infecting the education system with their ideas. If you focus on taking back control (home schooling on the increase is a great thing in this regard) and keeping your kids away from the idiotic college system of taking on massive debt for useless degrees, that’s a big step forward.
Add to that no more lefties having children they don’t want and eventually your country will only have a majority of healthy conservative citizens.
Too bad abortion doesn’t just magically stop with the “anti-family degenerates” you don’t mind being killed off. It ends up becoming a ritual that kills millions, including normal people’s kids because it becomes normalized. You are not looking at the full picture. It’s a culture issue. It isn’t a targeted weapon.
Only in the modern era with the modern brain do we have people saying “people shouldn’t have kids unless they are ready”. No one is ever ready. But you made the decision to have sex, so deal with it. Our ancestors had kids at 18 and were fine, bitched much less too. Victim mindset is everywhere, constantly. Even with rightwing, it’s sad. Polar opposite of the victor mindset of our ancestors in prior ages.
You got a ways to go if you think elections are going to save us. Rightwingers should be calling them “selections”. The only error I see in this article is Kaisar’s use of the word election, giving it any credibility whatsoever.
But you’re on the right website, hopefully K can help direct you where you need to be. I also recommend checking out,,, and similar websites. You’ll quickly be able to learn the truth about so-called “elections”.
As a final note:
That’s what repubs have been saying for my entire life, and I am old. It’s been wrong the entire time. The exact opposite is happening. Lefties do not recreate through procreation. They do it through indoctrination. This will not work, just like it has not worked for conservatives and right-wingers worldwide for the past one hundred years. Got to move passed it.
So what’s the alternative, sit at home and sulk that the elections are rigged, thereby saving the Democrats even any token effort? Lefties are far better organized at pushing their agenda by all means, it is conservatives who only ever thought elections were the way to effect change and one can spend the rest of the 364 days of the year just focusing on one’s job and personal responsibilities. The long march through the institutions happened gradually while the rest of us were busy with our daily lives.
Thereby proving what I said – it is more about punishing people for sexual behavior than any concern for unborn children.
I already addressed that point wrt homeschooling being on the rise, but ok.
Good calls on homeschool, college debt, and outbreeding the leftists. I do agree on each.
Michael already hit a few of the points I’d wager in response to your critique parts. The only things I’d add would be that:
Cheers, Rex. I have enjoyed your recent critiques.
Thanks Kaiser. I went on a binge read of your blog after discovering your initial post about enclavism. Just a suggestion for the site, if you could make the past archive available in one place it would be easier to find posts. So far I’ve only been able to hop from one to the other via ‘related’ or when you reference an older one in a recent post. I follow your blog via RSS feed and am also thankful yours is one of the few that continue to support it instead of email subscription only.
The archive page is found here: Hidden Dominion Archive. It is not well done; I need to improve it in the future. But maybe it will be of some help.
Many people also ask for the most popular articles. They are here: Most Popular. That page is a bit more put together comparatively.
I need to edit the general menu to make it more clear to find things. Thanks for the reminder.
This is great, thanks!
Very articulate article. I recently found Hidden Dominion after seeing this article on IdentityDixie, and I’ve also greatly enjoyed reading a lot of your other articles that shed light on these tragic struggles of the American nation, like mass migration, materialism, or, as shown in this one, the horrible child sacrifice epidemic that’s plaguing the land. Shared this article with my father and he also found it to be a good read. Thank you for writing it. I’m certainly looking forward to more of your publications.
Appreciate the kind comment, Abram. And doubly thank you for sharing it. Glad it was of interest.