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A writer by the name of Robert Anton Wilson said:
The obedient always think about themselves as virtuous, rather than cowardly.
Which is painfully true in the modern day. It is painful how pathetically obedient the population has become.
This is an inversion of moral strength. It is not virtuous to be weak. Quite the contrary. It is a lack of moral strength. It is fear, cowardice.
It’s not my first time writing on this subject and it won’t be my last:
Even the socialists figured this one out:
When a stupid man is doing something he is ashamed of, he always declares that it is his duty.
– George Bernard Shaw
Weak men, by their very own stature, cannot be virtuous. Nor honorable.
By its own definition, virtue requires fortitude first. You have to be strong enough to be moral in hard times before you can actually achieve any semblance of virtue. Being nice and kind during good times is not equivalent to being virtuous in hard times.
Being good when everything is handed and provided to you is not difficult. Being good when everything is on the line is exceptionally challenging.
Fortitude is essential. Which means disobedience, in favor of what is right over what is asked.
Meanwhile, fortitude requires courage, strength, and dedication to the morally righteous.
Anywhere in our society where this is evidently lacking?
Does covid ring a bell?
Everyone is just going along with the tyrannical overreaches and finding justifications in their head about how it is virtuous to do so. “Be meek like Jesus,” they say, misinterpreting the meaning of meek. “Don’t be confrontational,” they say, while being far too afraid to confront anyone in the first place.
They put on their masks because they want to “make sure others feel better”, betraying their own beliefs in the process by placing false virtue over that of moral righteousness.
It’s endemic in our society right now. And it won’t save us.
There is no magical event or person that is coming to save us. It’s up to us to change anything. We can’t get that done with the cowardly obedience that’s currently on display.
If we all sacrifice, become courageous, and organize those with the proper spirit, then we have hope. There is no waiting, no “hiding for the right time”, none of it. We mobilize or we die.
Any belief or philosophy on the Right that seeks to get people to believe in some person or event saving us and being complacent obedient slaves are likely psyops, honestly. They are probably distortioners working against us. Be wary of them. Ignore them. Organize and stand strong.
Samuel Adams had a worthwhile exit quote for this subject:
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
– Samuel Adams: Speech at the Philadelphia State House, August 1, 1776
Quit being a coward. Now is the time. Bear good fruit.
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It is not evil that will bring mankind to its knees. It is ignorance. America has become a “nanny” country. Similac is in full demand!
Thank you for posting this for the world to see. A YouTube video introduced me to that quote and from there this write-up. Keep up the excellent work!
Glad you found it helpful. Thanks!