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For the longest time, dissidents have known that in the United States our blacks are 13% of the population but commit 52% of the murders/violent crimes.
We’re often called racist for recognizing this fact.
“It’s not being black that causes it, but their status as descendents of slavery”, we hear in attempted justification. Or they’ll fall back on poverty or something else, ignoring biological reality.
But that theory gets blown out of the water if we actually attempt to review their crime rates in other countries. France, for example:
France: Foreigners commit 69% of robberies, violent crimes, and sexual assaults on public transport
Africans are responsible for 52 percent of crimes on public transport while making up just 3.2 percent of the population
Last year, 69 percent of violent robberies and other violent crimes, including sexual assaults, on public transport in the greater Paris region of Île-de-France were perpetrated by foreign nationals, according to the annual figures of the SSMSI, the statistics bureau of the French Ministry of Interior.
However, looking closer at the data, it is revealed that Africans alone are responsible for 52 percent of such crimes while only representing 3.2 percent of the population of France.
The same goes for other countries taking them in that do not share our unique slavery background. Nothing new under the sun.
Also, it really is fascinating that even France hits the 52 percent figure. Perhaps there is a law of nature at work here: The Law of 52?
Nice ring to it.
However we end up defining it, our new AI overlords seem to concur:
The AI sure isn’t wrong, and this information is not difficult to find or verify. Especially if you’ve ever lived in an area that is not lily white New England.
The reason I bring all of this up is that Tucker Carlson just broke about half of the normiecons with this video on X and on YouTube:
This fact is only surprising to those that do not understand the Law of 52. Those who do know it, knew immediately what happened when that story first broke out. Tucker says that “we now know”… but he is feigning ignorance. He knows the law of 52. He knew then. We all did. He just couldn’t say it because of the Fox contract and the risk of death by riots.
I actually penned an article on it right after it happened, saying exactly what Carlson “exposes” now three years later. I wrote another follow-up article just a few months after, titled: The Truth on George Floyd Finally Arrives. Both of them include what Carlson says now. And I’m far from alone, most respectable dissident writers did the same.
Still, better late than never for Carlson, I suppose. It’s always good news when more normiecons are forced to recognize the reality of the lies sold to them, leading them to the uncomfortable truth.
Here is one such uncomfortable truth: If a trend is consistent across multiple places and time periods, it’s no longer a coincidence. It’s just nature.
In this case, it’s just Nature’s Law of 52.
Read Next: The Weirdest Thing About American Culture
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what is truly bizarre is – if you look at the bottom of the AI generated picture there is a hidden 52 in the bottom right corner. looks like a hidden 13 on the bottom left corner. the 52 is slightly hard to see – but once you see it, it is very clear.
Even the AI knows the Law of 13/52.
You import 3rd world citizens; you become the 3rd world.
France, have fun.
A lesson learned a tad too late.
Is it racism to recognize basic pattern recognition?
To the leftist, any type of recognition is racism.
Even nonrecognition. Thereby making every possible thing you could do racist.