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The Modern Materialist Illustrated

What are these people thinking?
the modern materialsit illustrated meme header

What Are They Thinking?

The modern materialist is so deranged, it’s almost comical.

This is a real article:

modern materialist illustrated meme

The world is rushing into a catastrophic global conflict, and what does the materialist care about?

Their investments.


The markets.

Their portfolio.

I don’t even want to link it, because it is so mind-blowingly shortsighted and just pure wicked. But you know I have to:

Could financial markets once again be underpricing the risk of a global conflict? In the nightmare scenario, the descent into a third world war began two years ago, as Russian troops massed on the Ukrainian border. Today Israel’s battle against Hamas has the frightening potential to spill across its borders. American military support is crucial to both Ukraine and Israel, and in Iraq and Syria the superpower’s bases have come under fire, probably from proxies of Iran. Should China decide it is time to take advantage of a distracted superpower and invade Taiwan, America could all too easily end up being drawn into three wars at once. The rest of the world risks those wars interlocking and turning into something even more devastating.

This scenario would of course place financial damage a long way down the list of horrors. Even so, it is part of an investor’s job to consider exactly what it would mean for their portfolio.

The bankers only care about their profit. This much has been known for a long time.

The Mammon worshippers just cannot stop worshipping Mammon, no matter what. They really are in a cult.

When we finally overcome the Enlightenment mindset, these people are going to need years of deprogramming. It is the only way to fix them.

Our situation really is as the meme goes:

meme monday born too late to deploy to the Middle East meme

Read Next: Leave The Birds Alone


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1389


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