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The problems that haunt us today are not modern at all.
In fact, most of them are centuries old.
Many conservatives often seek to solve problems of the modern day: How do we stop transgender kids from getting their genitals chopped off by school officials, they wonder? How do we fix a broken election system, they also ponder?
In trying to answer these questions, the conservative often falls back on a modern answer to solve the modern problem. We’ll fight transgenders with free speech and activism, they yell! We’ll overcome rigged elections by getting an even greater vote margin that’s larger than the possible fraud, they proclaim!
Again: A modern answer to solve the modern problem.
But herein is the error in their method, and why they constantly fail: The modern problem is not truly modern at all. It’s a centuries-old problem that has infested everything since then. Things like transgenderism and widespread voter fraud exist because of the foundational lies that have allowed them.
Even the conservative’s modern answer is derived from a corrupt worldview… that they have because of the centuries-old problem itself.
The average conservative’s framework is so totally removed from reality due to this disconnect that it should be no surprise that they continually fail to adequately “fix” or “conserve” literally anything of value.
But what is that problem that I keep mentioning?
That centuries-old problem is the Enlightenment itself. The very foundation of modernity.
The obstacles we face today are a direct result from the civilizational outlook/mindset shift from Christendom to Modernity, which transpired because of the so-called “Enlightenment”.
The modern beliefs that virtually every single person today holds are from the Enlightenment. This includes leftists, conservatives, and even many dissidents.
Here are a few examples:
Every political group in the modern age has a degeneration attached to it that was sowed from the Enlightenment Lie.
Christendom was the last time we had something real—something of tangible value on a civilizational level. But we lost that once the age shifted to the modern era.
Therein lies the true problem for all of us. If we want to fix the modern problems, we have to first fix the entire framework that has allowed those problems to exist, which is modernity and the Enlightenment themselves.
We, in effect, have to readopt the mindset of Christendom. That’s the only way to truly “fix” the ailments facing us now. As I have quoted before:
We all want progress. But progress means getting nearer to the place where you want to be. And if you have taken a wrong turning then to go forward does not get you any nearer. If you are on the wrong road progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road and in that case the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive man. There is nothing progressive about being pig-headed and refusing to admit a mistake. And I think if you look at the present state of the world it’s pretty plain that humanity has been making some big mistake. We’re on the wrong road. And if that is so we must go back. Going back is the quickest way on.
You want to get past this age of evil? Then we have to first go back to the right road.
Let me pick on dissidents for a minute, since I am one. To continue down this same path, even if secular materialist dissidents are at the helm, will lead us nowhere but further depravity. Progress requires us to get back on the right road first.
Secular materialism was brought to us by the Enlightenment Lie. It’s the far-right equivalent of the modern far-left Enlightenment degenerations.
Right-wing secular materialism uses the same foundational pillars of the Enlightenment (I spoke about these pillars more in this article—But in short, the two main pillars are materialism combined with the belief that the highest pathway to knowledge is solely by men’s reasoning).
So this approach will never beat the Enlightenment, because it is solidly within its own playbook.
You have to first agree to the foundational pillars of the Enlightenment before you can become a secular materialist. The same applies to modern conservatives and leftists: you have to first agree to the playbook established by the Enlightenment before you can play the game.
But then we’re all in this same rat race game, trapped by the same lies. We’ll never escape the cage; only reorganize the insides of it a bit.
So, what should we do? My belief is we must fully break free from the confines of the Enlightenment Lie.
The mindset of Christendom is the only thing that can do that. We must return to the right road first.
Which means correcting the centuries-old problems, first. Principally: Why did Christendom fail? So that we may revive it and make sure the same does not happen once again.
A brief history is needed. I cannot go into major detail here or else this article would be 10,000 words, so forgive me for the generalities. These major events significantly contributed to the fall:
Why did Christendom fall? As much as Protestants like to blame the Roman Catholics, and as much as Roman Catholics like to blame the Protestants, the truth lies in both of them.
The absolute wicked behavior of the Popes leading up to the 15th century definitely contributed to the lack of reverence for that office. That made the people distance themselves from the church (I use “church” in the universal spiritual manner, not in the Roman Catholic sense). This lead to the splintering of the Roman Catholics with the Great Schism, which did irreparable harm to the idea of a universal, “above-man’s reasoning” Christian church. This seriously degraded the unity and focus of Christians.
Dually, the West’s sacking of Constantinople during the crusades and the lack of aid rendered to them is what lead to the Arabs overrunning Byzantine and leading to the Great Captivity of the Orthodox Church. This also discredited Christianity and splintered us.
The Protestants furthered this deterioration, however, with the vitriol and hostilities opened up against the Roman Catholics during the reformation. Instead of lovingly trying to save, convince, or convert the Catholics, many of the Protestants attacked them instead. Often, in these attacks, Protestant Europe used Enlightenment thinkers to add to their attacks against the Roman Catholics. They did not seem to realize that these same attacks would soon be levied against them, just as effectively.
Both groups have their share of the blame. There was plenty of back and forth between them. This shaky ground allowed for the 18th century to commence unopposed, because Christians were too busy fighting one another to notice the Enlightenment Lie spreading everywhere. The lies spread relatively unopposed well into the 18th century.
The Philosophes, as they were called, started out on the side of the Protestants. They were considered anti-papal at first. But once the Philosophes had enough ground, this quickly morphed into an explicitly overall anti-Christian movement.
This isn’t even debated, it’s publically listed even on compromised sites like Wikipedia. The Enlightenment and their henchmen, the Philosophes, were both literally anti-Christ. They hated Christianity. Their rationalism was specifically created “to render Christ useless”, in their own words.
I believe that if Voltaire, Denis Diderot, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau knew what they were creating—if only they could only see us now—they would have put down their pens and ran off to crusade-slaughter their own fellow Philosophes. They did not know what bastard they were birthing, but that does not excuse them of the sin they put on us. A great irony arises in their famous words: Sapere aude! Oh, how I wish that Kant would know how his little experiment turned out. Maybe he’d dare to know a bit less next time.
The Philosophes believed Christianity was an obstacle to their utopia dream; a rational reorganization of society. Well guess what: They got it! Look around our society. Does this seem like a rational utopia to you? When man’s rationale is all we have, this is the inevitable end result. You don’t have to take my word for it, just open your damn eyes—This is exactly what the Enlightenment wanted, they’ve controlled us since the 18th century, and this is what we got. You can see its fruits. We can see what happens when man’s reason is left in charge.
Our species can “rationalize” anything, even that genders don’t exist. It doesn’t matter if that does not make rational sense, because without God, nothing matters anywhere. There is no authority or objective standard to compare too. So Sheniqua’s bipolar emotions are just as valid as the Holy Spirit, given this foundational belief. Reality is theirs to mold, as it is all perception based.
By the time this Enlightenment Lie permeated in our civilization, the blood started to flow. After the French Revolution, we got The Terror; and what a terror it was for Christians. The Enlightenment Revolutionaries, going strictly after the logic of the Philosophes, slaughtered the clergy in France and declared war on the Catholic Church.
Their stated goal was to fully de-Christianize France (in other words, to kill Christendom), which included drowning priests, raping nuns, destroying churches, and burning Christians alive inside their own institutions.
They even demanded an Oath of Obedience, where clergy had to swear an Oath to the Constitution above God. Most of the clergy did not comply, so they were slaughtered in the ensuing terror.
These nutcases even foretold the weird pagan cults we have today. The “Cult of Reason” was created in France, which was a state-sponsored atheistic religion forced on the people as a replacement for Roman Catholicism. It was later replaced with the Cult of the Supreme Being, a deistic cult.
The first one, the Cult of Reason, literally put up a Goddess of Reason idol in the Notre-Dame Cathedral. Yes, they even had the equivalent of a golden calf to worship. You really cannot make this stuff up.
You may wonder, what did they worship? In This Cult of Reason?
Four things:
This was their cult. They even called it a cult, so don’t get mad at me for labelling it as such.
Which is hilarious, because each of these is identical to our modern idols and cults:
What a great Enlightenment. How Enlightening.
This is why we are at where we are. Our current degenerative origins are found in the fall of Christendom, alongside the replacement of it with the Great Lie.
But here’s a certitude: None of the above four are Christian at all:
The above inversions are why I claimed so empathetically and so passionately that the Enlightenment is the real and original Great Lie of our era. Dually, why we must so voraciously fight against it.
We cannot use its logic, its belief, its mindset, or its philosophy and expect to find truth, because it is rooted in these anti-Christian lies.
Obviously, the Cult of Reason plague was temporarily stomped out by Napoleon who restored the Roman Catholic church, but the virus had already incubated. It was now travelling to all nation-states within the West.
There was no escaping it now. France sealed our fate.
So, here we are.
Returning to our original question, why did Christendom fall? Now, with this historical background given, we can see the answer more clearly.
I believe Christendom fell for two primary reasons (Which are both conditions that arise from weak men that do not correct the below errors):
And what do we have going on today? Hmm, let’s see:
We’re still trapped in the fall of Christendom because nothing has changed. The Enlightenment cultists are still largely unopposed.
Demons are literally mutilating children and we’re spending more time debating minute theological differences between Presbyterians and Baptists. Likewise, most everyone has adopted the Enlightenment lies as a condition of living in the modern era, so few have the fortitude and the knowledge to rebuke them for what they are: lies and heresy.
In the past, the church was weak, so the nation-states became corrupted. There was no balance by the faithful, because they were too distracted doing other things. The same continues today.
Christendom worked because there was a balance among the powers. Our entire Western Civilization acted as the Greek city-states, but on a civilizational level. Instead of city-states, we had nation-states. Power was kept contained through the use of nationalism in the states and church unity among believers, even with disagreements.*
*(Nearly the entire era of Christendom the Orthodox were split/schismatic from the Roman Catholics, for instance. You can have separate denominations while keeping the civilization intact. We just didn’t do that this last time, as our internal fighting trumped the external spiritual battle).
So what happened? The church became weak, and national unity became weak. Thus, our entire civilization disintegrated. The people then wanted a new religion (to make up for the church, a perceived failure), and a new state (to make up for the nation-state, a perceived failure).
This degenerated mindset is still with us from this time period, even in dissidents, because we have not yet replaced it or truly returned to Christendom.
Our modern people still worship at the altar of the Goddess Of Reason—Where everything must be individualistically rationalized and material. We only see or care for the material. We are secular and most want to keep it that way, even self-proclaimed Christians.
Things like secular materialism and clown world morality, then, are the very end result of the Enlightenment and the fall of Christendom. For all the people that moan about the condition of our day and of our people, they fail to see the reality is that the very mental framework they proliferate is what caused it.
The Enlightenment Lie was the first great lie that started our era. This is the end result of that lie; the end path that it will always merge to.
Either we correct that lie or we will always end at this path.
I have harsh words to say here to my brother dissidents, but I mean this lovingly and with the best of intentions (solely for edification). We have many dissidents that fight vehemently for our European people and nationalistic objectives, but do so through the use of Enlightenment ideals and a secular materialist mindset. It is mind-boggling, truthfully, that these dissidents cannot see that the whole reason we need people fighting for Europeans right now is because of the failure of the Enlightenment in the first place.
Had that not occurred, and our people were not sucked into the “my personal reasoning trumps everything else”, we would not be in this mess in the first place. The bankers would not have been able to put us into usurious debt slavery, our borders would not have been overrun with non-Christians, and our civilization would not have the wicked Enlightenment mindset that it has. So why do you continue to use these lies to “advance” our own cause? It won’t work.
Using the enemy’s rationalist logic will not help us escape our dilemma, it will only further sink us into their own manufactured abyss. Rise above it! We don’t need their failures or their lies. We have the truth; it’s always been with us. Its heart lies with the nation-state model of Christendom.
The lies of 20th century, such as much of our modern beliefs about World War 2, are atrocious; The lies of the 19th century, such as the reasoning for the civil war, are horrendous; even the lies of the 18th century, such as the “innocent French revolution for democracy”, are horrific. It is true. However, the foundational lie that allowed for each of these is the Enlightenment lie. Which is The Great Lie that surrendered Christendom and nation-states to their inevitable death.
If we want Christ to remain in his position as the Left Hand—which all Christians should—we must correct this lie. If we want our people to survive, as the nations that we are, we must correct this lie. There is no other option.
The Goddess of Reason has failed just like the harebrained golden calf idols of the ancient Israelites. So stop relying on it—It will not work better next time nor with “our guys” at the helm.
The moderners that continue to worship at the Altar of the Enlightenment look just as foolish as the modern Israelites that continue to worship golden calfs and the star of Remphan. They’ve failed. These idols will always fail. There are centuries of evidence that they will fail. Give it up already!
When true dissidents call for “rejecting the modern world”—We actually mean it. But we mean all of it. Not just the excesses that you personally don’t like. Rejecting the modern world is rejecting the entire Enlightenment lie which all of modernity is based upon.
I will end with this: If you truly care about saving our people, you need to save yourself first. The only way to do that is to study Christendom and the philosophies of the Enlightenment. As someone that would read an article such as this, you will quickly uncover the truth if you do so. Read about real Christianity, the Bible, and how the Enlightenment is the exact opposite of the former.
That truth is that the Enlightenment, and all the devious plans since then, has been a complete misrepresentation fabricated and endorsed by our most longstanding enemies. It is there specifically to destroy Christendom, because Christendom is the only thing that can reignite and save the West.
They used the Enlightenment to disarm us of our spiritual and nationalistic power; to switch out the Cathedral of God for the Temple of Reason.
But you can reject this lie.
By learning the truth, you rearm yourself with the weapon of our ancestors that allowed Western Civilization to thrive for over a millennium.
It is only if enough of our people do this that we can hope to turn the tide against this wicked age.
Dei gratia, we will.
Encouraged Further Reading:
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I was confused by your writing, “If we want Christ to remain in his position as the Left Hand”. Can you explain?
The “Left Hand” distinction is taken from Martin Luther. He discussed the difference between the right hand of God (gospel, forgiveness of sins, etc.) compared to the left hand (control over civil authority such as government and law). God uses both to save, reward, and punish. We want Christ to remain in charge of this left hand (regarding our own rulers and civil authority), meaning we want him to reign over a Christian and obedient nation, so our civil authorities will reflect that and reward us instead of punish us.
Hope that makes sense. Thanks for the comment German Confederate.