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The Enslavement Of Mankind

Using Stephen Goodson's book "A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind" to decipher a recent BlackRock exposé.
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A Cycle As Old As Recorded History

James O’Keefe has done it again. Another successful undercover sting operation.

This time, the focus is on a much needed target, BlackRock Financial:

BlackRock Recruiter Claims Senators Can Be ‘Bought’ For $10k, War ‘Good For Business’: O’Keefe

The undercover chaps and lasses at James O’Keefe’s new undercover media venture have done it again – this time tricking a BlackRock recruiter into making several damning admissions.

In a series of covertly-recorded meetings, recruiter Serge Varlay describes how BlackRock – the world’s largest asset manager – is able to “run the world,” and that it’s easier to pull off shenanigans when “people aren’t thinking about it.”

According to Varlay, US Senators can be ‘bought’ for as little as $10k.

“The senators…are f***ing cheap – you got 10 grand, you can buy a senator,” he remarked.

You can take this big f*** ton of money and buy people, I work for a company called BlackRock…It’s not who is the president it’s who is controlling the wallet of the president. You could buy your candidates. First, there is the senators these guys are fuckin cheap. Got 10 grand you can buy a senator I’ll give you 500k right now It doesn’t matter who wins they’re in my pocket.

Blackrock is also apparently loving the war in Ukraine, which Varley described as “real fuckin’ good for business.”

Ukraine is good for business, you know that right? Russia blows up Ukraine’s grain silos and the price of wheat is going to go mad up. The Ukrainian economy is the wheat market. The price of bread goes up, this is fantastic if you’re trading.  Volatility creates opportunity for profit…


Varlay said these banks run the world because “you acquire stuff. You diversify, you acquire, you keep acquiring. You spend whatever you make in acquiring more. And at a certain point, your risk level is super low. Imagine you’ve invested in 10 different industries, from food to drinks to technology. If one of them fails it doesn’t matter, you have nine others to back you up.”

Varlay said that once “you own a little bit of everything… you can take this big f*ck-ton of money and then you can start to buy people.”

Now, this is the key. If more libertarians and average conservatives understood this simple revelation—provided candidly by one elitist themselves—they would instantly become true dissidents.

They could finally leave the conservative “restore the republic” and the libertarian “live and let live” mantra behind.

That revelation is this:

  • The financial elite are no different from and work with the political elite.

They may be in a different arena, but they are from the same hegemonic group: the centralizer.

Once you truly understand that very simple sentence, you instantly recognize that a republic is doomed to an oligarchy and cannot be saved. You also instantly recognize that if you allow the merchants to live and let live in a viva libertarian fashion, they will conquer everything and destroy you.

Just like BlackRock has done in the financial and farming sectors.

BlackRock is doing the exact same thing the end-stage Roman Republic senators (oligarchs) were doing before Caesar justifiably crushed them. They are centralizing and consolidating land and financial assets while bleeding dry the average citizen. This same thing also happened in the late stage British Empire, and every other republic in history.

A republic inevitably becomes an oligarchy by its nature.

Part of that oligarchical nature requires the enslavement of the plebs, or the serfs, or the debt-holder. Words change, but the meanings are not much different.

Many argue that the elites push for “democracy” for the sole purpose of overthrowing the only person who can counterbalance them (a monarch), so then the ‘few‘ oligarchs do not have to worry about that pesky balancing force anymore. Democracy, capitalism, socialism, and whatever else are all tools of these oligarchs. They use whichever is convenient at the time. It is nothing new.

The bankers—the true “deep state” cabal—have been orchestrating everything behind the scenes in this country for centuries. BlackRock is one such entity.

There is an excellent banned book titled “A History Of Central Banking: And The Enslavement Of Mankind” by Stephen Goodson that really nails this point. You can find that book listed alongside many other great dissident reads on my recommended reads page.

I would like to share a few quotes from the book that are relevant for this topic. The very first paragraph in the book starts with the following:

History is the most crucial subject of any educational system superseding science and the humanities in importance […] If history is compromised by falsifications and omissions, which are frequently imposed by outsiders, then that civilisation will decay and finally collapse, as may be observed in the slow disintegration of Western civilization since 1945.


Throughout recorded history, periods of state control of the money supply have been synonymous with eras of prosperity, peace, cultural enrichment, full employment and zero inflation. However, when private bankers usurp control of the money creation process, the inevitable results are recurring cycles of prosperity and poverty, unemployment, embedded inflation, an enormous and ever increasing transfer of wealth and political power to this tiny clique, who control this exploitative monetary system. Whenever these private and central bankers have been opposed in the past by nations seeking restoration of an honest money system, these parasitic bankers have invariably invoked a “patriotic” war in order to defeat the much maligned “enemy”. This has been a feature of almost all wars during the past 300 plus years.

The first paragraph is painfully true. No one—not even most so-called conservatives—know the true history of our own land and people. Instead, they’ve been indoctrinated with “falsifications and omissions” courtesy of the bankers and SCMs. Such glaring lies include the melting pot lie, the Judeo-Christian lie, the “America Is An Idea” lie, the peaceful democracy lie, and a hundred others. Most of our own heroes are actually villains; and villains actually heroes. This perversion was imposed predominantly by outsiders.

And even further, in the second paragraph Stephen Goodson—a South African banker who served as the director of the South African Central Reserve Bank for nine years—clearly articulates the problem of the scam central banking system. Of which, BlackRock is a perfect example of here in the States.

The idea is simple: You want a free country? Then you need control over your own money supply. It cannot be in the hands of private individuals. We haven’t controlled ours in hundreds of years.

At the end of the book, Matthew Johnson fully condemns the system component and how it relates to the bankers:

One of the most difficult things to explain to American university students is how capitalism and communism share far more in common than they do in conflict. In fact, regardless of how it is explained, the old saw that the two approaches are “opposites” can never quite penetrate. Even worse, explaining to students and their bewildered parents that the US banking and industrial conglomerates financed the Soviet Red revolution and built Soviet industry is also maddeningly impossible.

One simple way to explain it is to say that, for bankers in the modern era, the state’s control of the entire economy from one place is what bankers believe paradise to look like. There is one plan, one banking system and one social system in place; this means that banks merely forward the cash, both expecting the state, not the economy as such, to reimburse them with the requisite interest. In other words, the command economy is the most congenial to banks. There is no necessary connection between private banking and a state-owned economy.

It is just as simple for a banker to work for the Party as it is for Goldman-Sachs.

Capitalism and socialism are based on materialism. Production and utility alone are considered goods, and efficiency in methods is considered the sine qua non of ethical contemplation. Both systems are oriented to technology, hold to a linear view of history, and seek the mechanization of all aspects of humanity.

As they both develop, the economic system and the state merge into a single machine. The error of the libertarians has always been their insistence that the state and private capital are opposed. Quite the opposite is true. Large concentrations of capital are deeply embedded in the state, using it as both a personal bodyguard and as a regulator that keeps market entry impossibly high. The defeat of the Justice Department by Microsoft in 2010-2012 shows the imbalance of power between private capital and the state. This might seem tangential to a work on banking. For the typical isolated and tenured professor of political economy, it would be. For those, such as Mr. Goodson, who served on the Board of the Central Bank of South Africa for many years, isolated academia seems absurd. Mr. Goodson was anything but isolated, and he witnessed the tight control of banking conglomerates the world over. He saw it in vivid colors.


There is one constant in history that is manifestly clear in this work: that the essential distinction between monarchy and republicanism (broadly speaking) is economic. Republics are normally oligarchies, or at least contain its seeds. Monarchies, since they are perpetually at war with their own nobility, often reject the assumptions of oligarchy. Whether it be the national socialist party of China or Belarus, the royal bank of St. Petersburg or the centralized dictatorship of the Augustan era, all forms of strong statism have made war on the banking monopoly. No authoritarian leader will accept competition from an all powerful economic mediator. Of course, there are a few exceptions on both sides, but history has been fairly clear that strong states, those based on traditional authority, reject the alchemy of money and interest.

There is a wealth of knowledge jammed into these few quotes. Of particular note are the following:

  • Under all legacy forms of government, but especially republics/democracies, the economic system and the political state always merge into a single machine. This cannot be prevented, as it is a requirement of their design.
  • Capitalism and socialism are two sides of the same coin. Both share the same outlook and end point. Only alternatives, such as the dreaded third option, differ.
  • The state and private capital are not opposed. They never have been.

When a libertarian supports our modern free-for-all attitude, they are unknowingly supporting BlackRock’s consolidation of power. When your average conservative supports no regulations for the “open market”, they are unknowingly opening the door for the isolated class to enslave their descendents through usury.

The modern world has indoctrinated the right-wing to believe that the state and private capital are opposed. But they are not—They never have been. Their end goal is always to merge into one entity.

If you want to see this process in action, read this: The Power Cycle: When The Institutions Own The Government.

The only two entities that oppose private capital are the people and an authoritarian (think: king, dictator, emperor, and so on). This is where the mistake originated. The modern soft right-winger learns about how the king fought the merchants/nobility in history, but does not learn why he did so and why an oligarchy or different political apparatus would not do so. The type of state matters, but we are never taught that distinction. That is why we are overburdened with this false foundational precept of the state vs. private capital. No! That only applies to the rule-by-one; not any other government framework.

Once you realize this, then you recognize the dilemma we face.

Every state must choose: Control by money and interest or control by traditional hierarchical authority.

A king or oligarchs. A Franco or BlackRock and Co. There is no other option.

enslavement of mankind corruption on both arenas
Leftists want to give more power to the political arena. Select right-wingers (libertarians/softcons) want to give more power to the financial arena. Both sides fail to realize it’s the same people working toward the same end goal.

The enslavement of mankind exists under modernity solely because there is no strong authority that has incentive to defeat these nobles/aristocrats/oligarchs/bankers, or whatever you want to call them.

To fix this horrific condition, we do not necessarily have to have a king—But we do need a return to that level of authority. And that requires a rejection of liberal democracy, materialism, secularism, and every Enlightenment principle that our society has grown so attached to. Along with a reintroduction to absolute centralization, in some capacity.

A few policy changes would help too. I document those here: How To Fix The Banking System: 15 Steps.

At the root of the problem, we have to separate and subjugate the isolated class oligarchs from the political ruling class. I attempt to do so with my ideas in Enclavism, but no matter what process we follow, if we want to truly be set free we must demand strong enough authority in political leadership that can force the continual submission of the merchants.

Especially the bankers like BlackRock.

Read Next: What The People Want Does Not Matter


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1389

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