Uncovering The Centralizer
They go by many names. Globalists, elites, the ruling class, the managerial class, the cabal, oligarchs, the illuminati… even reptiles.
But the general theme is the same. There is a small group of politically minded, somewhat uniform, strategic thinkers that organize at the top of the civilizational hierarchy. They cause problems for everyone else not in that small group, eventually culminating in the cycle of collapse. They do not necessarily “direct” things in a straightforward manner, but they do influence nearly everything. This group all shares common interests.
The different names used by varying dissidents all capture a piece of them. “Globalists” indicate they are international and economic, not merely political or solely in one nation. Calling them an elite demonstrates their status at the top, with the ability to influence using that position. Ruling and managerial class titles show that they have political and administrative influence. The cabal and oligarchs’ naming convention indicates a sort of market or financial influence. The illuminati and reptile titles show that they operate in the shadows and are generally mysterious to the rest of us, because they aren’t always out in the open.
Each title serves its purpose of showing some important position and influence of that small group. But I think it’s important to recognize that all of these different names tell a different story about their origin and their goal. It sometimes masks the true intentions behind this small group. Or makes them appear in a smaller capacity than they actually are.
They operate everywhere, in every function, in every nation-state. That’s why they have been given all of these varying titles. We see them through different life lenses and in different roles. Which is why every title is technically accurate, but misses the bigger picture. This is essential to conceptualize to understand how far-reaching they truly are.
This is why I call them centralizer, because it covers each one of the other titles given. It also shows their underlying purpose: centralization. Power consolidation within their own, at your expense.
It’s also why I focus so heavily on them. They are the problem. Fixing them is the solution. If they did not exist, then no nation-state would suffer from internal collapse, because there would be no centralization to push them to the next stage. Conquering them is needed for any sustainable state. Otherwise, the state won’t be sustainable forever, as further centralization will destroy it.
I’ve created a series on this small group, the centralizers. If you want to fully understand them and how they operate, read through these articles.
It will help you see that they are not in one domain or the other, but all of them. While also remaining individualistic (self-interested) and not requiring superhuman traits. They are singular individuals, incentivized to cooperate in a cabal-fashion. Understanding them is the first step in defeating them.
The Centralizer Essentials Article Series:
- What Is A Centralizer?
- Why The Term ‘Centralizer’?
- Why Such A Strong Focus On Centralization?
- Key Traits Of A Centralizer: The Four Groups
- The Politburo: The Political Arena Centralizer
- The Isolated Class: The Financial Arena Centralizer
- The Sensitive Cultural Markers: The Cultural Arena Centralizer
- The Intelligentsia: The Intellectual Arena Centralizer
The Centralizers In Action Series:
- The Cooperation Between Centralizers: Cultural Elite and Political Elite
- How Centralizers Cooperated To Conquer You Using Covid
- What Is A Sensitive Cultural Marker (SCM)?
- When The Centralizers Lie
- The Blind Fear Of Government Misses The Mark
- The Intelligentsia Uncover Themselves
- The Republic Fails To Stop Centralizers
- The Impact Of Mainstream Cultural Markers Is Colossal
- The Isolated Class And The Illusion Of Competition In Capitalism
- The Conservatives Are Centralizers, Too
I also recommend reviewing my opinion-molding operations articles for an in-depth review of how the centralizers use the internet to mold opinions to suit their narrative.
The Opinion-Molding Series:
- The Covert Opinion-Molding Operations Part 1: Shills
- The Opinion-Molding Operations Part 2: Distortioners
- The Opinion-Molding Operations Part 3: Wumao Examples
- The Opinion-Molding Operations Part 4: A Comments Case Study
If you are stressed for time, focus on the Centralizer Essentials series. That series will tell you everything you need to know.
We can’t defeat them if we don’t even know who they are and how they operate. This list of articles will get you caught up in a very short timeframe.
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Social Media And Social Engineering
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