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What The People Want Does Not Matter

We do not need to weaken ourselves or our positions because of the fleeting wind positions of the masses.
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The grey Masses Don’t Know What They Want

First off:

The will of God > The will of man.


The will of sane men > the will of the masses.

I have been seeing this argument often lately:

  • “We should not fight against moral degeneration, like homosexuality, because the majority of Americans support it!11!!”
  • “We cannot expect to win red seats in purple districts with a staunch anti-abortion stance; that’s a losing strategy because most normies are ambivalent and independents support abortion. We must give up that position for practical purposes.”
  • “Why would I ever put my moral beliefs on other people? Just live and let live, man. We all just want to do our own thing.”
  • “The 18th century quote ‘The voice of the people is the voice of god’ is real, bro.”

This belief stems from the fact that the true believer honestly believes that what average people think matters in a society—at all. In effect, they’ve bought into the democracy lie.

This fundamental premise is wrong. What the people want does not matter. All that truly matters is what the zealots do and what the cultural institutions teach. Those two things are what form the beliefs of the masses, which then lead directly to their wants.

Most people don’t even know what they want, and the vast majority are instructed about what they should think from cultural institutions.

Nowhere is this more clear than with sodomy. Just look at the change over 24 years:

U.S. support for same sex marriage - what the people want does not matter

I guarantee you that if you went back another 24 years, the support category would be in the single digits. Go back another 48 years or so and you would be set on fire for even conducting a poll such as this.

I wrote about another glaring example of this kind of obvious cultural manipulation in my article The Impact Of Mainstream Cultural Markers Is Colossal:

U.S. Approval of Interracial Marriage at New High of 94%

Ninety-four percent of U.S. adults now approve of marriages between Black people and White people, up from 87% in the prior reading from 2013. The current figure marks a new high in Gallup’s trend, which spans more than six decades. Just 4% approved when Gallup first asked the question in 1958.

The latest figure is from a Gallup poll conducted July 6-21. Shifts in the 63-year-old trend represent one of the largest transformations in public opinion in Gallup’s history — beginning at a time when interracial marriage was nearly universally opposed and continuing to its nearly universal approval today.

The U.S. Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage nationwide in the 1967 Loving v. Virginia case. A year after that decision, Gallup found support for the practice increasing, but still only a small minority of 20% approved.

To make this clearer:

  • In 1958: 4% support interracial marriage (in ALL demographics).
  • In 2021: 94% support interracial marriage.

4% to 94%. Quite a drastic change in such a short amount of time.

This cultural shift transpired solely over the boomer generation, who then continued the indoctrination into their children. One generation is all it took. The people weren’t different—They were just lead by zealots and cultural institutions who indoctrinated it into them. Their beliefs and philosophies were altered, so their wants (more interracial marriage) followed suit.

These two examples (sodomy and interracial marriage) are not organic changes. Core beliefs of a nation do not just flip over one generation. The will of the masses were, at one time, polar opposite of what they are now. And not even that long ago.

People did not just naturally change. The cultural institutions slowly corrupted them over time. It is mostly the reprobate SCMs that caused this.

Those are just two cultural examples, but there are plenty more modern instances where what the people want does not matter in a practical sense. Like these:

  • Having secret federal law enforcement agencies like the CIA/FBI was not what the people wanted. But it happened anyway.
  • Mass replacement-levels immigration is not what the people wanted. But it happened anyway.
  • Switching immigration from majority white to majority nonwhite was not what the people wanted. But it happened anyway.
  • Getting overrun with transgenderism is not what the people wanted. But it happened anyway.
  • America as the world police was not what the people wanted. But it happened anyway.

The examples are endless. It does not matter what the people want; they get whatever the centralizers/elites give them. This is true even in a practical manner of speaking. Whoever has power forces themselves on the masses. And this holds true no matter who controls them, whether a benevolent leader or our current malevolent ones.

The reality, whether or not we like it, is that the prevailing culture is set by our institutions, the political leaders do what they want, and then the masses adjust to both.

Because what the people want does not matter, trying to set our objectives based on what the current modern people think is backwards. Instead, we should be trying to focus on capturing the culture so we can direct it toward sanity—toward what God wants.

We do not do that by coalescing to the whims of the masses, but by shifting the Overton window and speaking uncomfortable truth openly. The masses must merge to us; not us to them.

If there is every a disagreement between God and the mainstream culture, we should side with God’s law. God’s law is evidently, objectively clear on things like sodomy and the abortion law. So it should not even be up for debate within our circles: The answer is no to both under any circumstances.

Appealing to the masses will do nothing to help our situation. We do not control the masses at this point in time, so any attempt to appeal to them is playing under house rules.

I do not give a damn if it is not “practical”, or if it is not proper “optics”. We stand for truth or we will drown in our falsehoods. If we truly want to win, we have to stand with the truth. Not play a political coy to get slightly ahead in our current government system.

It is this constant softness of the conservative that is bleeding them. No one wants to support or be around the softies. If more people were hardline on these subjects, we would be far better off.

We need to shift the culture in our direction more than we need to win a purple seat or make some lukewarm independent like us.

We do not need to weaken ourselves or our positions because of the fleeting wind positions of the masses. They will lead us nowhere, because their positions are everchanging and evermanufactured.

Read Next: Worse Than Weimar


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1389

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