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The Same Song And Dance Every Time: Gabbard Falls

The Same Song And Dance Every Time: Gabbard Falls

When, oh when, will the average conservative learn?

Gabbard Shows Her True Hand

When will the average conservative learn?

A summary from Unz (emphasis my own):

The Predictable Capitulation of Tulsi Gabbard

Well, Tulsi Gabbard now says she is all for the unconstitutional law that permits the national security state to surveil Americans without obtaining legal warrants beforehand — a law Donald Trump’s nominee for director of national intelligence has previously and vigorously pledged to repeal.

As President-elect Trump’s inauguration approaches and his cabinet appointments will be confirmed or rejected in Senate hearings, Gabbard’s in-your-face betrayal of public trust ought to focus our minds very sharply and very fast. Some of these minds, I will say straightaway, have drifted far from reality since Trump began announcing his nominees. This was especially so in the case of Gabbard.

As soon as Trump proposed Gabbard as his DNI, the shared expectation in some quarters, most of whose inhabitants I respect, was that she would — singlehandedly, I gathered from the commentaries — bring the hydra-headed monster euphemistically called “the intelligence community” under some semblance of political-civilian control.

And now this: Professing support for Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act after opposing it for years, Gabbard seems to have shocked a lot of people. Reading this in the large, she has just told America it’s the same old imperium after all.

Shall we join to sing “Up, Up, and Away” now that all the beautiful balloons have fallen to Earth and the world’s not a nicer place and doesn’t wear a nicer face?

I’m Shocked. Who Could Have Ever Saw This Coming?

I expected—and predicted—this exact situation when Gabbard first “left the Democratic party”:

Conservatives just love to get swept up by supposed new converts. This joy seems even more so when they are popular, non-white, pretty women converts.

There is a type of mental justification that occurs with each conversion, that makes the average conservative immediately jump in excitement that they are truly the non-racist, correct ones.

But it doesn’t change the fact that converts are initially dangerous until proven trustworthy. Some more than others.

In the case of Tulsi Gabbard, there is much risk. But she checks a lot of boxes for the right-wingers that desire to remain within the moral framework of leftism. She is a woman, Hindu, and an Islander. That’s a lot of minority checkboxes. And she just left the Democratic Party:


My assumption is that the WEF and other international centralizers are trying to get a better handle on this new “America First” and dissident thing that is growing in popularity, so they need to move their assets into more conservative/dissident spheres. Obviously, they start with their more moderate variants to position themselves to do so. Tulsi Gabbard falls exactly in that bucket.


Additionally, I’ve said this before, but always look in the eyes. She doesn’t look normal. She looks like one of them. It happens even in the voice—She sounds like a robot that is programmed to speak what her masters say. God warned us about this. The eyes are the light of the soul; don’t negate their telling power.

These soft marshmallow, brand new converts, with such a shady history should not be trusted. Not until they prove their worth. And Gabbard, in particular, has about a decade’s worth of proving to do to make up for the harm she has caused.

But I’m sure the average out of the grey masses with lap this up with joy: they’ve got both a woman and a minority convert. What a treat.

Read the rest in my article here: Tulsi Gabbard Leaves The Democratic Party

The Same Cycle, Ever Single Time

The way it always goes:

  • Sells soul -> Gets power -> “I’m a uniparty deep state stooge” -> Power is shifting in a different political direction to grant the illusion of choice -> “I’ve reformed and am now a darn tough other-side fighter!” -> Gets power -> “I’m a uniparty deep state stooge.”

Musk, Trump…Gabbard. The examples never end.

When, oh when, will our people learn that the system cannot be reformed?


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1389


  1. As another one who walked away from the left, I was rooting for her in a very personal way. Her actions feel like a very personal betrayal.

    • Sorry to hear, nell. It is always immensely disappointing when those we place even the slightest faith in betray us so brazenly.

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