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A Neighborhood’s Politics

The inevitable schism of Americans continues. Our neighborhood's politics may soon be a large determinant of where to live.

The Great American Schism

The inevitable schism of Americans continues.

This time, due to the very same technology that was meant to erase “differences” and “support diversity”:

Real Estate Platform To Show Neighborhoods' Political Leanings News Image
Coming Soon To A Town Near You

This is just one example. If you are in any way adjacent to the housing/relocation industry, you know this stuff is popping up everywhere. Political polarization in living locations is becoming the norm.

It is only going to increase in frequency from here.

An Enclave In Other Words

There’s some that are upset with these new developments. I am not one of them.

Changes like this are essential and inevitable. In fact, it is what we should want. We want our own to have their own place. To be able to congregate there in peace.

In more ways than not, this is the enclave idea: To carve out your own little local arena and to be able to sustain it using tools like this to keep those who would distort it out. A community with the same mindset and goals. How powerful even just a few of those communities could be!

Of course, given the debased nature of our government, this could potentially put a target on our backs. But the way I see it, the target is already there, anyway. Better to have that target as a community than alone as an individual. It is better to have an enclave with your people than to be targeted alone.

An upcoming schism is inevitable. We are splintering; that much is obvious. The sooner these things become widespread, the faster we can find our own people before that schism occurs.

Find your people while you can. Don’t neglect to use these tools when doing so.


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1389

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