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These two organizations are fully centralized tyrants. They virtue signal as the moral holders of the universe by fighting “racism”, meanwhile being as anti-white as possible.
A newly uncovered office image from Mark Potok (SPLC) shows that he keeps a running list of “non-Hispanic White” population over time:
The SPLC gleefully cheers on the ethnic cleansing of the white population from their nation-states.
He doesn’t just focus on the U.S., though. There is also a “foreign-born” population metric for the Europeans. We all have the target on our back from these scum.
They are happy that we are being overrun and outnumbered in our own country. Not only that, but they clearly and objectively desire it.
The SPLC is a notorious and obvious offender. A quick search of their history will bring up that reality. They hate us and want us to die off.
But the ADL is now no different. The organization that once defended neo-nazis is actively targeting whites:
ADL Changes Definition Of Racism So Only Whites Can Be Labeled As Racist
The Anti-Defamation League has changed the definition of racism so that it only applies to white people.
The pro-Israel, pro-censorship lobbying group currently defines racism as, “The marginalization and/or oppression of people of color based on a socially constructed racial hierarchy that privileges white people.”
IE: You can be racist. But we can’t.
But they don’t hold the same opinion for their own ethnicity:
Tucker Carlson: The ADL Supports ‘Replacement Theory’ When It Comes to Israel
Tucker Carlson on Monday night touched the third rail by highlighting the Anti-Defamation League’s hypocritical support for “replacement theory” when it comes to Israel.
As I reported over the weekend, ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt demanded that “Tucker must go” for discussing “replacement theory” in America.
Carlson fearlessly highlighted the ADL’s guide for pro-Israel activists on their website where they tell followers to say that the idea of “bi-nationalism” in Israel “is unworkable given current realities and historic animosities” and amounts to “nothing less than an indirect attempt to bring about an end to the State of Israel as the national homeland of the Jewish people.”
“With historically high birth rates among the Palestinians, and a possible influx of Palestinian refugees and their descendants now living around the world, Jews would quickly be a minority within a bi-national state, thus likely ending any semblance of equal representation and protections,” the ADL says. “In this situation, the Jewish population would be increasingly politically – and potentially physically – vulnerable.”
“It is unrealistic and unacceptable to expect the State of Israel to voluntarily subvert its own sovereign existence and nationalist identity and become a vulnerable minority within what was once its own territory.”
Greenblatt made clear over the weekend that he’s planning to go after all of Fox News’ advertisers and even their upstream cable providers to demand they get Tucker Carlson off the air.
IE: You can be replaced. But you can’t replace us.
Perhaps the most sinister part is that both of these organizations present themselves as honorable, virtuous organizations. A “poverty law center”. An “anti-defamation” league. They use these terms to make the grey masses think they are not what they actually are. Think “Patriot Act” style wording.
Both organizations are SCM centralizers. They manipulate the culture into what they desire it to be. That culture involves a lot fewer whites. And requires the remaining whites to be at the bottom of the hierarchy.
If the SPLC and ADL were truthful in their hate group reporting, they’d include themselves in their own lists.
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**** the ADL. Their hatred for White people is out of control. They really need to go.
They serve no real purpose. The ADL is definitely not in favor of white civil liberties, unless those liberties are being used to encourage our own replacement.
The ADL is actually undermining their own position. There is a growing sect of awake and angry Anglos ready to rumble. For whatever reason, they wish to be erased, why else would they continually beat the drums of war against the very ethnicity that liberated them from Natzi Germany? It’s puzzling, but so be it.
Agree with their own undermining. They can’t help it.
I think it is less they want to be erased, and more they believe they can erase us first. If they erase us, there won’t be a population left that could truthfully threaten them.
Whatever side is correct is still to be determined.