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Focus On Centralization

Why Such A Strong Focus On Centralization?

Diving in to why I put such a large focus on centralization and the centralizer groups. Why is it placed above all else?

Our Focus On Centralization

This article is part of the “Basics of Centralizers” series:

So, why are we so concerned with centralization in the first place?

First, because it, and it alone, is the key to truly understanding The Cycle of Collapse: How Governments Fall.

There are a ton of various ailments and issues related to the cycle of political collapse. But nearly all of these ailments are expressions, not causes, of the decline.

The single piece that brings about the descent is changes to the structure of centralization within the nation-state.

This is true for every governmental system.

It’s essential that we “get” that aspect of the cycle. Because it changes everything in how we’d address it.

For example:

  • Moral degeneracy does not cause the collapse or the political recycling. The cultural centralizers force degeneracy on the nation. If morality is even being discussed, then the downfall is already in play.
  • Economic failures do not cause the collapse. The financial and political centralizers bring about the economic collapse to further their own power. It is not an accident that they make you into a serf; it is because they want you to become one.
  • Loss of religion does not cause the collapse. The intellectual and cultural centralizers toss out the religion so it doesn’t get in their way.
  • Immigration does not cause the collapse. The political and cultural centralizers use it to destabilize the nation, create internal divisions, and secure their own power.
  • Neither capitalism nor socialism cause the collapse. The political and intellectual centralizers use both of them as a means to get over specific centralization hurdles.
  • The mob and/or the zealots do not cause the collapse. All four of the centralizer groups create, foster, and use them for their own purpose.

The same is true for every other supposed “cause” of collapse. These aren’t causes. These are effects. The cause is that key sentence above: changes to the structure of centralization within the nation-state.

When centralization goes too far in the hands of the centralizer groups, they can then use it to bring about these effects. They do so to provoke the cycle of collapse; to force the change to the next framework where they have more power (rule by many -> rule by few).

This is why we cannot look to the effect to solve the problem. We can’t just pick a new economic system, or fight against the current mob, or fix the degeneracy. All noble goals, sure. But they are a bandaid to the true cause of everything afflicting us. We must look to the root cause, which is changes in centralization brought about by centralizers.

We have to target the centralizer and their centralization efforts. Anything else is merely prolonging the inevitable.

Read Next:

15 Key Traits For The Organization Of A Successful Movement

Julius Evola on The Life and Death of Civilizations


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1389

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