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I’ve been running this website for over seven years now. I have been through a lot of comments. Especially from leftists that disagree with my positions.
For whatever reason, they really are all like this:
But even if you don’t run your own website, you all know what I am talking about. You’ve had this happen to you at some point. We have all been there.
The leftist does not seem to have the capacity to think without an authority telling them what to think.
There is no independent functioning or ability to recognize an obvious observable reality. Sad. But also kind of funny.
This probably occurs because of the following leftist conditions:
You can’t think straight with all of those mental issues. It is probably easier to just rely on others thinking for you.
Every time I have to delete a leftist comment, it is something from this meme. From now on, I think I will just link this article when they ask why their comment got deleted.
It’s never worth it to engage directly. Plus, it will probably make them even madder that I didn’t list a source here, either.
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Maybe this is just me, but whenever I have sent a leftist a meme, they do not understand it. So your approach here may not be too successful, since it seems that the leftist does not even hold enough basic reasoning skills to comprehend a meme.
It is rare for a leftist to be able to meme. You have a fair point here.
Some of the comments in the soyjak meme is what I see from both the left and the right, specifically “Source?”, “it’s a private company…”, and “That has been debunked”.
Honestly, I too have been saying “it’s a private company, so they can do ban you if they don’t like you”, this is how the internet has been working even before it got centralized into the hands of just a few corporations, this is how it still works today.
The reason why people understood it in the old days and not today is because back then everyone would host their own websites where they would call digital home, but since the mid-2000’s as we started introducing the grey masses to the internet, we all started owning nothing and being happy by just relying on 3 and a half tech giants to “rent out” a desk and a chair in a building we all end up being in.
But the old rules still apply; the head of the building preserves the rights to kick you out.
And yet, most people believe that the little desk in that building they got permission to work on is their property, and therefore they have the right to say and do on it whatever they want.
If you want this right for real, just host your own!
This behavior is what let entertainment to be shit, people getting degenerate, leftists going hardcore communism, and rightists cucking out.
This is not exclusive to just leftists, we all got in this mentality, even us OG netizens.
Although us OG netizens have been able to wake up to this fact much earlier than the rest, because we did actually experience a completely different internet than what it is right now, unlike the rest.
I do wish the internet were still like it was in the old days. Does not seem like there is much of a possibility to go back at this point. Not without a sizeable collapse of the current centralized infrastructure, at least. So if we’re working from a pragmatic sense, all we can do is work within the confines of what it is like now, sadly.
We will probably live to see the day where we can’t even host on our stuff without permission from the tech giants. That’s what they want to do, at least.
> We will probably live to see the day where we can’t even host on our
stuff without permission from the tech giants. That’s what they want to
do, at least.
I won’t expect this to happen anytime soon, because that would break the internet at the very foundation to the point it becomes literally unusable.
They can make it much harder to host however, like we’ve already seen in gaming where we used to be able to host our own game servers for online multiplayer, which then got replaced by centralized “match making” services, and soon after “live services”, but they can do that by simply not releasing the server side products.
Or how big CDN providers are allegedly DDoS’ing corporate webservers in the hope they consider getting their so-called “anti-DDoS” services so that they can spy on everyone, the good news is that those providers have gone mask off way too soon, and many websites have decided to leave them recently.
But the only way to make it impossible to host is by physically going from door to door worldwide, taking away all PCs, and replacing them with dumb terminals with which you need to connect to some mainframe at a faraway place in order to use it, and good luck doing that.
So until that eventually happens, nobody can stop you from just setting up a Linux server at home, and host websites on them.
Good points all around. My only concern is that while the tech people you mention will still be able to host, the average person will not go through that effort. Which will significantly reduce the amount of our kind of content online and will paint a big target on the backs of those who do host freely, especially if at any point they make it illegal.
For example, I have no doubt that the United States will outright ban negative-opinion sites like my own if a world war breaks out. I’ll either have to stop talking about it completely or likely get hit by the feds. They’ve done far worse for other wars in our past. Then I’ll be stuck in a concentration camp for being anti-American Babylon over here, so my website will be defunct. That’s more my thought than an outright all-internet down scenario. Then, for all intents and purposes, hosting our own stuff without the permission of Big Tech would be nigh impossible.
Crazy news about the CDN providers, though. I had to look that up. I had no idea it was that bad. Thanks for sharing that—really thought-provoking.
> My only concern is that while the tech people you mention will still be
able to host, the average person will not go through that effort.
This is a very good point you’re making.
The sad thing is that lots of the younger tech people these days tend to be the stereotypical “non-binary” woke left wing extremists on HRT.
There are sane tech people out there as well, but you’ll really need to dig deep because of how search engines and now AI filter many of those people out of view.
I’m sure there are people out there who are willing to help a non-technical rebelion out, whether at no cost or for a monthly fee.
> I’ll either have to stop talking about it completely or likely get hit
by the feds. They’ve done far worse for other wars in our past. Then
I’ll be stuck in a concentration camp for being anti-American Babylon
over here, so my website will be defunct.
Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
Somebody I know got canceled by their ISP, and was unable to find an ISP to connect him online, so he got himself a contract at an internet backbone, and now he’s an ISP himself with far better up- and download speeds than anyone else.
I heard a story of someone living in the woods who got so tired of having no ISP at all, he hijacked a nearby cell tower to make himself his own ISP out of that, but that’s some rando on the internet, so I can’t confirm that.