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The Nashville Bombing

The Nashville Bombing: Preparations To Consider

The Nashville bombing can teach us a lot about how to prepare for attacks of a similar nature.

The Nashville Bombing

The Nashville bombing is a unique kind of attack. We have to consider the significant amount of unusual circumstances surrounding it:

  • This was a very large bomb. Unusually so. Materials needed to create such a bomb are hard to come by and are notoriously tracked. How did the feds miss it with their increased surveillance? An attack this large in a major city has not occurred for quite some time.
  • The warning message coming from a loudspeaker on the RV was done to avoid civilian causalities. This in itself is strange. It makes it seem as though it was not a terrorist attack. Additionally, the recorded message sounds professional. Honestly, conspiracy or not, it sounds like it came from the government – not a random bomber.
  • The bomb was right next to an AT&T facility that likely has some significant connection to espionage, 5G, surveillance, and the like. Other than the AT&T facility, it was in a rather run-down, unimportant part of Nashville.
  • It was clearly not a terrorist attack for body count nor a terrorist attack against Christmas due to the above.
  • However, Christmas is a notorious weak-point in terms of security as most of the US is on leave.
  • There was no manifesto left or reasoning given, so it does not appear to be politically driven.
  • The individual that committed the attack is said to have died in the blast. Meaning they no longer have to search or blame anyone. They’re already dead, case closed.
  • It isn’t a personal attack because supposedly the attacker had no connection to the street or to the AT&T building.
  • It likely wasn’t a generic suicide because the choice of location was far too specific for other means. Why not downtown Nashville? Why not somewhere more dramatic if that was the intention: a dramatic suicide? Instead, it’s at an unimportant city street that took down power for a wide-swath of the southeastern United States. A major location of AT&T’s comm lines.

It is far too unlikely for the above to be a coincidence.

It appears the objective was to attack the communication infrastructure in the United States. One of the first successful, major-scale attacks of its kind. It did reveal the weakness of the backup generators for AT&T and successfully demonstrated it was possible to take down the lines with one explosion.

Not too mention whatever else it took down in the process that we can’t possibly know about. The AT&T building was unlikely to be only a comm line. It housed other things that they won’t be sharing with us.

Either way, it is impossible to know exactly what happened at this time. We probably never will.

But one thing I know for certain: The media version of the events is not true. Simply because, they never share the truth.

Something very strange happened here. Whether it was foreign or internal I dare not say. Not yet, anyway. But this was not done by a lone wolf as they are painting it. Someone, somewhere had a connection.

Which means it’s not likely to be the only of its kind. I expect we will start seeing more of these kind of attacks, now that they have been demonstrated to work.

Preparations to Consider

Thus, let’s consider some survivalist things we should learn from this event:

  • Cell lines went down. Which means we need:
    • An alternative communication source for family. Consider HAM if appropriate for your area. If not, utilize a meeting location and make sure everyone knows where to meet along with a backup area if that location is compromised. If possible, get friends/neighbors in on this plan as well. Power in numbers.
    • Everything needed to return to your location without help. Roadside assistance won’t exist when all cell lines are down. You’re on your own. If you’re traveling in a car, you need everything in the car necessary to get you to your location. A spare tire, emergency jumper cables, enough gas, and the like. If you’re taking public transit, you need a backup plan in case it goes down.
  • Mass panic occurred and stores closed. Which means we need:
    • Food and water storage for at least a week. In the case of a larger scale attack than this one, most stores will be forced to close or be sold out from panic buying. You need a stockpile of the essentials in this event, mostly food and water. Even in a small apartment you can hold a weeks worth. Make sure it’s dry goods, because if electrical lines go down fridge storage will do you no good.
  • Electronic machines went out. Which means we need:
    • Adequate cash to buy items without a credit card. CC’s went down and were unable to be used. In this case: No cash, no goods. Keep a small stash somewhere safe that could last you a week. Keep some on you if you will be far from your storage location.
  • Electricity went out. Which means we need:
    • An alternative source of temporary electricity. If you own a home, get a backup generator and enough to run it for a week. If in an apartment, consider getting smaller items that could help you do the essentials such as candles, matches, food warmers, and such. External propane grills are also important for food. Along with small water heaters for boiling water as needed if water storage gets low.
    • Food preservation methods or sustainable food.
  • If an entire city goes down, expect chaos. Which means we need:
    • A plan to GTFO. An emergency bag for each person should already be in your closet. Along with easily transportable food/water as needed. Keep the car fueled and in good condition for an immediate departure.
    • Items to defend yourself. Guns, ammo, and related.
    • The mindset needed to leave at a moments notice.

This list is not all-inclusive but is a good starting point for being prepared for further attacks of a similar nature.

A city as “diverse” as Nashville would turn into absolute carnage if the phone lines, electrical grid, and stores went out for even a couple days. It would be wise for my readers in similar positions to plan for the above. Even moreso, ideally you would also already be out of the city or close to escaping it.

There is no reason to stay in a city at this point. The situation is not going to improve from here. The faster out get out, the better you will be. Cities are not safe. If 2020 hasn’t demonstrated that to you, you are likely a lost cause.

Additionally, it would be worthwhile to revisit two of my old articles: The building a parallel economy article and my forming a community article.

They would be equally helpful in strategizing a response for the rough times we are looking at ahead.

Get prepared as soon as you can. It is not looking like 2021 will be better than 2020. If anything, come next year we may be looking back on 2020 and thinking those were the good times.

Read Next:

The Basic Guide To Self-Sufficiency

Looking Back On Old Bioterror Articles In Light of COVID

The Riot Survival Guide

The Problem With The Mixed Republic Democracy Approach


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1389

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