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To Save Our People We Need More… Right-Wing Hippies?

I am okay with this turn of events.
right-wing hippies

On The Right-Wing Hippies

Some interesting new insight from Revolver:

The Atlantic goes full “tinfoil hat” with hilarious new theory that “hippie culture” is a gateway to “white power”

In a remarkably predictable turn of events, the paranoid conspiracy theorists at The Atlantic have just re-labeled liberal “hippie culture” as right-wing extremism and declare it’s the new gateway into the KKK.

That’s right, if you eat healthy, own a lot of land, and use cloth diapers, the folks at The Atlantic want you to know you’re one compost-heap away from becoming the Grand Poobah of your local white nationalist chapter.

Now let us hear from the Atlantic themselves:

The Crunchy-to-Alt-Right Pipeline

Those living on the fringe of the left and the right share more in common than you might think.

On twitter and tiktok over the past few weeks, scores of users have become alarmed about the uncomfortable coziness between the natural-food-and-body community and white-power and militant-right online spaces—the “crunchy-to-alt-right pipeline.”

Crunchy, coined as a pop-culture reference to granola, has come to refer to a wide variety of cultural practices, including avoiding additives and food dyes, declining or spacing out childhood vaccinations beyond what pediatricians recommend, and more extreme actions in pursuit of health, independence, and purity. Back-to-the-land living and alternative medicine are hallmarks of “crunch.” Much of this subculture is benign, a declaration of anti-modernism or slow living. But this largely white cultural space shares some preoccupations with right-wing organizations, which have used it for recruitment.


These bits of crunchiness included organic farming, a macrobiotic diet, neo-paganism, anti-fluoridation, and traditional midwifery. All of these are often thought of as leftist or “hippie” issues, but they appeared regularly in the robust outpouring of women’s publications in the white-power movement.

My score: 12 out of 12.

Damn, I’m 100% crunch.

That is news to me. I have never heard the term “crunchy” before. But I suppose it is far better than hippie, because that term usually refers to the 1960s counterculture movement, which was terrible.

Apparently, if you are a far-left health nut, you’re a hippie. If you’re far-right and a health nut, you’re “crunchy”.

I’ll take the difference, because I do not want to be associated with communal living, communistic, peace symbol loving, supposed irreligious people that worship the Beatles and the environment.

The existential problem for modern hippies is that leftism controls nearly everything, so it is impossible to actually be “counterculture” anymore. They are just mainstream culture without bathing. It appears that us “crunchy” people are the real counterculture movement of the age. A position I am more than happy to accept.

I do fully believe these are essential lifestyle changes for the right-winger. We are tasked with overcoming modernity; one does not overcome the world by indulging in some of its worst outputs (health and nutrition).

If you actually go down my 12 point list, you will notice that each of my positions is the traditional position that existed before the Industrial Revolution. It is not something “new”, but a return to the progress of the past. The crunchy counterculture is just tradition; a spit in the face of the modern degeneration.

So, to save our people, it appears we need more advocates of the crunch.

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1389

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