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  • Strategies For The Younger Dissident

    Strategies for the young header image

    Had another reader question come in the other day. This particular one came in from a younger dissident.

    I always enjoy when these types of questions come in, because they force me to break out of my generational molding a bit. Which is always a good thing for us to practice, so we do not become tunnel-visioned about “our times” like many boomers.

    The reader asked whether “younger dissidents (younger than 25) should focus on pursuing, as has often been recommended for older dissidents, long-term wealth strategies such as a career, a house, etc., or if it is more worth it to instead prepare for a more immediate collapse that would make these typical measures pointless.”

    My initial gut instinct was to focus on the now and just to refer him to my Ways To Contribute series. But as I thought on this one, it quickly became more nuanced. As all good questions do. And I knew it needed to be a fully fleshed article. To help (hopefully) not just him, but others as well.

    So, let us begin.


    There are certain things that have obvious answers with this question, like retirement planning. I just do not see a situation where a 20-year-old today is going to be able to retire at 60—in 40 years—pain-free like boomers today. Even if the worst case situations don’t happen, there’s no way the US dollar is going to look the same then as it does now. And it is even significantly weakening now. It does not have 40 years to wait.

    So should a younger dissident focus on getting the best retirement they can find? Absolutely not.

    But other topics are a bit more tricky. And they require a bit of a nuanced take.

    I do not generally make a habit out of using clichés. But in this case, it is true:

    • A younger dissident should prepare for the worst, but hope for the best.

    This would mean, in general, preparing for the more immediate problem, rather than focusing on the pipe dream hope everything remains the same.

    Given the economic situation, the demographic situation, the political and moral situation, and so on coupled with modern technology, I think the world looks more uncertain than it ever has.

    In such times, traditional long-term goals—such as pursuing higher education, climbing the corporate ladder, and saving for retirement—are less relevant compared to immediate, practical needs.

    Instead, focusing on the foundational aspects of life and developing skills suited to a declining civilization should be the primary focus.

    Given the above, then for the big-ticket “long-term” life decisions, I’d start with the following:

    • Career: Do not spend so much time and effort climbing a corporate ladder. Don’t center your life around employment or a job. Go learn a job or trade that suits you, but would still be useful if a collapse doesn’t immediately happen. Focus on other things more heavily than money right now.
    • College: Universally college is probably a waste of time unless you need it for a specific job (so get in and get out).
    • Retirement: Retirement will probably be worthless. I wouldn’t focus too much on it.
    • House: A house is a toss-up. If you can get land in a safe area with community ties that won’t put you in ridiculous levels of debt, it can be a net positive. But buying a house in the suburbs of a major city on .2 acres? Wouldn’t be my first priority.
    • Location: Moving states to a more resilient/like-minded area can be useful, but it depends heavily on circumstances and family/network where you are. Don’t give up the current good in pursuit of just (maybe) slightly better in 5-10 years. Further develop what you have if you are in a good spot, but consider escaping if there is little good near you now.
    • Marriage/Kids: See below.

    Just my thoughts. Take them or leave them.

    I think with the newer generations that the entire concept of a “traditional life” is changing. The previous methods and possibilities are no longer the same. The American Dream does not exist anymore, so the youth are re-writing what that dream looks like. It’s hard for us non-20s to conceptualize this, but it is happening.

    Which means that those that can think outside of that traditional box will be able to maneuver and have more stability long-term.

    Look at the van lifers, the off-grid types, and the tiny home people. Many people are throwing the idea of a “house in the suburbs” idea on their head, but still having a great living arrangement. The opportunities for the youth in this new digital age are seemingly endless (until collapse, of course), so use them while you can.

    Don’t figure out how to take advantage within the system; break the system completely. That’s always a good skill for youth to utilize.

    Oh, and while you are deciding, be a good steward of the resources you do have. Don’t over-focus too much on getting more resources. Just reorganize how you use what you already have. Likewise, be prepared for if those resources diminish.

    But at the same time, we don’t know the timeline for the collapse. I would hate to see a young person dump everything into a gamble that they only have a few years, and then we are generally stable for 10.

    That is where the “hope for the best” part of the cliché comes in.

    But what does that look like?

    It means just don’t throw away everything in the pursuit of trying to survive a collapse.

    A lot of the more traditional things that we tell young people to do for the long-term are also equally good for the short term.

    I know some young guns struggle to see that, however. Which is where the nuance comes in.

    To explain this, I think it would be better to just be more practical and upfront. I am going to give five strategies for the younger distant, that both prepare for the worst, but also include hope for the best. So no matter what occurs, you’re covered.

    The Five Strategies

    1. Continually Seek God

    Matthew 6:33 instructs us to “seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

    This verse is not a formula for achieving material wealth or success, but rather a call to prioritize God’s kingdom and righteousness above all else.

    In summary: Above everything else you do should be God. This is true regardless of the cost.

    This is one thing that young people rarely do. It is also one thing that old people wish they would have done when they were young.

    I am one such person. I was against God for a long time. Regretably, I tried to find my own way for a long time. It did not work out great.

    I have learned the lesson of that verse firsthand. The more I sought after stability and material wealth through secular means, the less of it I had and the less happy I was.

    Once I found God, I stopped seeking after those things. But now I have more stability and financial wealth than I did before. It truly is amazing how it works, but you don’t see it until you let God do it. You have to put in the faith and let him work.

    At the end of the day, there’s no amount of prepping that will save you if God wants you to be called home. And there is no security in anyone/anything else besides God, whether short term or long term. This world is fickle, and it could be swooped out from under you like a rug at any point. The only constant source of security is God.

    So the first strategy for the young is to never forget that all of our life work cannot do the least of what God can do in his spare time.

    But even further, when you seek after God‘s kingdom, there are practical benefits. God‘s goals for you usually involve things we need right now. I’m talking about family, a community of people with like-minded values, virtuous characteristics, emotional resiliency, mental fortitude, and similar things.

    The younger dissident will find that by following God everything else will be added to them. Trust the process.


    • Read the Bible. All of it.
    • Find a good church (preaching truth—including hard truth—with a decent sized congregation, children present, opportunities to connect with others, and a loving attitude.)
    • Pray. Daily. Make your requests known. Make your fears known.
    • Put down the political books for a bit. Instead, read some historical texts by our Christian ancestors.
    • Sacrifice and serve for others. God does not approve of the older generation “I got mine” attitude or the middle generation “I will survive but everyone else is screwed” mindset. YOU are called to be a light on this earth. Do it.

    2. Find a Wife (and Have Kid(s))

    Unless you are a Paul without sexual temptation (0.001% of the population, maybe), you should desire a wife. Go get one.

    They both level up the man and level him out.

    This is usually considered a long-term strategy. But it should not be. There is a woman out there that needs you right now and you need her. Stop wasting time and go find her.

    Regardless of what happens in this world, you should lead a family. God wants this for you, and our civilization needs it from you. And even for yourself, it’s also a great thing. Triple benefit.

    It’s a no brainer.

    If possible, have kids. Do not be a genetic failure. There are far too many genetic failures even now when things are not bad.

    Even if you cannot provide the same standard of living that the older generations did, if you trust God, you will be able to provide. At the end of the day, that is what matters.

    In a practical sense, if you build your relationship wisely, then your wife is your ultimate support in times of trouble… and in times of peace.

    Likewise, your kid(s) are a driving force to keep going and improving and surviving. They provide purpose in times of great evil when there is none.

    Civilizational, this is arguably the most essential piece. Europeans will not survive if we don’t do this. We are literally fighting for Western Civilization’s life, and that life requires…Well, life.

    As those in the remnant, our children are also the ones most often carrying the torch of our tradition to the next generation.

    If everything else burns, but one single of our children remain, we are still viable. God can then still bring back our civilization and our people from the dust. That one person could be your kid, so why are you waiting?


    • Become a good man worthy of a good woman.
    • Find a good woman.
    • Marry
    • Have babies (after enjoying your marriage for a bit)

    3. Build Character (Especially Fortitude)

    No matter how bad the world gets, God judges you based on the best possible version of yourself. He does not judge you based on the surrounding world or others.

    Neglecting virtue only hurts yourself in the long term.

    Character is essential no matter what you do in life. It also matters no matter what happens in life.

    I’m not talking about some dopey “be nicer” character improvement. I am talking about things that matter given the world to come.

    We all need fortitude, resiliency, strength, determination, and a focused mind. But these are not in us since birth.

    They are trained traits they can be improved, and they can be made worse. You improve them by using them often.

    It is an experience thing. That is one thing that young people often lack: Experience. So spending time specifically seeking it is a good idea.

    Practically, this also satisfies James 2 of the Bible. You need good works to be justified in the eyes of man. We all know people who have a good character and we would trust if things go bad. Likewise, we all know a person or two who has shady character, that we would not want anywhere near us if things go bad. You want to become the former.

    This will help you with the community aspect if things go bad quickly. But it will also help you if the world maintains for 10 or 20 years, because you will become a reliable, trustworthy character that other people rely on.


    • Volunteer with something that can build your character. For example, I served as a chaplain for a bit and that helped me tremendously. But I know others that have done things like serving in nonprofits, doing community projects for the poor, and soup kitchen/Salvation Army type work. Do what sounds reasonable to you.
    • Start eating better. Fast often to challenge your fortitude. Train yourself to resist temptation.
    • Work out. Your body is a temple. Get and stay dedicated to a routine.
    • Practice rightwing therapy.
    • Build your character by getting involved in community (see #5).
    • Do the hard work and make the hard choices when option arises.

    4. Develop Practical Skills

    On top of character skills, it is useful for a younger dissident to build some practical skills that us older folk often overlook.

    I know so many younger guys that don’t know how to drive stick shift for instance. I’m not talking trash, it’s just not a super useful skill anymore that is taught. Most vehicles are automatic now and not many old folk teach it to the young. They barely were teaching it during my time, even.

    But knowledge of stick shift is still a good skill to have. Essential for certain driving, construction, and similar careers. But also just to be able to drive any car you find no matter the transmission, in the case of an emergency.

    That is just one skill. There are plenty of others in this category. Things like knowing emergency preparedness is useful no matter what happens. Sometime in your life, there will be an emergency. Knowing what to do from both a medical and survival standpoint is crucial.

    Economic adaptability skills are also good to have. If you lose your job or source of income, do you have other skills that can get you the resources that you need? If not, develop them.

    I know a guy that gets laid off often in his normal job in construction, so he has a teaching degree on the side. It gives him a lot of flexibility. When he doesn’t have his regular employment, he can teach, he can tutor, and he can even work in places like daycares and such. This kind of adaptability is great to have. It also is good just to let you explore career options.

    Further, self-sufficiency skills are things I would be focusing on if I were younger. Your basics like gardening, hunting, do-it-yourself building, repair and fixing skills, and similar things. Whatever skills you would need to live if you did not have anybody to help. The goal is to not be in that situation, but we must prepare for the worst if you are in that situation.

    Also, in this category, I would focus on practical financial strategies rather than speculative investments. If you have spare money (not many young do, so don’t feel bad if you don’t), put it toward practical things. I have an article on this here: Global Supply Chain Collapse: The Solution (Tangible Consumption Assets).

    Obviously, stay out of debt wherever feasible. Debt is the banker’s tool to control you.


    • Take courses/workshops.
    • Build medical/emergency/knowledge kits.
    • Make a list of 10 skills you need that you do not yet have. Start checking them off one-by-one.
    • Practice skills that require muscle memory (like emergency response).
    • Start a side business/hobby.
    • Acquire TCAs over speculative investments. (You can always sell them later if things remain calm for a bit).
    • Read my Ways To Contribute series. Decide which person you want to be and start working toward it.

    5. Find Community

    Engaging with your community helps create a network of mutual aid and collaboration, which can be particularly valuable in times of crisis. The prepper dudes alone in the woods are going to get steamrolled by young guns with friends like yourself, no matter how much they like to fantasize otherwise.

    Your community at this age should start to become varied. You are not in high school anymore. It is time to start getting a community of all ages.

    Go hang out with your friends and find new friends. But get involved with your city or county things that have older folk. Get involved in your church that should have various ages if it is a healthy church. Meet some middle-aged people at local community events. Become as varied as you possibly can. Each person in different life stages can be of tremendous support to you in different ways. Do not silo yourself with only one age group.

    I have written on this one extensively elsewhere, so I will just link some examples:

    Follow those and you’ll be off to a good start.


    • Volunteer at various places.
    • Seek community-facing employment/engagement opportunities if possible.
    • Join boards/committees/co-ops (they always want young people)
    • Attend local events, especially with other young people
    • Build relationships with TRUSTWORTHY people as you find them. Do not waste time elsewhere.


    It is clearly my personal opinion to focus on the short-term right now over the long-term for the young gun. It is sad for me to admit, but I do not see the young having the option for retirement or a stable enough future to seek traditional life goals.

    I also do not see money, personal prestige, job titles, or college degrees mattering a hell of a lot in ten years.

    However, I could be wrong. So please pray on this and do as you are lead, not as I say.

    Nonetheless, I did not make this list in complete isolation. I did it with a dual-mind in focus. These five strategies should help you no matter what happens in the coming days. If the collapse happens, they will be essential benefits to you. If you have more time than I think, they will only still benefit you, but long-term. Then, when that collapse time does eventually come, they will still be beneficial to you.

    And as a sidenote: Even if I am wrong, God is right. If you do #1, then no matter what you do for #2-#99, He will make it work out. That is why #1 is #1 and why it is so important.

    My final piece of advice to all the younger blood: Learn from us what you can, but make sure you learn from your own generation as well. We do not know you as intimately as you know yourself. Each generation has their own battle scars that other generations cannot comprehend. Every generation thinks that their elders were in error, and the young are stupid. It is just what generations do, because people struggle to see that each generation has their own thing, no cap.

    Learn from us, but learn from your own, as well.

    And just know that even if we tease one another, we do truly look out for you and are rooting for you to one day even surpass us in both success and victory.

    I know I pray for that for all the younger generations. As every elder generation should.

    Good luck out there, whatever you decide to do.

    Read Next: Introducing: The Enclavism Book

  • They Can’t Take A Joke

    they can't take a joke header image

    Some groups are trying to instill so much fear so that we can’t even make a joke:

    They can't take a joke meme

    This is real, believe it or not. They actually responded to an article by the Onion with this. You know, the same Onion that is a satire website.

    It happened a while back, but they’re still up to the same old tactics even now. Hunting for the fabled antisemites around every corner.

    This group (stopantisemitism.org) is the same outfit that publishes the “antisemite of the year” and that doxxed a significant handful of the old alt-righters. It really seems like if you have any disagreement at all with the policy of Zionist, you enter their crosshairs.

    A sad state of affairs that groups like these can dox, threaten to dox, and harass/get people fired for just thinking wrongthoughts about what should be a largely irrelevant foreign country.

    With the direction our state is heading in, it won’t be long now until you can’t even make a joke if the name of Israel is involved.

    Read Next: The Russia-Ukraine War: Nuclear By Accident?

  • The Russia-Ukraine War: Nuclear By Accident?

    Russia-Ukraine War: Nuclear By Accident?

    Here is your dramatic World War III headline for the week:

    Russian Media Claims Ukraine Preparing ‘Dirty Nuke’ Attack; Kiev “Refutes These False Reports”  

    Russian state media outlets are sounding the alarm in the overnight hours, alleging that Ukrainian forces are preparing to strike the Russian-occupied Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) in Enerhodar, Ukraine, and the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant (KNPP) in Russia with radioactive warheads, all in an attempt to create a false flag and blame Moscow. Conversely, the Kyiv Independent quickly brushed off these claims as totally baseless. The situation unfolding in Eastern Europe underlines the growing uncertainty and chaos, thickening the ‘fog of war’ as tensions escalate. 

    Concerns over a ‘nuclear catastrophe’ have soared in the last week after Russia and Ukraine traded blame for a drone strike on ZNPP that sparked a fire in the nuclear power plant’s cooling tower. The Russia-Ukraine conflict is entering a new phase, with Ukraine invading Russian territory for the first time.

    Now, several Russian state-controlled media outlets, including Russia Today, citing ‘intelligence received by Russia,’ warned on Friday night that “Ukrainian forces have begun preparations to target nuclear waste storage sites at a Russian power plant with radioactive warheads and to then blame Moscow.”



    How the Russia-Ukraine War Could Go Nuclear–By Accident

    A nuclear tragedy could be “dangerously close,” according to the UN’s top nuclear watchdog. 

    “Let me put it plainly–two years of war are weighing heavily on nuclear safety at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant,” said Rafael Mariana Grossi, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). “…Reckless attacks must cease immediately.”

    Zaporizhzhia is a small town at the edge of Russian-occupied territory in Ukraine, home to Europe’s largest nuclear plant of the same name. The plant once employed 11,000 workers and provided power to seven countries, but since coming under Russian control, five of its six reactors have remained in cold shutdown. Only one remains partly operational, supplying power to the plant and nearby town.


    Concerns of a nuclear disaster are back in the spotlight this week, as Russia and Ukraine spat over which side caused a fire that sent black smoke and flames curling from a cooling tower.

    “We are waiting for the reaction of the world, we are waiting for the reaction of the IAEA,” Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky announced in a video post. “Russia must be held responsible for this.”

    Russian representatives denied involvement in the fire and turned the accusations back on Ukraine, claiming the conflagration was caused by Ukrainian attacks on a nearby city and that it was an act of “nuclear terror.”

    Damage to the tower from this latest attack reportedly poses no radiation hazard to the plant or to the surrounding region, though IAEA officials have requested entry to the premises to inspect the wreckage and ensure safety from any possible fallout.


    In a wry quip from Slovenia’s UN Security Council delegate: “Playing with fire is unadvisable–playing with nuclear fuel rods, even less so.”

    “There might be an accidental hit on a nuclear facility in the Russia-Ukraine war”.

    My brother in Christ…There are no accidental strikes on nuclear facilities. Only intentional catalysts leading to disaster.

    Very, very few things are truly “accidents” in clown world.

    The ‘striking nuclear spots’ narrative has been ongoing since the war between Russia and Ukraine began. Ukraine claims Russia is going to do it. Russia claims Ukraine is going to do it. NATO claims Russia is going to do it. BRICS claims Ukraine is going to do it.

    Nothing has happened yet. But that doesn’t mean it couldn’t. I think this is a pretty easy pathway to get NATO involved. Or to get Russia involved in targeting NATO. Either way, it would be a useful deep state strategy.

    Personally, I don’t think the timing is right yet. I also doubt that this is their first-line strategy. I think they have other options up their sleeve first. Still, I’m sure this is a viable fallback option.

    But one thing is for sure: If a nuclear facility gets hit, it sure as hell will not be an “accident”. What a load of it.

    It is truly amazing how dumb they think we all are.

    Read Next: On The Jan 6 Pipe Bomb: The Deep State Always Has A Backup Plan

  • Introducing: The Enclavism Book

    Black and White Enclavism Logo Version 1

    Find The Enclavism Book Article Series Here: The Enclavism Book: Article Series

    I have been procrastinating this one long enough. It is time to get the Enclavism book published and out there.

    It’s finally going to happen, folks.

    For our long-time readers, you know this work has been in production for many, many years. I started it around the time I started the website in 2016. That’s a lot of labor of love years.

    For the newer folk, the reason for the book and an (outdated) summary can be found here: A Brief Overview of Enclavism.

    I’ve been through it all by now. The initial draft, chopping off half of the content, doing my own edits fourteen-hundred times, hiring a professional editor, working through trusted acquaintance’s critiques, and so on.

    What a great learning journey it has been! If only I knew half of what I know now. This book would’ve been a heck of a lot easier.

    In truth, the book has been “done” for over two years now. I hired my editor years ago during the plandemic. The book has just been delayed for a long time as I kept trying to improve it before actually releasing it. I am a perfectionist, which is a character flaw that is horrible to have when writing a book.

    ‘What in the book needed improvement’, you may ask? Well, what has taken so long is not in writing the book or in editing it. Instead, it was that the further that I dug into finding ways to stop the cycle, the worse the gravity of the situation became.

    I started writing the book to discuss how a nation-state could overcome the continual cycle of political collapse (the anacyclosis problem that always seems to occur leading to the downfall of nations, states, and civilizations—that even the ancients wrote on). Put simply, the goal was to create a government system that could withstand the waves of decline faced by other systems.

    However, every time I found a solution to one problem, it multiplied new problems.

    As I continued to edit the book, I only continued to uncover more.

    So each new piece needed to be addressed. But then that new-addition piece led to further problems.

    Hilariously, trying to stop the cycle put me into a cycle.

    Where I am now, at the end of it, is in the realization that a system is only as strong as its spiritual foundation (from Faith) and its demographic foundation (from race). I talk about this more here: The Three Essentials That Make Legacy-Enduring Societies.

    Without these two other essential pieces—in their proper place—no government system can survive. No matter how strong the system is.

    But there are still “ideals”, and better options when talking about government systems. Especially things that make it easier for the race and faith to maintain itself. Thus, the book still has purpose, albeit in its proper place. The system is not the end-all; but it is still an essential piece of a (successful) nation-state. I added parts to the book to address this new outlook of mine.

    Admittedly, I am not sure I have yet found a permanent system solution in its entirety, but I do believe I have found frameworks and tools that could bring us closer to doing so.

    I did not undertake this task in isolation. I am simply trying to develop further from what was already learned and handed down to us by our ancestors. That is why the entire first part of the book addresses the findings of Western Civilization’s study of anacyclosis.

    The ancients uncovered some pieces to a final solution, which I incorporate. But then I also attempt to drive us further, using lessons we have since learned from the Enlightenment.

    But at the end of the day, I have to accept that this will not yet be a finished, perfect book or political system. As do my readers. But I think it still could be useful in putting it out there for others to read and learn from, so long as I have made that necessary disclaimer.

    Holding on to these ideas as my own does no one else any good, so I have decided to make it public now as I continue to refine it over the years ahead. For example, whatever we learn with the decline of the American Empire will certainly be a useful addition to this work. A decline that will almost certainly happen in our lifetimes.

    So, my intention is that you read this book not as a final work, but as a stepping stone in the direction of overcoming the cycle…If it is indeed possible to overcome it, as our ancestors had sought after so desperately.

    Now, let’s move on to the practical publishing information.

    I have decided to forgo traditional publishing for now. I would rather do so at a later time when I know it is finished and after readers have had the chance to comment and critique it.

    Instead, I’m publishing this book completely for free, chapter by chapter, in article format. Once we are through it all, I will upload it as a PDF to share freely.

    I do not care about making money off this endeavor, so I do not mind sharing it for free. Given the cycle of collapse is already looming in the United States, it’s not likely that USD monopoly money would be worth anything in the future, anyway. So who cares? Getting the information out is more important than anything else to me.

    So I will not be hunting after anyone’s money. Just use the book, learn from it, and disregard the parts that you find I have errors. Take out what you need and leave the rest.

    I will warn you all now that this book is a mammoth. If I were to publish it traditionally, I would be looking at over 900 pages. And if you think that is bad, that is after I edited probably 300 to 400 out. Maybe I have some Russian blood in me or something; they seem to always write way too long as well.

    Either way, it will be completely free and online, so skim it as your heart leads you.

    The bottom line: For the next few months, expect articles that cover parts of the book. I will have them mixed in with normal article postings. At the end, I will compile them and upload the PDF.

    I hope you all can learn something from the years that I’ve put into this research. But I also hope that if you see errors in my methodology or thinking, that you could let me know. This release will be just Version 1.0, of hopefully many stronger versions to come.

    As always, thank you for being a reader here. It is my primary hope you both learn from and find edification through my writing. Hopefully, the book helps even more with that goal.

  • Introducing A New (Old Fashioned) Option: The Quick Read Feed

    Quick Read Feed article introduction header

    Hello to all of my Hidden Dominion readers. 

    This is just a quick article sharing a new update on the website so you can use it if you so choose. 

    I have been working behind the scenes to build an alternative layout option for the site. The end result is what I am calling the ‘quick read feed’ (because I cannot think of a more clever title). 

    Throughout the past year, I have had a few people question how the website is laid out. Usually, the reason this concern is brought up is that the reader asking prefers a more traditional blog layout.

    I.e. A layout where you can read all the most recent articles in order on one page, like most old-fashioned blogs. You still see this kind of layout with a lot of starter blogs (and bloggers who never updated their website from the 90s). 

    I never really liked that layout, so I didn’t go with it when I built the website. But it seems it is a crowd favorite, so it doesn’t matter what I think. Whatever makes it easier for you all to read is what I need to be doing. So I went to work and built the Quick Read Feed.

    Find it here:

    This is a feed that publishes the same articles as the original feed (Hidden Dominion’s homepage). So there’s no different content. It is simply an alternative way to view the website and my articles. 

    Usually, this kind of layout is best for people that only infrequently read the website. That way, they can skim through all the recent articles (in order) pretty quickly without having to click on a bunch of separate articles independently. 

    It’s not great for my SEO, but it is good for the traditional readers that like the old-fashion way of reading blogs.

    If that sounds like you, I hope you consider bookmarking that page instead of our normal homepage. I hope that this feed will be more helpful to you when you do stop by to read the articles.

    Regardless of how you like to read the articles and visit the website, I appreciate you doing so. My goal is that this new method assists you in doing so even better.

    As always, I appreciate your readership. It is great to have you here. 

    God bless and have a great week.

  • On The Jan 6 Pipe Bomb: The Deep State Always Has A Backup Plan

    Jan 6 pipe bomb header

    Now this is some stunning evidence of the deep state in action that we don’t get to see every day:

    New Video Appears to Show DC Police Units Planting a J6 Pipe Bomb

    One of the great mysteries about the January 6, 2021, events is the lack of curiosity by the FBI about who planted the pipe bombs at the DNC and RNC headquarters.   Amid all of the available CCTV video and surveillance technology exploited by the justice department, their transparent unwillingness to identify the pipe bomber has always been a dog that did not bark.

    The Occam’s Razor explanation for why DC and federal law enforcement have been incurious, points to law enforcement actually planting the bombs.  New CCTV video seems to show exactly that.

    Shortly after 12:51pm a DC police SUV appears next to the park bench where the pipe bomb was discovered. [Video Below] A man with a bag exits the SUV, points to the bench, pulls up his right coat collar to obscure his face from the camera located across the street, then walks to the bench with the bag.  The “pipe bomb” device allegedly was found at 1:05 p.m. by a plainclothes officer from the Capitol Police.


    NEW: Recently discovered video from Jan 6 shows an individual believed to be police carrying a bag toward the location where “pipe bomb” was found at DNC.

    This is about 15 minutes before another officer “discovered” the device.

    Another shady moment in this unsolved “mystery”

    What a crazy revelation. Right on the nose; out in the open.

    I am sure most of us knew this pipe bomb story was shady already, but it is still incredible to see something so damning now out in the open.

    For comparison, the Feds were able to track down every January 6er with incredible precision and speed. No mercy, and no peace. Not even for ‘ol Grandmas.

    But then suddenly when it came to the pipe bomb, there was just no evidence. No arrest, no witch hunt. Not even really any stories about it.

    Which is crazy if you think about it. The entire narrative surrounding the story was insane. They could’ve spun it that a radical Trumper was trying to blow up the capital (DC). Instead, the Feds just tried to sweep it under the rug.

    But they sure didn’t just ignore a few innocent people casually and peacefully walking inside the capital. Why, oh why, the discrepancy, I wonder?

    Heck, the Fed bastards even triangulated cell phone data and put out financial incentives to rat on each other to capture the Jan 6ers, but apparently it is just too much work to find somebody literally putting a pipe bomb in the capital.

    But now the truth is here. They didn’t try to find them…because they are them.

    (Read My Other Two Major Jan 6 Articles: Remembering Jan 6: The Case Against Ray Epps & January 6th: The Legacy Lives On)

    We all knew the story was sketch from the beginning. But to now see the real reality of it so open is still startling.

    It is pretty clear that this pipe bomb was a failsafe for the deep state.

    This near 100% confirms my suspicion that long before Jan 6 even happened, the Feds wanted a riot in the capital. They wanted it to push forward the fraudulent election results and detract from such brazen electoral fraud.

    So, the Feds concocted a scheme to our misguided guardians to storm the capital. But if that didn’t work, they would go to Plan B, which is blow some s*** up with a pipe bomb.

    Either way, they would get what they wanted. But since the capital was in fact breached, they no longer needed the Plan B pipe bombs. So they hushed up the story and tried to sweep it under the rug.

    Ideally, no one would have even known they had been planted in the first place. But [what I think happened] sadly, for them, a useful idiot cop/non-deep state actor found the pipe bomb.

    Which then threw them through a loop. They had to pretend to be searching for the people that placed it, even though it was themselves. (Luckily, they never caught themselves). I bet they had preferred if no one had ever caught the backup plan. They could have just silently removed it at a later time.

    Personally, I would not be surprised if there was even a third fail safe. From my research into the deep state (and just watching them over the years), it seems like when they are hatching a scheme there are always three ways to skin the cat. It is better for them that way, or else they could have a mishap.

    Given this revelation from Jan 6, we now can clearly see two out of their likely three strategies for that day: 1) Capital Riot and 2) Pipe Bomb. Even your best guess would probably be too soft for whatever they hatched for #3.

    There’s not much we can do with this revelation in terms of practical changes. They will lie and find a way to cover it up as usual.

    But what we can learn is how the deep state operates, an invaluable intangible asset. This is useful for us in the remnant.

    The lesson: The deep state always has a back-up plan. If it ever looks like something was supposed to happen, but doesn’t, and surrounds a major event—it is highly probable that if it would be of benefit to the elites that the deep state was involved in it.

    Likewise, when things like Jan 6 happen, look around at other areas that you would not usually expect. There is likely to be a failsafe somewhere hidden, like a pipe bomb that never truly gets investigated.

    This is useful for us going into the future. Especially with the wars, the economic problems, the bioweapon development, and so on, that is happening all around us lately. Some of these are Plan A. Others are Plan B. But they are all working toward the same end of centralizing worldwide power under our clown world leadership. Recognize this and you will be ahead of 50% of even other dissidents.

    Always keep a vigilant eye. When something happens, look around. Watch. You’ll start to pick up the behavior of the enemy.

    Which is an essential skill for us to have as we go into the future of this corrupt, conquered empire.

    Read Next: Paul Craig Roberts: “America Is Entering End Times”

  • The Beauty Of Solitude

    The Beauty Of Solitude: header

    In an age where we’re more connected than ever, paradoxically, many of us find ourselves feeling more disconnected from ourselves in the process.

    One of the root reasons why, I believe, is because of a lack of solitude.

    Notifications, news, and nonstop data makes it hard for us to have the time to wind down and find peace in our day-to-day life.

    Now, more than ever, it is important to integrate times of solitude into our routines.

    We need times where we have literally nothing to do and zero interruptions.

    I’m talking no phone, no work, no other people even. Just you, alone with your thoughts.

    These kind of times are critical. They help you find out who you truly are and hope you develop truly deep thoughts that are your own.

    It is often in these times of solitude where we grow the most.

    One of the problems with the constant breaking news cycle is that people read things and pick up opinions through others without meditating on the thoughts themselves. There needs to be a time where you are alone—without this flow of information—where you can consciously and objectively review and think about the big questions facing you.

    It is during this time that you are able to develop your true thoughts.

    I believe this is one reason why there are so many normies. There are more than they used to be because there are a lot fewer times of solitude than there used to be.

    The normies just hear and read what they are supposed to believe. They take no time to think of it themselves. Consume all; produce none.

    But many dissidents and conservatives fall into a similar trap. We often get sucked into the alternative news and the constant flow of data, so that we don’t take time to formulate our own thoughts on hot topics of the day. We just regurgitate what we’ve heard from trusted dissident sources.

    This is not good. We need to make sure we are taking time to spend with ourselves. To provide a balance to other dissidents, so we too do not become another hivemind.

    Part of this process needs to be completely alone. Otherwise, we are at risk of external persuasion.

    There are many ways to go about picking a time of solitude for yourself. Some people like to add it in completely new, whereas others like to integrate it with something they already do consistently.

    For example, sometimes I like to go on hikes and just spend the time there with no podcast, music, or anything else. Just my thoughts and the journey ahead.

    Another way I sometimes go is with a vice of your own choosing. Sometimes I’ll smoke a cigar alone and put the phone away in the process. But I know some other people that like to have a drink instead, but the solitude component remains the same.

    My wife does it while gardening. She likes to just get into garden mode and be deep in her thoughts at the same time.

    However, you make it work is up to you. There has to be somewhere in your weekly routine where you can fit it in. All I ask is that you try it.

    For the Christian, part of this solitude practice can also morph/become longform prayer. For instance, on Thursdays I have an extended period of time to hit the weights. I usually spend at least an hour and a half on Thursday for the gym session of the week. I work out at home, so during this time I have nothing on tech-wise and no interruptions. Instead of wasting time consuming more content, I spend that entire time in prayer. Talking to God, praising the past week, making requests, and yielding to the thoughts that arise. These longform prayers are only once a week but have revolutionized my walk with God. And I wouldn’t have found it without setting aside time for solitude.

    Because of how fast pace our modern day is, most of us have lost track of the importance of catching up with ourselves and improving the inner relationship within ourselves and with God. I believe that is a mistake. It is something that we all need to work on. Myself included.

    So if you are not, I encourage you to seek a time of solitude. Even if you can only get away for short 10, 20, 30-minute session at a time once every while.

    I firmly believe you will be astounded at how strongly these times of solitude benefit you.

    Read Next: Obesity: A Moving Monument To A Person’s Failures

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