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Introducing: The Enclavism Book

It’s finally going to happen, folks. I will soon be publishing the Enclavism book right here on Hidden Dominion, free of charge.

Black and White Enclavism Logo Version 1

Find The Enclavism Book Article Series Here: The Enclavism Book: Article Series

I have been procrastinating this one long enough. It is time to get the Enclavism book published and out there.

It’s finally going to happen, folks.

For our long-time readers, you know this work has been in production for many, many years. I started it around the time I started the website in 2016. That’s a lot of labor of love years.

For the newer folk, the reason for the book and an (outdated) summary can be found here: A Brief Overview of Enclavism.

I’ve been through it all by now. The initial draft, chopping off half of the content, doing my own edits fourteen-hundred times, hiring a professional editor, working through trusted acquaintance’s critiques, and so on.

What a great learning journey it has been! If only I knew half of what I know now. This book would’ve been a heck of a lot easier.

In truth, the book has been “done” for over two years now. I hired my editor years ago during the plandemic. The book has just been delayed for a long time as I kept trying to improve it before actually releasing it. I am a perfectionist, which is a character flaw that is horrible to have when writing a book.

‘What in the book needed improvement’, you may ask? Well, what has taken so long is not in writing the book or in editing it. Instead, it was that the further that I dug into finding ways to stop the cycle, the worse the gravity of the situation became.

I started writing the book to discuss how a nation-state could overcome the continual cycle of political collapse (the anacyclosis problem that always seems to occur leading to the downfall of nations, states, and civilizations—that even the ancients wrote on). Put simply, the goal was to create a government system that could withstand the waves of decline faced by other systems.

However, every time I found a solution to one problem, it multiplied new problems.

As I continued to edit the book, I only continued to uncover more.

So each new piece needed to be addressed. But then that new-addition piece led to further problems.

Hilariously, trying to stop the cycle put me into a cycle.

Where I am now, at the end of it, is in the realization that a system is only as strong as its spiritual foundation (from Faith) and its demographic foundation (from race). I talk about this more here: The Three Essentials That Make Legacy-Enduring Societies.

Without these two other essential pieces—in their proper place—no government system can survive. No matter how strong the system is.

But there are still “ideals”, and better options when talking about government systems. Especially things that make it easier for the race and faith to maintain itself. Thus, the book still has purpose, albeit in its proper place. The system is not the end-all; but it is still an essential piece of a (successful) nation-state. I added parts to the book to address this new outlook of mine.

Admittedly, I am not sure I have yet found a permanent system solution in its entirety, but I do believe I have found frameworks and tools that could bring us closer to doing so.

I did not undertake this task in isolation. I am simply trying to develop further from what was already learned and handed down to us by our ancestors. That is why the entire first part of the book addresses the findings of Western Civilization’s study of anacyclosis.

The ancients uncovered some pieces to a final solution, which I incorporate. But then I also attempt to drive us further, using lessons we have since learned from the Enlightenment.

But at the end of the day, I have to accept that this will not yet be a finished, perfect book or political system. As do my readers. But I think it still could be useful in putting it out there for others to read and learn from, so long as I have made that necessary disclaimer.

Holding on to these ideas as my own does no one else any good, so I have decided to make it public now as I continue to refine it over the years ahead. For example, whatever we learn with the decline of the American Empire will certainly be a useful addition to this work. A decline that will almost certainly happen in our lifetimes.

So, my intention is that you read this book not as a final work, but as a stepping stone in the direction of overcoming the cycle…If it is indeed possible to overcome it, as our ancestors had sought after so desperately.

Now, let’s move on to the practical publishing information.

I have decided to forgo traditional publishing for now. I would rather do so at a later time when I know it is finished and after readers have had the chance to comment and critique it.

Instead, I’m publishing this book completely for free, chapter by chapter, in article format. Once we are through it all, I will upload it as a PDF to share freely.

I do not care about making money off this endeavor, so I do not mind sharing it for free. Given the cycle of collapse is already looming in the United States, it’s not likely that USD monopoly money would be worth anything in the future, anyway. So who cares? Getting the information out is more important than anything else to me.

So I will not be hunting after anyone’s money. Just use the book, learn from it, and disregard the parts that you find I have errors. Take out what you need and leave the rest.

I will warn you all now that this book is a mammoth. If I were to publish it traditionally, I would be looking at over 900 pages. And if you think that is bad, that is after I edited probably 300 to 400 out. Maybe I have some Russian blood in me or something; they seem to always write way too long as well.

Either way, it will be completely free and online, so skim it as your heart leads you.

The bottom line: For the next few months, expect articles that cover parts of the book. I will have them mixed in with normal article postings. At the end, I will compile them and upload the PDF.

I hope you all can learn something from the years that I’ve put into this research. But I also hope that if you see errors in my methodology or thinking, that you could let me know. This release will be just Version 1.0, of hopefully many stronger versions to come.

As always, thank you for being a reader here. It is my primary hope you both learn from and find edification through my writing. Hopefully, the book helps even more with that goal.


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


  1. If possible, I would like to request it to be available in an eReader format. I cannot load PDFs as easily.

    Audiobook would be nice too, but I imagine that would be prohibitively challenging or expensive.

    • I will do my best, but not sure how to do that exactly. But when the time comes, I have it added to my list to look into.

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