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Given the war in the Middle East, American evangelicals have wasted no time in subjugating the rest of us to their false, Satanic “Judeo-Christian” nonsense term.
The term is moronic. Its official definition is directly contradictory:
of or pertaining to the religious writings, beliefs, values, or traditions held in common by Judaism and Christianity.
The “traditions held in common” are zero. Nothing is held in common. They worship a different God, do not put their faith in Christ, and believe in the traditions of men. Judaism is directly oppositional to Christianity.
The jews do not follow the Old Testament—They follow the Talmud. What the Old Testament forbids, the Talmud permits. Even outside of this, the jews openly reject the New Testament, which is the most essential key to understanding the Old Testament. Hint: That’s not very Christian.
These two are completely contradictory religions with completely different moralities. For example, educated Christians are aghast at abortion, but Talmudists file “freedom of religion” lawsuits to require abortion services because they claim it is a part of their religion. That’s a different morality.
Christians follow the Bible; Jews follow the Talmud. That’s a different religious writing.
Our beliefs and traditions all point to Christ; The jews’ traditions and beliefs point to their god, Remphan. These are not the same.
The Abrahamic religions are not equal. Everyone gets this with Muslims, but for some reason, the average American evangelical cannot figure this out with Talmudists and Christians.
Even the term itself is contradictory. The Talmud says Christ is boiling in feces for all eternity. Our Bible says Christ is God and our King. The “judeo” part of the phrase directly hates the “Christ” part of the same phrase. That is not compatible.
In fact, the belief is completely inverted: one belief is Christ is God, the other belief is that Christ is suffering at the hands of God for all eternity. Nothing could be further from “held in common”. And this is regarding the most fundamental tenet of Christianity (belief in Christ—John 8:24). It is not some small piece.
This term is a lie by the modern world. It is probably one of the most egregiously deceptive labels of all time. Do not fall for it.
More Info Here: “Judeo-Christian” Is Not A Real Thing: It Is Christian Or It Is Jewish
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Excellent piece. I wish more people were talking about this.
Thank you, Phantom.