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Hello to all of my Hidden Dominion readers.
This is just a quick article sharing a new update on the website so you can use it if you so choose.
I have been working behind the scenes to build an alternative layout option for the site. The end result is what I am calling the ‘quick read feed’ (because I cannot think of a more clever title).
Throughout the past year, I have had a few people question how the website is laid out. Usually, the reason this concern is brought up is that the reader asking prefers a more traditional blog layout.
I.e. A layout where you can read all the most recent articles in order on one page, like most old-fashioned blogs. You still see this kind of layout with a lot of starter blogs (and bloggers who never updated their website from the 90s).
I never really liked that layout, so I didn’t go with it when I built the website. But it seems it is a crowd favorite, so it doesn’t matter what I think. Whatever makes it easier for you all to read is what I need to be doing. So I went to work and built the Quick Read Feed.
Find it here:
This is a feed that publishes the same articles as the original feed (Hidden Dominion’s homepage). So there’s no different content. It is simply an alternative way to view the website and my articles.
Usually, this kind of layout is best for people that only infrequently read the website. That way, they can skim through all the recent articles (in order) pretty quickly without having to click on a bunch of separate articles independently.
It’s not great for my SEO, but it is good for the traditional readers that like the old-fashion way of reading blogs.
If that sounds like you, I hope you consider bookmarking that page instead of our normal homepage. I hope that this feed will be more helpful to you when you do stop by to read the articles.
Regardless of how you like to read the articles and visit the website, I appreciate you doing so. My goal is that this new method assists you in doing so even better.
As always, I appreciate your readership. It is great to have you here.
God bless and have a great week.
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