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Fortitude is one of the most important virtues. We need that special combination of courage, strength, and endurance to endure clown world.
And that is exactly what we have to do: endure. Because we don’t yet have the power, or the numbers, or the Godly intervention necessary to succeed against the ruling clowns. This has been demonstrated time and time again, yet dissidents continue to not learn from it.
We aren’t meant to be a sacrificial lamb to the slaughter on the altar of clown world. We need fortitude and to be aware in all of our activities.
This will be an article that most will not want to read and many will argue over, but I feel it is necessary to put forward. We need a lesson about submission to authority. God desires us to submit to authority. That includes government. Not out of weakness, but out of protection for what is his [you]. And for us to follow his timeline. Not a timeline of our own creation.
This current ruling class can only be described as satanic once you truly understand them. And they were allowed to come to rule for a reason—Because our nation deserves it. We have become abundant in greed, sloth, lust, pleonexia, and about every other evil you could imagine. We routinely slaughter our own children and have recently taken up mutilating them and allowing perverted mentally ill pedophiles to rub their genitals on them during drag shows. This nation deserves punishment, and certainly there is punishment that we are receiving.
It’s a hard lesson to accept. I get that. It’s even harder to put into practice. It requires what we are currently experiencing a drought of: real strength. But we need to fight and resist this evil not through direct confrontation with it, but through the proliferation of an alternative. We must weather the storm that they push on us and build simultaneously. The system will fail eventually, as the cycle always does, and we must be there stronger than ever to take hold of that event when it does. We cannot get stronger by fighting it directly or buying into fixing the system. We need outside alternatives and communities.
Too many dissidents want to fight the beast directly, but that will only lead to the destruction of themselves. The majority of Americans are still active participants in our modern Sodom and Gomorrah. They will not side with you. They hate you as much as the ruling clowns hate you, because you threaten the world they have fallen in love with.
When Jesus instructed his followers to take a hit and to then turn to the other cheek, it is symbolic of the act of what we should do. Peaceful noncompliance is the only way to win this. We resist evil by not partaking in it, encouraging others to not partake in it, and forcing the state to get increasingly draconian in their punishments against us. Rome became Christian through this path, Christendom arose (mostly) through a similar foundation, and we could even point to more modern examples such as Gandhi and the founding of America for further examples. Violence, before enclaving, peaceful noncompliance, and trying every other option first will not help us win this battle.
The government will destroy anyone that resists it, often through the most insane of allegations and “crimes”. Tax fraud and tax evasion being two big scary words that are often tossed around as some of the worst crimes imaginable. In reality, they mean one very minor thing: a non-violent crime that hurts no one but the government’s wallet. These acts don’t even hurt the government in any direct or violent capacity, it’s just the act of not giving them some money. But they’ll even use that to destroy you. The Montana Freemen are an excellent example of this:
The Montana Freemen was an anti-government militant “Christian Patriot” group based outside the town of Jordan, Montana, United States. The members of the group referred to their land as “Justus Township” and had declared themselves no longer under the authority of any outside government. They became the center of public attention in 1996 when they engaged in a prolonged armed standoff with agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
The Montana Freemen, who were direct ideological descendants of the Posse Comitatus movement, espoused the doctrine of individual sovereignty and based on this belief, they rejected the authority of the federal government of the United States. On March 2, 1995, William Stanton, a Garfield County rancher, became the first Montana resident ever to be convicted of terrorism; District Judge Kenneth Wilson sentenced Stanton to 10 years in prison (the maximum penalty) for using violence for political ends. The following day, four armed men who styled themselves the “Garfield County Freemen” were arrested when they entered the Musselshell County Courthouse and tried to file papers protesting the seizure of Rodney Skurdal’s house by the Internal Revenue Service.
LeRoy Schweitzer was convicted of conspiracy, bank fraud, mail fraud, wire fraud, false claims to the IRS, interstate transportation of stolen property, threats against public officials, armed robbery of a television news crew, and firearms violations. He received a 22-year sentence for 25 convictions in a South Carolina federal prison. After Ervin Elbert Hurlbert and Donald Little, who identified themselves as “Montana Marshals”, attempted to free Schweitzer from the prison, he was moved to the Administrative Maximum (ADX) facility at the Florence Federal Correctional Complex at Florence, Colorado, in 2006. Schweitzer died, aged 73, in ADX Florence on September 20, 2011.
Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s. Read Romans 13. The American government’s worthless money is their own. Give it to them. Let them have as much worthless money that they demand. Who cares, it will be meaningless soon anyway.
The Montana Freemen were all thrown in jail, made to look like radical insane people, and exponentially made it more difficult for the average person to see worth in a dissident worldview. They did nothing but harm themselves, harm the movement, and give the government more power and reason to destroy us. They, in many ways, caused more harm to us than the enemy ever could have.
Events like this continue to happen to this day. We still have the crazy people, the lunatics on the right, doing stunts like this. We do not have the power base, the institutional power, or the public majority to be the violent party. But the state absolutely does. So to then act as if we share their position is foolish.
You are worth more than whatever that amount is to the overall dissident cause. Each time we have dissidents commit crimes and get locked up we lose our most valuable resource, which is the person behind the action. We need you far more than anything that a crime will provide.
Ricky Vaughn is another great instance of this. He was nothing but a Twitter troll but likewise got annihilated by the system:
Alt-right Twitter troll ‘Ricky Vaughn’ busted for voter disinformation
The man behind pro-Trump Twitter troll account “Ricky Vaughn” was busted in Florida on Wednesday for spreading disinformation during the 2016 presidential election in a scheme to limit black turnout, officials said.
Douglass Mackey, 31, was arrested in West Palm Beach on one charge of conspiracy against rights, for which he faces up to 10 years in prison.
On Nov. 1, one week before the presidential election that ushered in President Donald Trump’s term, Mackey allegedly tweeted an image of a black woman in front of an “African Americans for President Hillary” sign. Written on the photograph was the message, “Avoid the Line. Vote from Home. Text ‘Hillary’ to 59925. Vote for Hillary and be a part of history,” the complaint states.
More than 4,900 people, encouraged by the misinformation campaign, cast their vote via text, officials said.
You read that right. 10 years in prison for a tweet. This is why you cannot expect to fight the beast and win. They can, and will, destroy your entire life for fun and with ease. Meanwhile, you can realistically do nothing to them.
Vaughn’s case is exceptional because he “convinced people to vote via text”, which means nearly 4,900 people may have been legitimately retarded enough to vote via text and got duped by that joke meme. In a sane society, those people would not be able to vote in the first place through a well-placed IQ test precursor to voting, but I digress. He made a joke, but a joke that was not carefully thought-out in terms of ramifications, and got violently dragged through the system for it.
There are hundreds upon hundreds of examples like these.
Submit to their authority. Do not ever, under any reason, give them a reason to target, arrest, or destroy you. Walk in the light. It’s God’s task to destroy this nation that has become so wicked. Let him do it. It’s not our job to do so right now.
God will demand punishment on nations who have failed him. We are seeing that now. This nation is increasingly wicked, and I’d argue far past the Weimar Germany stage. It is physically disturbing to me how far we have fallen.
We should not get into the crosshairs of the enemy unless we are doing it fully in the light. There should be no additional reason or justification for them to harm us. If we have militant wackjobs running around with full autos, roaming wannabe soldiers getting into fights with Antifa in the streets, and pagan-worshipping crazy people sacrificing goats to idol gods, we rightfully look insane. We harm our own movement more than anyone else ever could.
But if we walk in the light, focus on building alternatives, endure their continual assaults against us peacefully and without retaliation, and honestly put our efforts to helping the honorable remnant of this once proud nation that needs our help, we will both look and become strong. We will naturally be able to develop an enclave, a healthy one with healthy people that are made to endure. Those are the “strong men” quoted about in the strong men/hard times meme—The strong men are not men that go shoot up black churches, put up a standoff against a government that will obviously annihilate them, or spend their time engulfed in vitriol hatred instead of loving and supporting their nation’s remaining good people. We need to be pro-‘our people’; we do not need to be anti-anything besides evil.
This world is very subverted. We find “strength” in things that are not strong and find weakness in things are not weak. Start recognizing this, especially in politics. Follow the budding leaders that are doing good and helping their nation, not the ones that are attacking others.
I see this in places like Gab. While not perfect, they are a budding alternative. They are continually defamed, deplatformed, shackled with funding issues, and receive plenty of other attacks. But they endure and do not retaliate. They don’t go shoot up a church or blow up a federal building or create a compound in Montana. They do as Christ commanded: They endure, they keep resisting evil, and they continue to grow.
This is the way. Actually, let me add emphasis: This is the only way. The sooner more people on our side realize that this is the only path we have that is viable, the sooner we can actually start taking that path. There is no other path for us to take that could actually lead us to victory. That has to be understood by dissidents or we will keep losing and once this all crashes, the enemy will be the one building from the ashes.
At the end of the day, the nation receives the type of leadership that it deserves. Until we have a new worthy enclave crafted out of the giant shopping mall of the United States, we will continue to receive the same leadership we have now.
When the government strikes you, give them the other cheek to strike again. Continue to endure, peacefully but stubbornly, exactly as Paul and Peter did. That is how we will make strong men, not through violent confrontation. We will build men with the capacity to endure anything they throw at us. That is also how we will get more people to our side.
Let the beast destroy itself. When God wants to destroy it, he will enjoy that pleasure himself. And once that occurs we can start building from the ashes. After our much needed celebrations, of course.
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The Only Knowledge That Matters
The Hilarious Condition Of Our Elections
The Pleonexia of the Centralizer
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