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Peaceful Noncompliance

How To Fight Back: Peaceful Noncompliance And Enclaving

The [only] path to victory. What the Right must do to succeed.

Peaceful Noncompliance

Given the very far degeneration that has occurred in the United States, most common forms of resistance are problematic. Centralizers already control the entirety of the mainstream media, nearly every cultural institution, nearly every spiritual institution, all the leading intelligentsia, and most of the real politburo power players. Even most of the legal system and the federal police are tightly under their control (Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Justice, Central Intelligence Agency, et cetera). Given these conditions, to assume that violent resistance would be beneficial (or even possible) is asinine. It would do little to benefit the situation. Instead, it would only be a wet dream of the centralizers, as they could use it to justify further overreaches in a shorter timeframe. The individuals that control the power in the United States are pure evil and would do anything to increase their powerbase. I have no doubt that they would commit terrorism against their own people or seek entrapment of their own people, if it would benefit the few in charge.

We simply cannot win through traditional means. The top-level elections are fraudulent, we will be sentenced to decades in jail if we get into a small fight, the market is rigged, the legal system is rigged, the financial system is operating against us, and if we try to form in greater numbers the centralizers will commit a false flag to frame us, resulting in us being labelled as terrorists. The only way forward is peaceful, local, and very tightly centralized. We have reached a point where no other option is on the table. Generations past might have had that luxury offered, but they did not take it up. We must kick out all violent agitators (that are likely federal entrappers anyway) and move forward peacefully. It is likely that out of 10 people calling for violence, 9 are federal agents and 1 is a useful idiot. Neither are helpful to the cause.

Since the situation is so dire, violence would do little to change the outcome besides provoke accelerationism. Instead, what I believe could work given the right leadership is a combination of enclaving and peaceful noncompliance. I will discuss both.

First, enclaving. Just as how our framework encourages culturally united communities, so too should Enclavists seek this in degenerating nations. Breaking off and forming unique cultural communities that resist the degeneration is an easy way to acquire numbers, strength, a parallel economy, self-sufficiency, and real independence from the totalitarians. Provided enough enclaves, actual results could be achieved on the local and state level. These enclaves would be of paramount importance in pushing for control over their respective legislature, in ceasing support of organizations and institutions that seek to destroy them, and in bringing other people and communities together to actively resist in a similar fashion.

Change cannot happen while the boot is on our neck. In the U.S., it is firmly resting there at the moment. We must first fight to get the boot off of our neck before proceeding forward. We cannot do that alone. Enclaves can give us the independence, unity, and community necessary to do so. One enclave to one state at a time. Once enough come together, we could begin talk of a federation partition, which is likely the only way to truly break away from the beast in a peaceful manner. Given the sheer level of centralization in the states, there is not much worthwhile to save at this point. A clean partition would be preferable.

Those that resist an enclave-to-partition are merely denying the gravity of the situation. Half of the country wants to dominate you, control every aspect of your life, and force you into submission. You are fighting for your life, whether you realize it or not. Finding “common ground” with these people is not reality. Why would you want to continue to live amongst these people? People that inject kids with hormones, murder millions of unborn children, try to destroy your life, try to indoctrinate you, lust for degeneracy, and do everything they can to show how much they hate you? We will never convince them of our side, it will always be a fight against two very diametrically opposed sides.

We have been this segmented since the founding of the nation. We were never “one”. We never will be one, unless it is through a tyrannical domination of a “one”. Our system worked in the past because different states and geographic regions were segmented from one another and federal involvement was minimal. But now creeping federal invasion and cultural-domination has inevitably occurred, which forces this fight-or-submit choice. The only peaceful option is to splinter. Let them have their degenerate inevitable rule by one society, I want nothing to do with it.

The only way we can have our own nation again is if we declare ourselves free. It can’t come internally. We only get it if we partition this nation away from them. One side of the divide in this country have been fighting against the other since before 1776. It has never ceased. It’s time to recognize that these differences are irreconcilable and split away, mutually. Right now, the far leftists have the boot on our neck, so they don’t want to partition. But if the situation were reversed, they would be in the same shoes and espousing the exact same doctrine. Why not choose mutual benefit?

Otherwise, there are only two options: either we dominate them or they dominate us. There is no middle-ground in this type of dispute. And neither is a good outcome. I do not want to dominate them nor do I want to be dominated by them. I just want to be away from them. I simply want to live free and happily in a non-degenerative, culturally homogeneous society. Let’s just break off, so neither has to dominate the other. We can all live how we desire. It is mutually beneficial.

A partition can be accomplished by first following some general enclaving behavior: running for local office (mayor, councils, county chairs, school boards, judges, sheriffs, et cetera), taking over or creating dominant political parties, becoming a state representative who can defend the local agents, holding state representatives accountable through various means, taking over state cultural institutions, creating our own intelligentsia, media, and business institutions, employing like-minded individuals, doing non-violence and non-confrontational activism, spending our money wisely against corporate interests, building communities, becoming non-weak targets, becoming self-sufficient, removing harmful elements from your life, reducing consumption of centralizer propaganda sources, and working hard to convince others to do the same. None of these are overnight changes. Nor are they easy. But they are the only viable path forward. For example, consider if you stopped supporting evil corporations by just 15% in your own life and everyone else did the same. Our side would have 15% of all of that funding while their side would be hemorrhaging by that amount. Small personal changes lead to large impacts over a large enough population. Making an enclave is the first step to uniting for a partition. Once we have enough enclaves in a single state, we can spread to other states and amass a power center necessary to enclave the entire region away from the federal behemoth.

We cannot create a group of individuals that could work toward freeing ourselves from this political cycle of collapse without first having a community that can collectively recognize the root issue at hand. It’s not capitalism, or socialism, or a certain political party, or any of the other easily recognizable symptoms – but rather, the cycle itself. We likewise cannot create a group of individuals strong enough to resist the effects of a late-stage degenerative system without first expelling ourselves from it. We need time to view it from a distance. To accurately gauge the current damage and the path forward.

In short, we can’t fix the degeneracy without first escaping it. An individual cannot accomplish this alone. At least, not in the modern era. The only way to live a healthy and happy life without it is through like-minded communities: an enclave. An enclave that exists outside the cultural parameters of the decadent, disgraceful corpse of this once great Western nation. Ideally, multiple enclaves should spring up. They should interconnect with one another to create a much more powerful force. A force far enough away to avoid integration with the degeneracy but close enough to work on a cure for it. This is enclaving.

The second method I mentioned was peaceful noncompliance. As stated, violence cannot work. Any form of activism must be on the level of Gandhi. We do not have the luxuries of the left. Even the slightest illegality or minor self-defense violence will get us labelled domestic terrorists or thrown into a prison cell for a century +1.

However, being problematic enough to encourage the other side to support our partition idea is a different beast entirely. Through peaceful noncompliance, we can force the hand of government change to allow certain demands to be met without resorting to violence. By not supporting and not recognizing the centralizers power, we diminish their credibility and ability to spread. We limit their ability to target us. So long as we are united in noncompliance, there is little a federal level entity could do. Especially if we have successfully enclaved and garnered at least the support of a few local or state regions.

This one is simple. Just don’t comply. You do not have to fight or commit violence. Just don’t recognize their power or authority over you. They are illegitimate, pathetic, and unworthy of leadership. Treat them as such. Do not comply in any situation that is prudent and encourage others to do the same. Form entire enclaves with that explicit goal in mind.

Violence is a benefit to the centralizers, which is why they use their agents to attempt to provoke it and entrap individuals to commit it. If it wasn’t, they would not so prolifically do so. It allows them to look like the heroes stopping “the evil people”. It makes the truly evil ones appear as the good guys. Peaceful noncompliance flips the script. We become the innocent ones seeking reasonable change while they become the evil ones that harm, degrade, and attack us. It is a narrative control, that so long as the movement remains tightly centralized and does not break, that can successfully begin to alter the power cycle back to a favorable position.

The finale of peaceful noncompliance is a regional partition itself. It is saying that you do not want violence, do not want to dominate them, but also refuse to be dominated by them any longer. You refuse to be a part of the union anymore and leave peacefully. Any violent action by them in response is now a violent action against an independent and free nation. Peaceful noncompliance should be used up until this partition. After which, any outpouring of violence from the centralizers should no longer be remedied through peaceful noncompliance, but self-defense in the interest of the newly freed nation-state. The free nation-state has every right and responsibility to defend itself. With the help of the enclaves and systems that the enclaves create, they will be both willing and able to do so.

Nonviolence is very important, but at a certain point it must be retired. That can happen because of two separate reasons. First, once a successful partition occurs (as we just described). Second, once the centralizers begin to round up dissident citizens under a totalitarian regime and throw them into camps or otherwise physically maim or murder them. In either of these instances, peaceful noncompliance must be retired. This has not yet happened in the U.S. The first option is the far superior option, because it has far higher odds of success. If the government is already harming their citizens (as in the second example), they likely already have the centralization necessary to destroy violent resistance. But it is still better to die fighting than on your knees. A chance, however abysmally small, is better than the guaranteed alternative for the dissident. Still, it’s important to recognize that we do not seek to violently overthrow the government, but to peacefully transform it.

It is not possible to fully break off and be noncompliant everywhere, especially in a system as far gone as the United States. But in every avenue that presents itself which will not place you in legal or physical jeopardy, do so. Don’t break the law, but also don’t be plugged into the system. If you want to know how, read “Surviving The Fall Of The Western World and The Nightmares Laying Ahead“. This is how active resistance can actually be used as activism in a non-violent, non-accelerationist, legal manner.

Through the combination of these two methods, we could successfully sever the powerful ties that they have over us. By getting the boot off of our neck (metaphorically and likely soon to be literally), we could create a separate Enclavist nation within the ruins of the failed republic once it occurs.

The American state is already divided. At this point, it’s just seeing if we can save what remains of the American nation.

Read Next:

The Isolated Class And The Illusion Of Competition In Capitalism

An Updated Visual Diagram Of The Cycle Of Collapse

We Debate The Future While The Boot Is On Our Neck


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1389

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