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Both ‘He/him/his’ or ‘she/her/hers’ are sets of singular pronouns. “They/Them” is plural.
The trans community who pretend that they are the opposite gender often prefers pronouns such as “they/them” to signal that they switch genders depending on their mood. Or they do so to signal that they have multiple personalities, or some other dysfunction.
More recently, they’ve taken the word and tried to make it into a singular pronoun so its use can be multipurpose.
The insane crowd had to change the definition of the plural “they” once they realized their mistake. Even if one follows the mantra (I would not recommend following that link), it doesn’t change the fact that the lunatics had to change the definition of “they” to remove the plural aspect.
“They” now has two definitions:
But one of those definitions is right. The other is an abomination of modernity.
While normally I do not agree with playing the same narrative as the lunatics, I do find this one fun. Because it’s accurate to label them as a plural entity. But not for the reason they believe, and not in the singular, unspecified context.
Let’s consider a man who thinks it’s a woman. It is still be a man, so he/him/his would apply in theory, but I think it is foolish to think that they are a singular entity similar to myself. They clearly aren’t alone in their own mind, or they wouldn’t be so distraught about the reality of who they are. They’d find contentment with whom and what they are. But they don’t. Because they aren’t alone.
They have a demon with them in the passenger seat.
“They/them” truly are they. Plural.
Each of them is a person and a demon. A soul and Satan. An individual and a wicked spirit. They aren’t alone. Something is destroying or has destroyed them. They hate what God has created them as, and want to destroy it. Which is exactly what Satan represents—The desire to corrupt and destroy all that is good and beautiful that God has created. There really are two living within.
Their suicide rates represent that fact. They end up destroying themselves more often than anything else. One has to wonder if they are the strict definition of a reprobate (a person who rejects God to a point where God permanently rejects them and curses their conscience). Personally, I haven’t met many spiritual, Christian trannys. Rejecting God’s creation and the correctness thereof sure seems like a rejection of God and the Gospel to me.
Even if you don’t take the Christian route, it’s still a complete rejection of the natural order and reality. Those who resist the natural order for too long will always be destroyed by it. I have dozens of articles on this fact. It’s a fact that our species has known since some of our earliest writings. We’ve known it since at least Marcus Aurealius’ time, as he wrote on the need for acceptance of the natural order in-depth in his work. Whether you consider it God or nature, demons or a spirit of insanity—the end result is the same. Which is what we see with them.
So it turns out they are plural after all, just not in the way they intend.
Again, I don’t agree with playing by the narrative and moral base of the clowns like the neo-cons do, but this one is too good to at least not mention.
So, don’t feel bad if you ever see others calling the individual a “they”. It’s not actually logically incorrect when they do.
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Heh, heh! My mind often wanders down these same types of paths, bringing me joy and amusement when I create an alternate, yet applicable, secret anecdote for the latest rationale of the mentally diseased.
Truly, kudos to you for presenting a more accurate and fitting explanation for the pronoun of “their” choosing. It just goes to show that in the hands of the capable, even irony can be birthed to better explain the tripe that is supposed to pass as progress.
I’m adopting your explanation of “they,” and I can already tell that it’s going to bring me hours of unspoken amusement. After all, demons need a home too, so acknowledging their residency inside of a “they/them” is paramount to understanding the mind of the modern degenerate.
Warm regards,
Dead on. And sadly, all too true. “They” are too weak to keep them out.
Glad you enjoyed the article and I appreciate the comment. Warm regards right back.