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two reasons why everyone is fat

Two Reasons Why Everyone Is Fat

We eat similar ingredients to what feedlot farmers use to fatten livestock. Meanwhile, our experts sit around wondering why we are fat.
two reasons why everyone is fat

Why Is Everyone Fat?

I recently stumbled upon yet another article exploring why obesity has been exploding since the 80s.

With the same conclusions as always:

Why Is Everyone Fat?


Since we’ve eliminated both policy and lifestyle changes, that leaves only one major environmental factor left: diet.

What kind of dietary shift occurred that would affect all demographics simultaneously?

Americans have gone through many fad diets over the course of the century. We’ve created then completely overhauled the food pyramid. We’ve recommended eggs then got scared of them, then recommended them again. We became afraid of salt and now we’re fine with it again. However, there are two specific things which were altered about our diet and have persisted to this day.

  1. We experienced a dramatic increase in the amount of seed oils (a term I will use as a catch-all for PUFAs more broadly and I will elaborate on in a bit) used in our foods.
  2. We made a dramatic shift from using cane sugar predominantly to using high fructose corn syrup and other complex sugar alternatives.

But this time, coupled with a fun graph:

The author first demonstrates rather conclusively why policy and lifestyle changes could not cause this increase. It has to be dietary. Which should also be clear by the chart above. Read the full article if you are interested in that particular discourse.

I would still add in a lack of physical work in employment, soy, a culture that promotes obesity, and a lack of community involvement (leading to peer pressure) as additional reasons for the fatdemic of the 1980s.

But the author is not wrong. These two—seed oils and corn syrup—are the two biggest culprits.

The conclusion repeats much of what I (and plenty of others) have been harping on for years:

But it’s always good to see the reality becoming more mainstream.

The more this information gets out, the more men we can save from becoming effeminate, no-sperm landwhales. We need far less soyboys and less seedboys.

Feedlot farmers use seed oils (mostly vegetable and soybean oil) and corn derivatives as a feed additive to fatten cows and poultry. We are, quite hysterically, eating the same or similar ingredients to what feedlot farmers use to fatten livestock. Then our experts sit around wondering why we are getting fat.

Modernity, at its finest.

So long as you continue to eat that garbage, you may as well consider yourself a cow.

Read Next: Agree And Amplify


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1389

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