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trump versus DeSantis

Trump Versus DeSantis

Let's do this. Here are my thoughts on the 2024 nomination crisis.
trump versus DeSantis

2024: Trump V. Desantis

This topic has been played to death already, and it’s not even the start of an election year. But the inevitable—and endless—debates on Trump versus DeSantis are certainly here.

DeSantis is the only real competitor for the Red Team nomination. Comparatively, the Blue Team might be more interesting with RFK Jr, but I am not holding my breath.

Since this subject has been and will continue to be talked about for the next year, I do not intend to do a long article on it. Others will surely hash this out to an extreme, and many already have.

From me you will just get some quick cliff notes and general observations:

  • Point 1: It does not matter who wins the nomination.
    • It is telling how quickly those on the Red Team forget what they just said a week ago. Over 70% of Republicans agreed that the 2020 election was rigged against the Republican nominee (Trump). But now they are actively fighting each other over who gets the nomination in 2024. Who cares? It does not matter—The nominee will still lose unless they “win” the (s)election. We literally have the former deputy national security advisors stating that they are going to rig the 2024 election. The federal arena is lost. Stop wasting your time. And stop creating conflict among our guys over a doomed federal election.
  • Point 2: I am content that DeSantis is running.
    • Trump has been a softie-centrist loser since 2019. DeSantis has far more right-wing positions (as evidenced in his covid, anti-corporatocracy (Disney) and anti-tranny policies). DeSantis will force the conversation more to the right and make fun of Trump’s horrific 2019 policies regarding BLM riots/covid, which should shift the Overton window. This is what we all should want as dissidents. Trump did this in 2016; DeSantis has the chance to do this for 2024. Perhaps shifting the Overton window is the only tangible use of the federal arena at this point, so I am content with his decision to run for that reason alone. This is true regardless of who wins.
  • Point 3: Neither of them are heroes.
    • Trump and DeSantis are both WEF types. Both of them play the political game with the centralizers (Israel, immigrants, et cetera). Both of them support the system. Thus, neither of them will be a champion for dissidents. Their only use to us is what they can do to help or alleviate pressure from people that are actually on our side. Trump did very little, and while DeSantis seems promising, we never truly know until they are in the position.
  • Point 4: Trump is too old, just like Biden. In a sane country, he would not be allowed to run.
    • We really need an age cap. I wrote about this here: Geriatric Leadership. Trump is too old to be president. We don’t need more northeasterner boomers from the Paleolithic era running the system.
  • Point 5: DeSantis too should not be allowed to run.
    • Candidates should have to finish their current seats before they can run for higher office. DeSantis is abandoning Florida by running for the seat—And is breaking a crucial campaign promise in the process. I get it, politics and all, but that is still incredibly douchey for the residents of Florida.
  • Point 6: Even if one candidate won the general election, they would be inhibited by the bureaucracy.
    • The managerial state will guarantee it: The Managerial State: Everything Is Merged. Our president does not control the CIA. The CIA controls the president. Neither candidate will improve the long-term reality of this state.
  • Point 7: I will (likely) vote for neither of them in the primary, anyway.
    • For the fed primary, I am likely going to vote for RFK Jr. Not because I like him (I don’t, his social positions are retarded), but because it would be hilarious if he clinched the democrat nomination. Can you imagine an anti-vax democrat that says the CIA killed his dad against Trump/DeSantis? Now that would actually make 2024 fun.
  • Point 8: Will we even make it to the elections next year?
    • I am still waiting for the next virus outbreak that will require mail-in voting, or for the next World War, or for the next economic catastrophe. If that happens, the (s)election won’t matter at all to any of us. We’ll have far greater things to worry about. No one cares about nomination politics when there is no food or their kids are dying from some manufactured plague virus.
  • Point 9: Babylon is under judgement.
  • Point 10: We will almost certainly have a 2020 replay unless one of 80-year-olds dies.
    • I truly do not believe anyone wants a Biden vs. Trump scenario to reoccur, but it seems like that is the most likely outcome. Once it does, we will all be sitting here going, “what the hell happened?”

I have no endorsements for anyone, besides the mysterious personification of the secession movement.

Those are my main meditations on the 2024 nomination crisis. While everyone else is crying or battling about Trump vs. DeSantis and who is more of the Israel/BLM worshipper, I will happily use both to our collective dissident advantage wherever we can. I have no attachment to either.

democrat ballot harvesting - trump vs desantis meme

With those summary thoughts given, you may wonder what my hope for 2024 is.

Let me present you with my best-case scenario:

If my preferences would come true, we would have Trump and DeSantis battle it out on very close margins to force both to become more radicalized. Then, Trump would barely—just barely—secure the nomination. DeSantis would return to Florida and continue his great work there. On the democrat side, by an act of God, RFK Jr would win. The federal general election would then be RFK vs. Trump, which would do the most to shift the Overton window. Then, on election day and at the last minute when votes are being counted, Biden (as a write-in with Jeb Bush) would win the election with 200 million mail-in votes. That would be epic, and would do the most to destroy any remnant of trust in the system.

Hey, I can dream at least.

Read Next: The Durham Report


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1389


  1. > DeSantis has far more right-wing positions (as evidenced in his covid, anti-corporatocracy (Disney) and anti-tranny policies).

    I’m sure he does this just to gain popularity, only to them do a bait and switch as soon as he becomes so popular that their followers refuse to let him go, just like how it happened with Trump supporters.

    Something modern days game developers (which aren’t even developers, they’re just business men) do all the time; “here’s a game with boob jiggles, you can adjust the size of the boobs, it’s part of the game, I promise!”, and then as soon as they hit 100s of millions of sales they’ll release a software update to censor all that.
    Meanwhile, all the players who already paid for the game at full price continue to be under the delusion that the game is somehow still “uncensored”.
    Another multi million sales later, they censor out all the violence as well, and nobody notices.

    Trump did exactly that, even before 2019.
    I saw the first bait and switch as early as 1 week after 2016 election, remember the iconic quote “cus you’d be in jail”?
    1 week after the election, he told the world how he’s best buddies with Hillary.
    And while the people who saw this were pointing it all out, even RT News pointed out Trump’s change in attitude back in spring 2017, you’ve got people telling you how he’s going to change things for the better.
    The only good things about Trump were his Twitter account and his admittedly great memes, the fact he didn’t start any new wars, and his ability to speak without relying on a teleprompter.

    • Agree with pretty much everything said here. I have no faith in DeSantis to fix the federal behemoth, it seems like whoever even nears that seat immediately becomes corrupted. Trump is a great example of that.

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