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In an old article of mine from April 10, 2020 titled “Remember The Covid Panickers When This All Ends“, I said the following:
We’ll be fine.
This is not the plague. It is only killing certain adults aged ≥60 years and among persons with serious underlying health conditions. You know, the same type of patient that would die from the flu or pneumonia.
But when this all boils over: remember the Covid Panickers.
They were willing to give up their liberty to the government on a moments notice. They were willing to enforce tyranny at the first sign of a few deaths. They are the ones pushing for this to get worse so they don’t look like they have failed miserably on Covid-19.
They aren’t on my side and they aren’t on yours either.
We have an unprecedented ability to track these people through the internet now. We know who they are. Take all of their words with a grain of salt going further. Who knows the next time they’ll freak out and aid elites to crash everything around them over a copycat flu?
My sentiments have not changed. We need to remember and avoid the covid panickers. This includes our own alleged “right-wingers”. People like Scott Adams and Ben Shapiro fall under this category. If these characters are not false flag distortioners, then they are simply blind. Either way, you shouldn’t trust them as sources. They’ve proven that if the propaganda is strong enough, they will succumb and encourage their followers to as well.
But more important than the misguided panickers, we need to remember the vax sellers. This includes both:
Most of the dissidents in the second bucket (indirect sellers) that I don’t favor are the ultra-rationalists, the ones that rely on logos for everything (both physical and metaphysical) because they lack a spirit of truth.
We must recognize that most of the ardent resistors of this vax and covid panic weren’t those that pulled up spreadsheets and data charts at the beginning, but instead were honest, normal people that just “felt” like the vax campaign was off.
Which it was. The data came later, proving the hypothesis, as often happens with those with a stronger spiritual connection. The data follows; it rarely precedes.
The people that rely solely on the physical are solely stuck in the physical realm, which is easily manipulated, so most of them got the shot or were close to doing so. They often convinced others to take the shot indirectly through their rationalization, or indirectly encouraged the vax by saying they would get it.
There are others in the indirect seller bucket that just wanted to keep their job, so they were willing to go against their own spirit or morals to do so. But this caused a cascading effect, which made it harder for all of us to resist together and caused more people to acquiesce. Their overarching reasoning was based on greed to keep their job, money, or status over that of their morals.
But in many instances, this moral failure was based out of love for family, so I can look past it even though it was still horribly misguided—There are times to comply and times to stand; this was clearly not a time to comply. Never was the need for noncompliance so obvious in all of my life as during the vax campaign.
Still, I’d say that the ultra-rationalists that fell for it were the higher failures compared to those who took the more submissive route, because they honestly bought into or sold themselves on some factor of it. They are more able to be manipulated because of their sole reliance on the physical.
Regardless of the level of failure between the indirect sellers, both should be trusted or listened to only with care. Remember that they fell for it and thus could likely fall for some ruling class shenanigans again.
Even if they didn’t end up taking it, if they said they would, they probably lead some of their own followers to the slaughterhouse.
Still, some mistakes can be forgiven. But it’s a negative mark on the track record, and a fairly large one at that. This isn’t getting some minor point wrong. This was a targeted, vicious, and obviously corrupt campaign that spanned over a year. If they didn’t figure it out and start speaking against it, it’s time to be cautious with them.
The indirect sellers still do not hold a candle to the direct variants. These are the people that directly tried to push it on others. Most notable and most important to us would be the so-called right-wingers that did so.
This includes people like Sean Hannity:
“It absolutely makes sense for many Americans to get vaccinated. I believe in science. I believe in the science of vaccinations.”
And Ben Shapiro:
“Get vaxxed. I did. My wife did. My parents did.”
“In other words, get the vaccine, dopes [Dec 8, 2020]”
“Double-vaxxed. My wife is triple. My parents are triple.”
And Scott Adams:
If you are unvaccinated, you are in the middle of a deadly pandemic. If you are vaccinated, it’s Wednesday.
And Joe Rogan, before he realized he could make more money by playing both fields:
“It would be better to get the virus and recover and have amazing immunity,”
“You know what I think you should do? I think you should get vaccinated and then get sick. This is why: because then you got the vaccine protects you from a bad infection and then you get COVID so then you get the robust immunity that’s imparted from having the actual disease itself.”
(Rogan was going to get the vax at first, but missed his appointment. Then he got the virus and still encouraged others to vax up even though he never did. Now his new pitch is “Young and healthy people don’t need the vaccine, but others can still benefit”. Say what you will about the guy, but you have to concede that Rogan is an excellent gatekeeper.)
So while I targeted Hannity, Adams, Shapiro, and Rogan, they are definitely not the only ones. There are thousands of these types. The so-called conservative or dissident fighters that fell for the most obvious ruling-class propaganda for year(s).
These people want you to trust their analysis of current events and the truth of what is happening in the world when they can’t even recognize the world’s most obvious psyop that has existed in my entire lifetime.
These people did not arrive at their conclusions through rationalism, because if they did, they would have begrudgingly taken it themselves. They would have been the indirect sellers. They wouldn’t have begun a campaign to get others vaxxed, as well. But they became direct sellers and pushed you to take it alongside them (or in Rogan’s case, not even alongside him).
Being covetous of your current lifestyle (taking the shot to keep your job) or displaying cowardice (taking the shot because the societal repercussions exceed what you can handle) like the indirect sellers is still much better than the direct sellers who display either stupidity or evil. There is literally no other option besides evil or stupid, because they clearly didn’t even take the rational route.
So, by continuing to follow them, you are following someone that is either an idiot or is actively trying to harm you.
It’s hard for us to combat the deranged leftoids when we have so many “conservatives”, “centrists”, and “right-wingers” like these. Many of our “allies” are indistinguishable from the enemy in all the areas that matter.
We need to remember these people. Certain mistakes can be forgiven, even some forms of the indirect sellers, but a direct seller should be heavily, heavily scrutinized for every major event in the future. They failed once. It’s not wise to follow the same person off the cliff twice.
Put them into three groups:
Think of them like a stoplight. The dissidents who desperately tried to get you to avoid the vax are green. The indirect seller dissidents are a caution marker of yellow. Meanwhile, the direct seller dissidents are a glaring red.
A fun thing about the internet is that these people can’t hide what they did. So, as more continues to come out exposing the repercussions of the vax, they are just further dug in to their past positions.
The leftists are bad enough. Just be careful who you trust “on our side”. It’s not always as it seems.
I also think it is helpful to remember that people like this exist:
Yes, they said the “sixth shot”. They are on #6 for the covid vax, apparently. Who knew?
I made memes two years ago about leftists taking six shots. Now it’s just reality.
This moronic leftist 6-times-vaxxed Redditor is in the same category as other direct sellers like Ben Shapiro and Hannity. Never forget that.
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