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Enduring the real Joe Rogan "experience": Homosexual pandering and glorifying abortion. Dissidents must spit out the lukewarm centrists.
Joe Rogan’s entire schtick is to play the centrist field just enough to make both the soft leftists and the soft right-wingers happy at differing points, to maximize viewership and revenue.
So, it should come as no surprise that he recently very strongly defended homosexuality and abortion:
Joe Rogan defends gay marriage in profane tirade about people who say he’s conservative
On his podcast, Joe Rogan strongly defended same-sex marriage, skewering Republicans as “homophobic” and profanely declaring that anyone who calls him a conservative has no idea what they’re talking about.
On the Saturday episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience,” the comedian and massively successful podcast host pushed back against critics who have accused him of being a “secret conservative,” citing GOP opposition to gay marriage as one of many reasons he is not, nor has ever been, a Republican.
With some direct quotes from him:
“It’s so homophobic,” Rogan declared. “Because you’re saying there’s something wrong with being homosexual by saying that you are opposed to gay marriage. You’re saying you’re opposed to gay people.”
“Gay marriage is not silly. It’s marriage — it’s marriage from people that are homosexual and it’s, for them, it’s important. They want it,” Rogan continued. “They want to affirm their love and their relationship. And the fact that they’re going after that now almost makes me feel like they want us to fight. They wanna divide us in the best way they can. And this is the best way for them to keep pulling off all the bulls*** they’re doing behind the scenes is to get us to fight over things like gay marriage or get us to fight over things like abortion. It’s just like, why are you removing freedoms?”
“People will say like, ‘Oh, you know, you’re a secret conservative.’ Like you can suck my d***. You don’t know what the f*** you’re talking about. I’m so far away from being a Republican. Just because I believe in the Second Amendment and just because I support the military and just cause I support police,” he continued.
None of us here are Red Team either, but I’m sure not a fence sitter centrist. I definitely don’t go into an emotional tirade over “homophobia” or removing the “[freedom] of wholesale baby slaughter”.
I don’t mind soft right-wingers. I don’t mind conspiracy right-wingers or right-wingers that have radically different views than my own.
But I don’t like centrists.
Because very few people are truthfully centrist. These people generally play the field because it gives them access to both markets. Or they play the centrist card because they don’t actually know anything and want to appear balanced. Or they don’t want to put in the risk necessary to vocalize their actual beliefs. Any of those three options are disingenuous and cowardly.
That is exactly what Rogan and his ilk do. They funnel money, time, and attention away from actual alternatives.
The reason I bring this up is that there is a nasty habit of people on the Right that are far too welcoming of newcomers from the left. Rogan is an excellent example, because he has always been a bleeding heart liberal that’s pro-degeneracy. He just plays the center field now that he gets more money from it. Another recent example is Naomi Klein, because of her non-leftist covid positions.
These people are rarely hardened and will quickly fall back into their safe space once they receive a bit too much pushback, exactly as Rogan does. He leaned a bit too right, so now he maneuvers left and cries about “homophobia”.
These people hemorrhage money from other right-wingers, conservatives, and real dissidents that are actually trying to do noteworthy things. In contrast to Rogan, who is doing nothing to aid our situation besides enriching himself. The guy is one of the wealthiest podcasters and has done absolutely nothing to actually improve any of our situations—Besides his own.
Rogan has directly said that he’s not a right-winger, so right-wingers should listen to him and stop supporting him. I have said it a hundred times before and will keep repeating it: Stop Giving Money To People That Hate You.
Rogan hates you because you want to remove the “freedoms” of cultural degeneracy and sacrificing unborn babies to Moloch. He isn’t on your side.
Stop supporting these lukewarm centrists.
Just like Christ did with those who are lukewarm with him: Spit them out.
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