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Our "Leader" Bows To Foreign Leaders

Our “Leader” Bows To Foreign Leaders

An update on how Biden is doing. it's just getting worse, isn't it?

An Update On How Biden Is Doing

Our leadership is a worldwide embarrassment. I haven’t had this many facepalms since the Obama regime.

Seriously, what the hell was this man thinking? –

GOOFY JOE: Biden Kneels Before Israeli President In White House, Pledges ‘Unquestionable Commitment’ To Israel

“My commitment to Israel is known and engraved in the rock. Includes an unquestionable commitment to Israel’s self-defense. I can say that Iran will never receive nuclear weapons on my watch.”

Democrat President Joe Biden raised eyebrows this week after photographs revealed that he knelt before the Israeli President Reuven Rivlin and his chief-of-staff, “ultra-Orthodox” Rabbi Rebecca Ravitz. According to Israeli media, Biden then offered his “unquestionable commitment to Israel’s self-defense,” and promised that his commitment to Israel is “known and engraved in the rock.”

Michpacha’s Yossi Elituv posted photographs of the incident to Twitter, accompanied by the heartfelt caption, “Finally, something that truly meets the definition of the sanctification of God. President Biden kneels in honor of the ultra-Orthodox Rebecca Ravitz, who combines two important careers: a mother of 12 children, and the head of the outgoing staff at the President’s House. Ravitz will continue to sail far. @YediotAhronot”


Adding to the irony of the situation is the fact that when Ravitz met Catholic figurehead Pope Francis in 2015, she refused to bow because the Pope was wearing a cross. The Pope then covered the cross with his hand and bowed to her instead, losing face with many Catholic fundamentalists.

Biden Bows To Foreign Leaders
Our "Leader" Bows To Foreign Leaders

So, they won’t bow for us or the Pope. But our group bows to them. Even worse, the Pope willingly rejects his religion while submitting.

Unbelievable. What a national disgrace. This is not “goofy”. It is subversive and pathetic.

It’s always been interesting how the U.S. (and a lot of the modern West) openly submits to Israel. Our “greatest ally” that has done nothing for us besides bomb our ship and kill our soldiers. A great ally, indeed.

Now, our lovely “leader” is literally getting on his knees for them.

The national behemoth of the federal government is far too gone to save. Quite frankly, there is not a whole lot left worth saving.

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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