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Joe Biden Is Corrupt

Joe Biden Is Corrupt and His Son Does Meth

The entire Obama/Biden admin was riddled with scandals. Joe Biden is corrupt - horrifically. Oh, and his son does meth.

Joe Biden Is Corrupt

By now we’ve all heard of the Hunter Biden saga. But for those out of the loop or not knowing the specifics:

Nobody knows exactly where Hunter Biden is at the moment, but we all know where his laptop is … It’s at The New York Post. And thanks to a couple bombshell reports from The Post, we’re starting to get an idea of the gold mine that’s sitting on his hard drive.

In a nutshell, we’ve learned that Hunter Biden made a lot of money selling “VP access” to business folks in Ukraine and China.

[Wherein that VP Access was to the then VP Joe Biden, his father]

The money Hunter raked in from his pay-to-play scam afforded him a wild and degenerate lifestyle, complete with hookers, strippers, and all the crack his little lungs could handle.

However, like most junkies, Hunter got sloppy, and when he took his laptop in for repair, it set into motion a string of events that would eventually lead to the opening of a Pandora’s Box straight from the bowels of ‘October Surprise’ hell.

The chain of events that led to the opening of Hunter’s Pandora’s Box is murky, but from we can piece together, the computer repair guy who was fixing Hunter’s laptop stumbled across something so alarming that he contacted the FBI, who, in turn, confiscated the laptop.

It is rather obvious there is child porn on the hard drive. The debate won’t be if it exists or not, but rather how it got there once the news finally surfaces.

The computer repair guy isn’t going to send in a request for the FBI to look at the drive unless there was a federal offense on it. The only federal offense computer techs tend to report is child pornography.

He sure didn’t report it because of some emails exposing what could possibly be corruption.

There is more on it. I’m just waiting to see if that will be released or if they’ll find a way to hide it.

This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone. Between Jeffrey Epstein’s connections to the Clintons, Ghislaine Maxwell’s connection to every powerful democrat, and the plethora of other Hollywood/Political child sex offenders.

Hollywood and powerful politicians worship Moloch. What was once touted as a “conspiracy theory” by the mainstream media is common knowledge for anyone not blind. There are pedophiles at the highest reaches of our government.

And Hunter Biden was a part of it.

What remains to be seen is if this laptop will have any proof of Joe Biden’s connection, which almost certainly exists. You do not ascend to the highest levels of politics, especially in the democrat party, without worshiping Moloch at some point.

The questions is just if they will finally be caught or not. The FBI sure doesn’t seem to be interested. Rather, they seem more interested in hiding their own connections to it. I wonder why.

Even ignoring the obvious child sex offenses by the highest politicians in our government, this scandal is still astronomical. Pretty much everything they accused Trump of doing, the democrats have been doing long before Trump took office. Talk about projection.

It is funny that Nixon is generally regarded as the most corrupt president. That should not be the case, clearly. The Obama/Biden admin have him trumped by far.

This scandal is huge. It is far worse what Biden did (pay-to-play, stop foreign investigation by utilizing straight-up bribery, and massive foreign interference in our elections) than what Nixon did. This, after we have proof that the Obama admin spied on the Trump campaign.

Obama/Biden’s scandal makes the Nixon admin look like Saint Teresa.

The next few weeks will be interesting. Stay tuned.

hunter biden and meth

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1389

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