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Evil supports evil. Oh, and apparently spineless conservatives support evil, too.
I’m sure at this point anyone reading this article has personally watched the original video of the George Floyd and Derek Chauvin encounter. If you haven’t, stop reading and go watch it here first.
Do not watch a news version. Do not listen to a media personality about it. Go watch the unedited recording through that link and then come back.
Fair warning: It’s not fun to watch.
Watched it? Good. You’re probably wondering why Chauvin stayed on him after he stopped talking. Strap in, we’ll get there.
Before that, let’s review the Hennepin County Report. The original one. Again, ignore the bullsh*t news variants. Go straight to the actual source:
On May 25, 2020, someone called 911 and reported that a man bought merchandise from Cup Foods at 3759 Chicago Avenue in Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota with a counterfeit $20 bill. At 8:08 p.m., Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) Officers Thomas Lane and J.A. Kueng arrived with their body worn cameras (BWCs) activated and running. The officers learned from store personnel that the man who passed the counterfeit $20 was parked in a car around the corner from the store on 38th Street.
BWC video obtained by the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension shows that the officers approached the car, Lane on the driver’s side and Kueng on the passenger side. Three people were in the car; George Floyd was in the driver’s seat, a known adult male was in the passenger seat and a known adult female was sitting in the backseat. As Officer Lane began speaking with Mr. Floyd, he pulled his gun out and pointed it at Mr. Floyd’s open window and directed Mr. Floyd to show his hands. When Mr. Floyd put his hands in the steering wheel, Lane put his gun back in its holster.
While Officer Kueng was speaking with the front seat passenger, Officer Lane ordered Mr. Floyd out of the car, put his hands on Mr. Floyd, and pulled him out of the car. Officer Lane handcuffed Mr. Floyd. Mr. Floyd actively resisted being handcuffed.
Once handcuffed, Mr. Floyd became compliant and walked with Officer Lane to the sidewalk and sat on the ground at Officer Lane’s direction. In a conversation that lasted just under two minutes, Officer Lang asked Mr. Floyd for his name and identification. Officer Lane asked Mr. Lloyd if he was “on anything” and explained that he was arresting Mr. Lloyd for passing counterfeit currency.
Officers Kueng and Lane stood Mr. Floyd up and attempted to walk Mr. Floyd to their squad car (MPD 320) at 8:14 p.m. Mr. Floyd stiffened up, fell to the ground, and told the officers he was claustrophobic.
MPD Officers Derek Chauvin (the defendant) and Tou Thoa then arrived in a separate squad car.
The officers made several attempts to get Mr. Floyd in the backseat of squad 320 from the driver’s side. Mr. Floyd did not voluntarily get in the car and struggled with the officers by intentionally falling down, saying he was not going in the car, and refusing to stand still. Mr. Floyd is over six feet tall and weighs more than 200 pounds.
While standing outside the car, Mr. Floyd began saying and repeating that he could not breathe. The defendant went to the passenger side and tried to get Mr. Floyd into the car from that side and Lane and Kueng assisted.
The defendant pulled Mr. Floyd out of the passenger side of the squad car at 8:19:38 p.m. and Mr. Floyd went to the ground face down and still handcuffed. Kueng held Mr. Floyd’s back and Lane held his legs. The defendant placed his left knee in the area of Mr. Floyd’s head and neck. Mr. Floyd said, “I can’t breathe” multiple times and repeatedly said, “Mama” and “please,” as well. The defendant and the other two officers stayed in their positions.
The officers said, “You are talking fine” to Mr. Floyd as he continued to move back and forth. Lane asked, “should we roll him on his side?” and the defendant said, “No, staying put where we got him.” Officer Lane said, “I am worried about excited delirium or whatever.” The defendant said, “That’s why we have him on his stomach.” None of the three officers moved from their positions.
BWC video shows Mr. Floyd continue to move and breathe. At 8:24:24, Mr. Floyd stopped moving. At 8:25:31 the video appears to show Mr. Floyd ceasing to breathe or speak. Lane said, “want to roll him5/29/2020on his side.” Kueng checked Mr. Floyd’s right wrist for a pulse and said, “I couldn’t find one.” None of the officers moved from their positions.
At 8:27:24, the defendant removed his knee from Mr. Floyd’s neck. An ambulance and emergency medical personnel arrived, the officers placed Mr. Floyd on a gurney, and the ambulance left the scene. Mr. Floyd was pronounced dead at Hennepin County Medical Center.
The Hennepin County Medical Examiner (ME) conducted Mr. Floyd’s autopsy on May 26, 2020. The full report of the ME is pending but the ME has made the following preliminary findings.
The autopsy revealed no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation. Mr. Floyd had underlying health conditions including coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease. The combined effects of Mr. Floyd being restrained by the police, his underlying health conditions and any potential intoxicants in his system likely contributed to his death.
The defendant had his knee on Mr. Floyd’s neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds in total. Two minutes and 53 seconds of this was after Mr. Floyd was non-responsive. Police are trained that this type of restraint with a subject in a prone position is inherently dangerous.
Defendant is in custody.
Let repeat:
The autopsy revealed no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation. Mr. Floyd had underlying health conditions including coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease. The combined effects of Mr. Floyd being restrained by the police, his underlying health conditions and any potential intoxicants in his system likely contributed to his death.
You can download the full report mentioned above here:
After watching the video, my first thought was “why did Chauvin stay on his neck after he stopped responding”?
Instead of immediately becoming outraged and burning down my city, I decided to investigate first. Shocking, I know.
Unsurprisingly, I found out some evidence explaining the reasons behind the police officer’s actions. One such piece of evidence is that the neck restraint is a common police tactic.
Minneapolis allows and uses the knee-neck restraint as declared in their policy manual:
Neck Restraint: Non-deadly force option. Defined as compressing one or both sides of a person’s neck with an arm or leg, without applying direct pressure to the trachea or airway (front of the neck). Only sworn employees who have received training from the MPD Training Unit are authorized to use neck restraints. The MPD authorizes two types of neck restraints: Conscious Neck Restraint and Unconscious Neck Restraint. (04/16/12)
Conscious Neck Restraint: The subject is placed in a neck restraint with intent to control, and not to render the subject unconscious, by only applying light to moderate pressure. (04/16/12)
Unconscious Neck Restraint: The subject is placed in a neck restraint with the intention of rendering the person unconscious by applying adequate pressure. (04/16/12)
The Unconscious Neck Restraint shall only be applied in the following circumstances: (04/16/12)
1 On a subject who is exhibiting active aggression, or;
2 For life saving purposes, or;
3 On a subject who is exhibiting active resistance in order to gain control of the subject; and if lesser attempts at control have been or would likely be ineffective.
It is not something that Chauvin did outside of common police practice. He was trained on this technique.
According to the report, Chauvin used the neck restraint per their manual for an individual that was not complying. It is a textbook example for when to use the neck restraint per their own policy.
So, that answers the first question of why the knee to the neck. The next obvious question is why didn’t Chauvin do something when he was saying he couldn’t breathe?
If you watched the unedited clip of the death then you already have the answer to that question. A member of the crowd watching this unfold says Floyd can’t breathe. The officer responds by saying “he can talk, so he can breathe”.
So, they thought he could breathe.
Which makes perfect sense. Floyd was saying he couldn’t breathe since before they even put him in the back of the cop car. He was saying he couldn’t breathe when he was standing up. When he was not even being restrained by the police at all besides handcuffs.
Honestly, he probably couldn’t breathe. Either time. Floyd had a horrible health background and was high on drugs. That, plus the stress of knowing he’s going to jail, probably exacerbated some things. We’ll get to that later though.
First, we need to use some common sense. Which is missing in most Floyd write-ups.
Chauvin knew he was being filmed. This wasn’t a back alley beating caught on a spy cam. There was a crowd and he directly looked at the camera.
He knew he was being watched.
Who in their right mind, cop or otherwise, would willingly (purposely) murder someone knowing they are being filmed?
Do not give me the BS that “he thought he was a cop so he could get away with it”. No one, besides someone on the far left, is that stupid. And I’m not here to convince the far left. Their minds were made up before anyone even died.
No cop, even the most corrupt, would kill someone while knowingly on camera.
Thus, by common sense deduction we can come to the conclusion that Chauvin didn’t think he was killing him. There is no way he would knowingly murder someone on camera in today’s police climate.
He was just using the knee-neck restraint that was taught and condoned by the Minneapolis police department and hundreds of other departments around the US.
In the unedited original video, you can even hear the other officer state: “He can talk so he can breathe”. You can even hear one of the brand new officers voice concern about Floyd in relation to excitable delirium asking if he should be on his side. But Chauvin (the 19 year police veteran) answers no because it is supposedly safer on his stomach. I’m not trained on them, I have no idea the accuracy of that information but it shows that they were considering his health.
It also doesn’t help the situation that Floyd was saying he couldn’t breathe while he was still standing up before even being put in the back of the cop car. I agree, he probably couldn’t. The stress and drug usage was probably impacting his breathing abilities pretty severely even while standing. I doubt the knee helped but it clearly didn’t start it as he was complaining about not being able to breathe before being put in the cop car the first time. That was before he was even restrained in the first place aside from basic handcuffs.
Additionally, it’s not like the cops left him to die. They had clearly already called the ambulance because the paramedics got there within 8 minutes of being restrained. That’s a quick turn around time. Chauvin clearly called it in early.
What cop is going to call the paramedics in advance for someone they are trying to homicide?
At worst this will be an example of a police error (negligence) and an incorrect usage of neck restraint. Not homicide. The worst case is that Chauvin was using the a legal neck restraint that he shouldn’t have used given the circumstances that he couldn’t have been expected to know (drug usage, prior medical problems).
Doctors kill 250,000 a year. These are “medical errors” because we know they have a difficult job with high stress. Since 2015, cops kill on average only 1000 a year. About 250 of them are black. Last year, only 9 out of those ~250 were unarmed blacks. This could very easily have been a “law enforcement error”. Floyd is one of those 9 for 2020.
But outright murder? Not a chance.
Once the emotional winds of this passes, I bet more and more people will see this truth.
The final autopsy was released. You can download it here:
Chauvin removed his knee from Floyd’s neck at 8:27 p.m. Floyd was pronounced dead at 9:25 pm.
He was nearly immediately loaded onto the ambulance after Chauvin got off of him. He died later at the medical center.
Floyd died from “cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement case title: subdual, restraint, and neck compression”. He did not die of asphyxiation.
Key takeaways:
Not great to mix heart disease with drugs and high stress situations, obviously. Also this clearly shows the other “independent” autopsy is a quack since they didn’t find any related conditions. Even if it was asphyxiation, heart disease would be a related condition. Kind of obvious to anyone that knows basic medicine.
Direct from the autopsy:
46-year-old man who became unresponsive while being restrained by law enforcement officers; he received emergency medical care in the field and subsequently in the Hennepin HealthCare (HHC) Emergency Department, but could not be resuscitated.
One more time for good measure: Floyd did not die of asphyxiation. He had a cardiac arrest due to the stress of the situation that was exacerbated because of Chauvin’s restraint type, severe heart disease, and drug usage.
How injury occurred: Decedent experienced a cardiopulmonary arrest while being restrained by law enforcement officer(s). The justice system will determine if it was a homicide or not.
It was not one thing that killed Floyd but many.
We can debate Floyd’s death all day: drug-related, accident, murder, whatever. In reality, we’re not going to know all of the facts until after the trial.
What’s not up for debate is the fact that this guy was evil. So unsurprisingly, evil groups are supporting and martyr-izing him.
The main fact from the story line above is that:
Additionally, per the autopsy, if he were not high on fentanyl and meth he would likely not be dead.
This dude is not a saint. He should not be treated as such. Cities are burning because of an evil man.
This is the man that was sentenced to jail numerous times for possession of cocaine.
Who also did a stint in jail for trespassing one time and theft another time.
This is the man that robbed a pregnant woman’s house, hit her, and pointed a gun into her belly. All to score some drugs which the pregnant woman didn’t even have. 5 years prison for that one.
This is the man that was pulled out of the drivers seat while he was driving around high on fentanyl and meth [committing DWI and risking even more innocent lives].
This is the man that was in violent, degrading, and demeaning porn videos where he abused/beat the women in them.
This is the man that was initially contacted by cops because he passed a still-wet counterfeit bill to an innocent store clerk and then refused to give back the cigarettes he bought with that fake money when he was confronted by the clerk who knew it was counterfeit:
The fatal encounter began just before 8 p.m., when Mr. Floyd entered Cup Foods, a community store run by four brothers, and a store clerk claimed that he had paid for cigarettes with a counterfeit $20 bill. The police got a call from the store at 8:01 p.m.
“Um, someone comes our store and give us fake bills, and we realize it before he left the store,” the caller said, according to a transcript released by the authorities, “and we ran back outside, they was sitting on their car.”
The store clerk demanded the cigarettes back. “But he doesn’t want to do that, and he’s sitting on his car ‘cause he is awfully drunk and he’s not in control of himself,” the clerk said, according to a transcript of the call to police. “He is not acting right.”
Not long after, Angel Stately, a regular customer and former employee, arrived at the store looking for menthol cigarettes. The police were already outside.
Ms. Stately said the clerk, a teenager, was feeling bad; he had called the police, he told her, only because it was protocol.
The clerk held up a folded bill and showed it to her. The bill was an obvious fake, she said. “The ink was still running,” she said.
This is the man that from moved from Houston to Minneapolis right before his daughter was born, abandoning her. This is also the man who no one seems to know what happened to his other 5 kids and I doubt he had any idea, either.
He clearly wasn’t a good dude. He shouldn’t be anyone’s martyr.
Which makes it all the more hilarious when they try to spin narratives on him. The media talks at length about how his little girl remembered him fondly. Yeah, I’m sure she does remember fondly the very few times she seen him after he left the state without her.
Or their other narratives like the “gentle giant” skit. Someone with a rap sheet this long should no longer have “gentle” in any title outside of Pravda or comedies.
Or the narrative of the store owner now saying he doesn’t know if the bill was fake and contradicting the clerks even though he wasn’t present. Of course he is contradicting the clerk, otherwise these rioters would probably destroy his business and shoot him for speaking up. Any one of us would quickly “adapt” to the narrative with that kind of public pressure on your head. The fake that journo’s can’t figure that out themselves is either proof of their subversion or their stupidity: you pick.
Or the narrative of the “independent” autopsy (that was paid for by the family of Floyd) that clearly stated they seen no physical signs of strangulation but that it was probably still that, because, well, the medical examiner watched the video and somehow that is scientific. They even admitted that they wouldn’t be able to still see marks on his neck this late in an autopsy investigation. The family hired the same pathologist that conducted other secondary reviews of similar “police brutality” cases such as that of Eric Garner. So, clearly, not having a bias at all. Also, conveniently, it’s nearly impossible to find this official “independent” autopsy. All you’ll find are news sources about it. See “autopsy” section above for more information.
Or the narrative that ‘Black Lives Matter’ in this context. Clearly, black lives did not matter to Floyd or he wouldn’t have pointed a gun at an unborn baby and a pregnant woman while beating and robbing those black lives.
Or the narrative that Floyd was “turning his life around”. Last I checked, you can’t turn your life around when your committing felony counterfeiting, smoking meth, and driving around while high with two other individuals in the car that are known to the police.
For those that prefer text:
Affiant J. Tapia is a certified peace officer with the Houston Police Department assigned to the Robbery Division. Affiant believes and has reason to believe that the Defendant, George Floyd, committed the felony offense of Aggravated Robbery with a Deadly Weapon on or about August 9, 2007 in Harris County, Texas. Affiant basis his belief on the following facts:
Affiant was assigned the follow-up investigation of a robbery that occurred on August 9, 2007 at 8710 Glenhouse Court, Houston, Harris County, Texas. Affiant reviewed Houston Police Department offense report # 117571507-C, which was written by certified peace officer D.A. Richardson, who is also employed by the Houston Police Department.
Affiant met with Aracely Henriquez, Complainant #1, and Angel Negrete, Complainant #2, who are both credible and reliable persons, who advised him that on August 9, 2007 they, along with Amanda Negrete (1 yoa), were all inside their residence at 8710 Glenhouse Court when they heard a knock on the front door. As Complainant Henriquez looked out the front window, she observed a black male dressed in a blue uniform who told her that he was with the water department.
As Complainant Henriquez opened the door, she immediately realized that this person was not with the water department and attempted to close the door. However, this male held the door open and prevented her from doing so.
At this time, a black Ford Explorer pulled up in front of the Complainants’ residence and five other black males exited this vehicle and proceeded to the front door.
The largest of these suspects forced his way into the residence, placed a pistol against the complainant’s abdomen, and forced her into the living room area of the residence. This large suspect then proceeded to search the residence while another armed suspect guarded the complainant, who was struck in the head and side areas by this second armed suspect with his pistol after she screamed for help.
As the suspects looked through the residence, they demanded to know where the drugs and money were and Complainant Henriquez advised them that there were no such things in the residence.
The suspects then took some jewelry along with the complainant’s cell phone before they flew the scene in the black Ford Explorer, whose license plate was written down by a neighbor who witnessed the suspects exiting the vehicle and entering the complainants’ residence.
Complainant Henriquez tentatively identified Defendant George Floyd as being the largest of the suspects who initially forced his way into her home, pulled the pistol into her abdominal area, and forced her into the living room area.
Complainant Negrete positively identified Defendant Floyd as being one of the suspects whom he remembered seeing going through the cabinets in the kitchen.
Sword on November 27, 2007.
Harris Count District Clerk.
George Floyd isn’t going to be crowned Saint Floyd any time soon. Except by the leftist media, of course.
Evil groups such as the terrorist cell Antifa, looters, BLM, and the like have used this criminal’s death as a means to push forward their agenda.
Which makes perfect sense. The evil groups support the evil man.
Even if it were an injustice what happened to Floyd, does that permit further injustice against innocent store owners, innocent cops, and others in the warpath of these evil groups? Only in the imagination of the far left.
All of these groups support these evil acts. Making them just as evil as their martyr.
They have even rioted and destroyed cities over it. Dozens are dead from the “peaceful protests”. But why? The four officers involved have been arrested. They will be given a (hopefully) fair trial where the truth can come out. It’s not like Chauvin is walking around and policing while this trial is underway. Justice was never abandoned or missing. It just takes time and patience. Something the mob has in short supply.
If guilty, hopefully Chauvin does serve time to atone for the crime he committed. If innocent, which it certainly seems like given the insane charges of first/second degree murder, he should be released and vindicated from the hive-mind hatred poured upon him.
What is most distressing about this whole ordeal is how conservatives have responded. Entire cities are burning, autonomous zones are being declared, cops are being killed, and they’re largely pu**y-stepping around. Where’s the military? Where’s the support for the thin blue line? This vocal minority needs to be shut down and peace restored.
Our leaders on the “right” are barely even fighting back against the protests. A few words here and there about “don’t be violent!” but no action. Where are the facts about this criminal’s history? I had to dig and dig to get this info and I couldn’t even find everything I was searching for, especially about his numerous kids scattered about. Why do I have to be the journalist when there’s 150 media organizations that are supposed to find this out for us?
Where is the support for a just and fair trial? Do we just toss that out of the window when politically necessary? The left goes to war over a criminal. The right can barely muster up the courage to say “hey, stop rioting please”.
No wonder the youth flee from the modern right in droves. Our centrists leaders are as packed full of soy as the left.
Even conservative groups have become weak, groveling little worms because of these riots. Are we not standing up for the truth anymore? We don’t even wait for the facts, we just jump on the lynch Chauvin bandwagon because of a single video? We are to just go along with the current outrage mob now?
Sorry, I apparently didn’t get that memo. Our modern political right is indistinguishable from the decades-old leftists at this point. You are all a disgrace.
Between this and COVID, I’ve lost all faith in the modern right. They’re too far gone. If they can’t stand up to evil then they are worthless.
I won’t support these protests. Justice is already being served. There is no institutional police racism in the US. Killing cops is never justified. Anyone that burns the flag is an enemy. Even Satan knows that no human should kneel to another human.
I won’t kneel. Not for this evil man. Not for any man. And neither should you.
God is watching. I’m sure he’s also taking notes. Exodus 23:2
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thank you for presenting the material/evidence in a coherent sequence. I will use this article to “red pill” a friend who doesn’t “want to hear anything” about this incident – the “cop was wrong”. I have tried to discuss “excitable delirium” (known since 1982 in medical community) but he won’t hear it.
You did not discuss the porn video he made in Texas in 2015 or 2016 with an 18 year old, Kimberley Brinks. George, and the man/photographer who set it up, treated her like an animal as the “sex” began. I watched the film only to verify is was George “Big Floyd” by observing his chest tatoo. It was him!
BTW, your links have been broken or video deleted. Hennipin County has revised its Police Manual this month. Do you have a copy of their previous manual which includes neck holds as the appropriate method to restrain someone with “excitable delirium”? I did not download it in May like I should have.
Hey Oak Woman, thanks for the comment! Hopefully this article helps him recognize how the media has lied to him repeatedly. I did mention that porn video in my next article on George Floyd: The Truth on George Floyd Finally Arrives. I’ve started to archive links, so hopefully in the future they won’t be broke. Still should be relatively easy to find any of the sources as it is a big news item.To answer your question (previous manual which includes neck holds), you can find it here. It states: