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I am fully convinced that boomers have something akin to the Batman signal that goes out in the sky when someone online makes a critique of their generation. It rallies them all to the location where someone just dared challenge their impenetrable generation.
I have not once received a complaint from a Millennial, or a Gen X, or Gen Z about articles I have making fun of them. But if you have a blog and mention a boomer, you best prepare. Soon the Boomer Signal will target you. You’ll have every Boomer from Hawaii to Florida yelling at you about the faults of every other generation within the span of a few days.
I posted an article a while back where I ever so slightly poked the Boomer Squad for answering why the younger generations don’t buy $500,000 houses all the time. I am still, to this day, receiving emails and comments crying about it.
Meanwhile, I posted over 3 articles, such as this one, trashing millennials during that entire stretch of that time. Calling them prone to laziness, socialists, and holding an “I deserve this” attitude. Laughing about how they’re all too busy eating avocado toast to notice the civilization is collapsing. I have received exactly one email about those articles from a millennial, and his/her response was akin to “that’s so true my generation is full of idiots lol“. Same goes for Gen Z. In true Gen X fashion, I never hear from them at all.
Even in person, if you joke about the Boomer generation in front of the Boomer, they get mighty offended. Meanwhile, I’ve talked trash to millennials, Gen X, and Gen Z directly to their face and they usually laugh at it and agree.
But not the Boomers. The Boomer Signal immediately goes out in the sky and they come back with a wind of fury; cataclysmically wailing about how great their generation is and how trash mine is.
It’s especially hilarious in my position on this website, because they often don’t know what age I am, so they cannot deduce my generation. So, usually they target all of them and trash them all to make sure I’m covered somewhere in it.
I’m not sure what happened with the Boomers, but they struggle to separate generational identity from personal identity, so they take personal offense that the rest of the country does not think they are the greatest generation. Maybe that’s a side effect from being raised by the actual greatest generation (per their title), a type of inferiority complex masked by a superiority response. I’m not entirely sure. Haven’t exactly narrowed it down yet.
This is true even though I don’t target generations much on here. It’s rare for me to do so. I don’t see a point. We need unity more than further division. But I do find it a fun tough-skin building exercise for generations. Hell, pointing out faults is even a comradery exercise in most militaries. It’s also an opportunity for betterment, by pointing out particular flaws in generations and making sure you, the individual, do not share the generational flaws. But for some reason, most Boomers struggle with any criticism of their generation and do not want to self-reflect. They suffer from a lack of tribalism and identity (as in racial consciousness), but then become very defensive of arguably the stupidest identity possible: generational identity.
We can’t necessarily blame them fully for this. They grew up in a time where they were taught that institutions could be trusted, the “experts” were actually experts, and it was a moral evil to have a racial identity. But many Boomers break out of these molds, so why do others cling to it so harshly?
I do believe that is one of the reasons why Boomers are so heavily targeted online. It’s like picking on the kid at school that freaks out about it versus the one that ignores you. The freak out ones are more fun, so they’re the ones that keep getting teased.
It’s not like Boomers caused all the faults in the Western world. It started long before them. But their generation, just like every other generation, contributed to it immensely. These faults must be pointed out so they are not repeated. It’s exactly why I point out the faults in Gen Z, X, and M, so they can learn and grow from it. But if you try to do so with that one specific generation, you get the Boomer Signal. It’s why the “Ok Boomer” trend became a thing, because there are few ways to talk with them openly and honestly about the situation. They instead just start targeting other generations.
Still, I hold by it that I don’t find a lot to gain in the generation battles. We must have a coordinated effort against the evil at our doorsteps. And yes, that includes inviting in some unique Boomers that have the Spirit of Truth.
The generational discussions can be good for building some thicker skin and making people reflect on their own bad habits they may have picked up from their generation. But that’s about the extent of the benefit.
Sadly, I don’t think many Boomers will be gaining from this discussion, because I’m sure they already left this article and are on my contact page writing me a 5000 word discourse on why every other generation is trash, how they own guns and aren’t afraid to use them, and how they made Steve Jobs a thing.
Oh well, to each their own.
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My mom is 74 so right there in the thick of the Boomer thing. She was ranting the other day about how the grand kids just want her money. She wants to sell her house and buy an apartment so she can spend all her money before she dies. The grand kids can do for themselves cause it’s her money and she worked for it. I asked her to name one kid that has asked for her money. She stated none of them had. They were the ME generation. It’s never going to be about anyone but them. If your own mother has that much contempt in her heart for her grand kids can you imagine what they think about everyone else? She my mom but damn she’s fucked up. Like the rest of them. Rarely do I meet one I like.
This is certainly a factor in it. Sucks about the mom, that’d be rough. Let her buy herself into materialistic misery while you take a better approach.