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We had the first reader question come in from this prior article: ‘Send Me Your Questions, Topics Of Interest, And Memes‘. The question concerns worsening crime here in the States.
Our reader’s question effectively boils down to:
First, I would agree with the premise of the question (that crime and criminality in general are increasing exponentially as the decline continues). But I don’t know if every person on our side would agree with that same foundational assumption. There have been other times in the past where crime has been up as well, but those times were not related to the fall of the empire. Sometimes crime ebbs and flows.
But I think what our reader was getting at was that crimes are practically encouraged under our current corrupt system, so they are increasing consistently by a margin not seen before. Such as what we see in the inner cities with looting gangs hitting stores, blacks attacking whites with no repercussions, and radical legal assaults against vigilantism.
From an institutional standpoint, crime is being encouraged. And those that fight against it are being targeted worse than the criminals themselves. I don’t know any dissident that would disagree with that premise. That reality is thrown in our faces constantly.
So, we all would agree that institutionally permitted crime is certainly allowed and worsening year-by-year. So we can start there with this question, now having a universal premise.
On the one hand, worsening crime is good for dissidents, because it results in a loss of trust in the system among the average person.
The system cannot even fulfill its most basic role, which is to protect people. This is good for us on a macro scale. Fewer people trust in the system because it cannot even perform its essential duties.
However, in my opinion, I think increasing crime is a net negative for the cause overall. If it weren’t, the elites probably wouldn’t be allowing it.
The reason I think this is that the legal warfare being used against vigilantes and just every day good folk will hurt us far more than the benefit we gain from a few normies losing trust in the system.
We look at innocent parties like those from January 6 and the Georgia family who tried to defend their community who are being prosecuted to the maximum extent of the law. Same goes for the older gentlemen defending himself in borderland in Arizona.
We are losing good people to this criminality and our inability to fight back against it. Meanwhile, literal illegal immigrant rapists and violent looters walk free or get a slap on the wrist.
This discourages other good-hearted people from defending their community or even getting involved. Simply because the risk is not worth it. So we have a dual-edged problem: We have fewer strong men fighting back due to the repercussions in dealing with the increasing crime, and we have more innocents hurt by it. Both of these only further push us into a corner, a position that we do not want to be in.
Put simply: When criminals have the majority of the power over the good guys, that is not good for us.
While crime increasing does increase the distrust in the system, I think the harm it produces far outweighs that benefit it provides. Chaos is not always in our interest. Especially not when we do not yet have the levers of power needed to navigate through that chaos effectively.
The only other good thing to come about this is that when crime increases on the level and the scale that we are seeing today, we know that the system is untenable and will not last much longer. So, being an indicator of the things to come, worsening crime does produce some hope in the wise dissident that can recognize that this system will not last much longer. We’re at the end stage.
In that, we can be thankful. But having more looters, degenerates, and criminals? No, I don’t consider that a positive.
Even if I want the system gone, I don’t want my people hurt in the process. But that’s just my two cents.
Read Next: The Idol Of Ideology
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Right you are. The template for what’s happening here now has been around and been used for a long time. If there’s anything positive, it’s that those who think they’re securing a place for themselves at the table of the new order by selling all of us out will find (to their shock and dismay) they’re no longer needed, and will receive their just desserts!
Pyotr Krasnov saw it all happen. Does the following sound familiar?
“After having dug an abyss between the governing class and the population, we shall take the power into our hands. Lenin is of opinion that, on coming to power, it is necessary … to create a new army to serve as a weapon of defense for the new government. pp. 392-3. You know the Russian proverb: ‘Where there is a bog, you are sure to find devils.’ Once in power, we shall have a sufficient number of blackguards, outcasts and varlets of the revolution at our disposal. We’ll secure them a good living. p. 395. You must understand that Russia [in our case the U.S.] is being set aside. Proletarians of all countries, worthless fellows who have been unable to create even their own personal welfare are going to be invited to participate in the construction of Russia’s welfare. Men who are destroying and who despise everything are invited to create the power of a country.” p. 337.
Pyotr N. Krasnov, ‘From Double Eagle to Red Flag’, trans. 2nd ed. by Erik Law-Gisika
I think we can all be immensely thankful for that fact. Justice always finds a way, even if God has to ensure it at the end of time. But it is sure a lot more entertaining when that justice happens within our lifetimes.
There have been some successful pushbacks against the anarcho-tyranny. During the lockdown period the Ontario government instucted local police forces to randomly stop pedestrians and motorists and require them to prove their need to travel, but all of the municipal police forces publicly announced they would not be doing that, and the Premier then announced that the directive had been “misinterpreted”. Recently in the U.S. many rural sheriffs refusing to implement unconstitutional seizures of firearms from law-abiding citizens. Certain Canadian provinces are also refusing to participate in federal gun “buy-backs”, refusing to collect carbon taxes, and threatening to arrest for trespassing federal fertilizer inspectors of family farms. In Scotland a new “anti-hate” law resulted in a flood of complaints, including a large number against Scotland’s First Minister for anti-white remarks he had made in a radio interview. This person has now resigned. There has also been a backing away from “squatter’s rights”, even in blue states.