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Dixie On The Rocks

A New Dissident Podcast: Dixie On The Rocks

Recommending some new dissident content: The podcast 'Dixie on the Rocks' and the book 'A Walk In The Park' by Padraig Martin.
Dixie On The Rocks

Dixie On The Rocks & A Walk In The Park

I am thrilled to add a new podcast to my Recommended Reading And Listening List. The new addition is “Dixie on the Rocks” by Rick Dirtwater and Padraig Martin.

You can find their podcast here. The RSS feed is also available using this link, if you prefer to just copy it down into your player of choice.

Claiming their podcast is “new” may be a bit of a stretch since they started the show back in August, but they now have a sizeable amount of content for a newcomer to be able to dive in fully. Still, it’s the newest podcast in the dissident lineup that I know of.

It is a Southern Nationalist podcast. But even if you’re not a SN, it’s a valuable listen. As most of my readers already know, I favor regionalization, so I’m in their camp. Still, dissidents can disagree on the exact solution for our problems but still gain benefit from one another. Iron sharpens iron. Knowledge is knowledge.

If you’re looking for some recommendations on which particular shows to listen to, Here are my top three:

  1. Tidewater Tales: Franco & The Spanish Civil War
  2. Climate Change Driven Depopulation, Emasculation & Replacement
  3. The Big Red Puddle of 2022 – What Went Wrong & Right

Both of the gentlemen that run the show are great guys and dedicated to the cause.

One of those men—Padraig Martin—also published a book recently. The book is titled A Walk in the Park: My Charlottesville Story. It discusses the Unite the Right rally that occurred in August 2017 that caused so much blowback for the Alt-Right crowd. Padraig was a participant of that rally, and he recounts the story.

Find the book here. As far as I am aware, it is only available on Amazon. I hope Padraig will branch out and find some alternative options in the future, but I understand the business approach to start it on Amazon.

It is ranking well on Amazon. Last I checked it was top 30 for the nationalism category, which is fantastic. For comparison, Torba’s book, which I also recommended is at 22. True dissident voices are climbing the ranks against the gatekeepers, slowly but methodically.

I’ve heard a lot of great things about the book, but my copy has not yet arrived, so I cannot comment on it yet personally. But a few of my contacts picked up a copy before me and said it was well worth the read.

Go queue up a couple Dixie on the Rocks podcasts and consider buying Padraig’s book. Support our guys and help them grow.

It is always good to give attention to the friends on our side that are putting out great content like this. It can go far in helping our cause.

If nothing else, it’s a great reminder that not everyone in clown world is insane. There are at least dozens of us left.

Read Next: The Futility Of Preparation


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1382

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