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Our Misguided Guardians

Many of our best men are trapped on the sacrificial altar of a decaying state. How do we save our misguided guardians?
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Saving The Misguided Guardians

A reader posted a discerning comment on my article “How To Create A Men’s Group” that got me thinking about the nature and essence of many of our valiant guardians that are still trapped on the sacrificial altar of modernity.

In that comment, Doug said the following:

Very poignant that he introduced his group to copies of the Iliad. This work was written at the end of the Greek dark ages, and its tale about the Trojan War at the beginning of these same dark ages.

Beneath the main current of heroism, Gods and battle, is the undercurrent of every collapse into a dark age; Virtus vs effeminacy; race; politics; misbalance of gender. It cannot be overlooked, the comparison between the doughty, austere mainland Greek Achaeans, existing for a decade on a beach shore, vs the existentially refined, trade-enriched, orientalist Trojans. Every failing, rotted society will still have its few remaining stalwart, noble-minded Hectors, shackle bound by their own integrity to fight and perish for their debauched polis.

The question in our times is – will enough Hectors have the wisdom, finally, to group together and form their own enclave? Or will they again die in one last shield wall, protecting gilded cities of mincing eunuchs and playboy cuckholders?

A great comment all around, but my point of interest is this part:

Every failing, rotted society will still have its few remaining stalwart, noble-minded Hectors, shackle bound by their own integrity to fight and perish for their debauched polis.

The question in our times is – will enough Hectors have the wisdom, finally, to group together and form their own enclave? Or will they again die in one last shield wall, protecting gilded cities of mincing eunuchs and playboy cuckholders?

Our reader nails the subject. Every civilization on the pathway to annihilation has a notable caste of misguided guardians.

These are people that would be the vanguards of a civilization in its budding and prosperous years. But because of the degeneration, they are defending what harms them.

Just as Doug noted: This happened in the past, and it is happening now. History loves to cycle.

I want you for the U.S. army poster (guardians)

In the positive stages of the political cycle of collapse, the guardians defend and advance their honorable state. In the negative stages of the cycle, the guardians still defend their state, but they defend a horrifically ugly, degenerate version of it.

The defending entity and its character changes, but the “Hectors” themselves do not change. These misguided guardians are still valiant, strong, and noble characters. They are still the valiant vanguards that are necessary for a state to survive.

But instead of fighting to correct the issue, or acting as a white blood cell to destroy the body’s infection, the misguided guardians instead continue to defend the corrupt, disfigured corpse of a state.

These men are noble, but they stand guard protecting the very heart of evil that is abusing their own people, including themselves.

We saw this in the past with the defenders of great empires that were on the way out (British, Ottoman, Byzantine, etc.) We see this in the modern day with many police, military, and other workers that are dedicated to trying to work with the system. They spend their days protecting the system that is bludgeoning them and their future progeny.

Genuine men. But with misplaced hope.

Look at our modern military men and ask yourself: What are they defending? They are defending pure corruption and vile decadence from our ruling class. Most are nothing more than hitmen for the state.

They are defending this with their very lives. Tens of thousands have died for absolutely no reason.


But they don’t see it like that. They are honorable. Our boys see a country that was sold to them as something else, or they see what it has the potential to be. If they are old enough, they feel the nostalgia of something past.

when the trumpet calls poster (misguided guardians)

This is honestly one of the many things that enrages me the most about the ruling class. There are few things that get my blood boiling as much as this topic.

Our misguided guardians want only to risk themselves for what they view as honorable and worthy. That is a high virtue, and one that should never be abused.

But what happens is the ruling class uses these honorable, virtuous young men and sends them to their grave for their own despicable yearnings for power and influence.

It is probably one of the worst crimes committed by those in charge. They throw these men away under completely false claims and make them suffer and die for an illusion that they created.

Our rulers use the guardian’s honorable intentions to proliferate evil and degeneration.

Many dissidents nowadays are trying to convince our would-be guardians to turn to another path. To not go down those routes. To not encourage young men to risk their lives for a corrupt clown world empire.

But they won’t save them all. Many will still join up. And it’s sad to think of what happens to those poor souls.

One has to hope for a day where this cycle ends. A time when our best and most courageous men won’t willingly die on the battlefield to defend the weakest, most pathetic creatures that send them to their doom.

We need to find a way to redirect these misguided guardians to their true foe. The one that they currently defend; the one that rules over them and us. Our remnant would be a lot stronger with the late-stage guardians included.

As Doug pondered:

will enough Hectors have the wisdom, finally, to group together and form their own enclave?

One can hope.

Read Next: We Cannot Operate Like The Leftists


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1389

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