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The Precinct Strategy

The Precinct Strategy: Get Involved Locally

It all starts with you. We all have to get involved or this will never end. Introducing: The Precinct Strategy.

The Precinct Strategy

Nothing changes until you change.

There is both inside-the-system work to be done along with outside-the-system work to be done.

I’ve address a lot of outside-the-system work already, in articles such as:

But there is inside-the-system work to be done as well. We need strong communities, united local regions, and resilient coordination between them both.

Nothing outside of the system will work for long if we don’t also dabble inside the system to delay and grant ourselves as many favors as possible.

Currently, there are a few ways to do so. Obviously, we have to be careful here because we don’t have the protection privileges of the left.

A couple I’ve already touched on:

But there is another inside-the-system method, along with a website and forum to go along with it, that I wanted to share today.

That is the precinct strategy:

In a nutshell, this is what every conservative — including you, dear reader — needs to do ASAP — if our goal is to have our state legislators pass election reform laws requiring all counties to stop using any kind of imaging machines for counting votes and, instead, return us to the “gold standard” of counting votes:  hand-counting at the polling locations before the paper ballots are allowed to leave the premises and making voting by mail the exception and not the rule.  The first step in taking back our government, by electing better, people, is by taking back the Republican Party from those running it now.  And that means YOU becoming a precinct committeeman for your voting precinct.  (Precinct committeeman is called different things in different states (precinct chair, precinct delegate, precinct committee officer, member, etc.; the bottom line is that you want to become a voting member of your local or county committee, and it is not difficult to do so.)

1. Contact your county Republican Party Committee, find out when and where it or your local district Party Committee meets (terminology varies from state to state), and attend the meeting.

2. Introduce yourself. Be friendly, polite, and low key.  The current officers may be wary of outsiders.    Ask if a vacant precinct committeeman position exists for your precinct and volunteer to be appointed to fill it.  If no vacancy currently exists (extremely unlikely), volunteer to be a “helper” for the existing precinct committeemen.

3. Ask for a copy of the precinct committeeman handbook of your state party committee and study it and learn how to run for precinct committeeman in the next election for these positions.

Precinct committeemen are today’s political Minutemen.  Can you at least give this a try?  I guarantee you’ll find the experience very interesting and rewarding and you’ll meet a lot of interesting Republicans. And take along with you every conservative you know.  Precinct committeemen are the “elite” of the political parties – parties do not exist without them and fewer than one in one hundred political party members can be a voting member of the party.

America First Americans must take their political activities “into” the Republican Party by becoming precinct committeemen and thereby transform the Party from a half-strength, ideologically-split party into a full-strength, solidly-conservative party to help the BEST America First candidates win the all-important, usually-very-low-turnout primary elections by helping to boost turnout of conservative Republicans in every voting precinct.

The precinct committeemen vote for the candidates. It’s an essential position.

This is a way forward. We have to have leaders and individuals that will actually fight for us. We won’t get that with the current party committeemen. We need new ones; we need people like my readers. Even if the elections are rigged in other states, this is the only way for red states to hedge toward a partition and/or delay further federal takeover.

A big reason why outside-the-system strategies don’t work is because we don’t have a party to back us up inside the system. The republicans are not on our side. Both system approaches become a lot easier if we change that. This all changes if we outnumber them.

Currently, conservatives keep losing because they don’t do anything. The leftists use every waking free moment to push their agenda. Until our side gets that same fighting level ferocity, we will get nowhere.

You can’t expect anyone else to save you. You have to step up.

Get involved locally. Their website gives you all the insight you need to get started.

If you want to take it further or take a different route, get in with your county GOP. Work with them. Get to know them. Find and form like-minded pacts with others like you within them. Get on a board/committee for your city or county. Volunteer to be a poll watcher or poll worker. Volunteer to campaign for good candidates.

Or, do all of the above. That’s the best option.

Everything happens on the ground level. It is desperately needed right now.

For example, in my county, we have a super republican majority. But none of them show up to vote for non-presidential races. If we could get just 50% of them to show up, we would win every election, every time, with the best candidates. But we can barely get 15% on a good year.

Conservatives just don’t show up. This is their issue. Until that is fixed, we will keep getting decimated.

There is no magical fairy coming to save you. No leader will waltz in and lead us out of this mess. You have to stand up and you have to fight back. Be the light. Bear good fruit. It is most needed right now.

It all starts with you saying “enough“.

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1389

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