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It’s fun comparing the media response to different countries handling of COVID. They whine about the US response, the Western European response, and even the response in Brazil [1][2][3].
Yet, they quickly flip the cards whenever it’s a communist country.
CNN pushed actual internal Chinese propaganda numerous times during their various reporting on China.
Such as this gem:
A Chinese naval flotilla headed into the Pacific over the weekend, evidence that the People’s Liberation Army Navy has done a much better job controlling coronavirus than the US Navy, according to a story posted on the PLA’s English-language website.
The aircraft carrier Liaoning led the group, which included two guided-missile destroyers, two guided-missile frigates and an auxiliary ship, according to the report from state-run tabloid Global Times. It cited Japanese and Taiwanese reports and noted the PLA had not confirmed the operation.
The report said that the Chinese carrier was carrying out this operation while four US Navy aircraft carriers — the USS Theodore Roosevelt, the USS Ronald Reagan, the USS Carl Vinson and the USS Nimitz — have reported cases of coronavirus, crimping their operations.
The PLA Navy has no such issues, Chinese military experts told the Global Times.
Then we have Reuters on Vietnam:
Vietnam, a country of 96 million people which shares a border with China, is signalling that it has succeeded where many wealthier and more developed countries have not by containing the new coronavirus.
Then we have TheConversion on Cuba:
Some countries seem to be weathering the coronavirus pandemic better than others. One country that moved rapidly to deal with the emerging threat was Cuba.
Cuba has several advantages over many states, including free universal healthcare, the world’s highest ratio of doctors to population, and positive health indicators, such as high life expectancy and low infant mortality. Many of its doctors have volunteered around the world, building up and supporting other countries’ health systems while gaining experience in emergencies. A highly educated population and advanced medical research industry, including three laboratories equipped and staffed to run virus tests, are further strengths.
Also, with a centrally planned, state-controlled economy, Cuba’s government can mobilize resources quickly.
The list is really endless. Don’t take my word for it, research it yourself. Go to your search engine and type in “[mainstream media name] [communist country] COVID Response“. You’ll find dozens. Then try the same with a non-communist country like Italy.
It seems like the only exceptions to this rule are other politically involved nations like Taiwan and Iceland.
It should come as no surprise that the media prefers the totalitarian societies over the free ones. If we had journo’s worth a sh*t they would realize that the reason communist countries can tackle COVID more effectively is that they control every aspect of their citizen’s lives.
So it’s not a big deal for them to shut everything down, threaten violence to those who don’t follow whatever they demand and forcefully shove anyone with symptoms into a cage for two months.
But I see no mention of that fact in any of the positive reporting on these communist countries. It takes tyranny to accomplish these results.
And why? The models estimating the death rate have been proven wrong 50 times over [1][2]. What was going to kill “millions” now will be lucky to beat out the seasonal flu.
So if we had journo’s worth anything (that knew basic math and statistics to test these models) they would have figured out that COVID was one big nothingburger in the first place.
But our media is profit-driven. And we can’t profit off of reasonable discourse and research.
To those that trace the money it’s very obvious why our media acts this way:
– CBS News is part of a conglomerate of media and entertainment companies called National Amusements. The companies under their control include Viacom and Paramount Pictures.
– NBC News/MSNBC is part of Universal and Comcast.
– CNN is part of AT&T Time Warner, which owns Warner Brothers.
– ABC News is owned by Disney, which owns, well, pretty much everything else coming out of Hollywood.
Beyond the direct concerns of the film producing and distribution arms of these major corporations, they also have other direct interests in not ticking off the Beijing communists. These companies also own theme parks, cellular telephone networks, cable networks, movie theatres and much more.
All of their movies and theme parks sell toys and clothing which are manufactured in China. Cell phones and infrastructure equipment are manufactured in China. Cable boxes and broadband devices are manufactured in China.
Angering the Chinese government is just bad for business for these companies.
They wouldn’t want to stop the flow of the China bucks. Instead of reporting on how evil China is or the fact that the communist Chinese COVID coverup is the whole reason we have a worldwide pandemic in the first place.
Our media is practically communist-owned at this point. Can we classify the Cold War as a pyrrhic victory yet?
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