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With the rise of transgenderism and gender transitions, there is a simultaneous rise in detransition. This is the process by which an individual who believes they transitioned goes back to their original gender.
For instance, A female -> male -> female (FMF) is a detransition.
I know this stuff is hard to follow for us normal people. But in this case, it is useful. There is a lot we can learn about the transgenders from their “detransition” stories. And there are many lessons we can teach from them, to prevent the plague of transgenderism from spreading any further.
There is a subreddit with a wealth of information on real detransition experiences. I don’t often recommend Reddit, and I still don’t, but purview this page for a while. Check the top posts. Enjoy it while it remains. I’m sure Reddit will find a way to ban it once it grows in size and actually starts helping people.
Here are some of the top posts:
The trans community groomed me as a teen, but I made it out happy.
When I was a lonely 14-15 year old, I was groomed online by the trans community. One MtF person in particular had joined an internet community I was a part of. It was full of sexually confused young men like myself, and she took me under her wing.
I miss my breasts so much
I’m sitting in bed crying because I just miss my breasts so much. I got top surgery when I was 18, I’m 27 now. Even if I get implants they won’t actually be mine. I want mine back. Not only were they mine, but they were great looking. I will never have them back. Never. I never ever thought that this would happen to me, I was always 10000000% sure I made the right decision.
As a detrans person I lost a piece of me, physically when I was 16. It destroyed me and led me to running away from that trauma.
My consent was not informed
I started transitioning when I was 16. A child. I had undiagnosed BPD, but no one bothered to screen me. If they did they would have seen that I viewed transition as a way to throw myself away and try again. That I was traumatized by my childhood. That I self harmed. But they didn’t. They said “congrats” and handed me a referral. By the time I realized I was more depressed than ever before, I had already had a mastectomy and two years on testosterone. I was thrust into adulthood broken.
I went through the detransition process, quit T for over 5 years, and here at 27 I sleep 14 hours a day, my hair falls out, and I can’t stop gaining weight. I decided I had had enough and got a full medical work up done.
My lab work revealed I have almost no female hormones. I will never have children. I have PCOS. I have high cholesterol. I have cysts all over my ovaries. My PCP had to submit my results to a specialist because they were so unusually terrible, even for PCOS.
I will be on weekly injections, diabetes medication, and who knows what else for the rest of my life. And at this point I have no idea if I will ever get back to feeling energetic, out of pain, and a little bit normal.
When I signed those papers I was not informed, of any of this. I was a child, allowed to destroy my body permanently, under the assurance that I can always change my mind, and that it’s a beautiful, harmless process. The informed consent model is a lie, because we are just guinea pigs to a medical experiment, my life is permanently afflicted, and I was not informed.
I’m mad
I’m mad because I’m a grown *** man with ****ing tits. I’m mad because I hate myself for getting groomed into the Reddit transcult and ****ing up my body. I’m mad because the medical establishment failed me.
I know I’m responsible for my actions, but doctors are supposed to know better than me. This “informed consent” policy, where it’s just a free-for-all hormone prescription factory, is beyond irresponsible.
I was a vulnerable alcoholic with OCD and a whole slough of other mental health conditions, and yet they just said “welp here’s ur tity pills.” I gained almost 100 pounds due to the lack of testosterone and grew size D boobs. I look like a freak.
I’ll be damned if there isn’t a reckoning in the next decade or so, with young adults detransing left and right and doctors getting sued up the ***. I hate that I’m part of this grand, botched experiment.
im becoming transphobic
ive always been super accepting and progressive of everything but lately ive been cutting back more and more. my opinions become more conservative every day and its not exactly something i like. i want to go back to being a carefree kid who doesnt give a **** if gay men are wearing buttplug tails in public or if drag queens are reading to children in libraries, but now its all disgusting to me.
i started socially transitioning at 11 and changed my appearance and everything but never took hormones or got surgery. i recently “detransitioned” and i still have crippling dysphoria. calling myself a girl doesnt feel natural and i keep using the wrong pronouns on myself but i dont want to transition i just want to be normal.
i dont even see most trans people as the gender they want to be unless they pass 100%. all clocky trans women are hons to me and all girly trans guys are pooners to me. im so negative about everything and it makes me so sad but i cant help it. its all disgusting i dont even believe in transgenderism anymore. my friends are super far left and would leave me if they knew how transphobic i am. theyre already unsupportive of my transition and tell me im just internalizing. i want to die
absolutely sick of the relentless pandering to trans ideology
To suggest that transitioning is anything other than a life saving, beautiful and risk free choice nowadays is sticking your neck out in the worst way
People like me who have had their lives ruined as kids by being allowed to medically transition unnecessarily are just being railroaded by the narrative that nobody regrets it and denying kids the opportunity to transition will make them kill themselves. Its ****ing ridiculous and hardly anybody is willing to acknowledge the simple fact that we are experimenting on kids with no proof that it’ll make them any happier in the long run
How long will it take for people to realise that a lot of the time this is a calculated and sinister plot to make money off of the lifelong medicalisation of an otherwise healthy child, starting with brainwashing them to believe they can change their sex as a kid before they can even understand what they’re doing to themselves. It’s sickening
There are literally hundreds of these stories. Many with pictures.
Plenty of videos as well. A short but powerful one to share would be this one. In it the de-trans individual says: “I don’t want to use the word indoctrinated but I was young, and sad, and impressionable.”
That person doesn’t want to use the word indoctrinated, but I will. The transgender cult indoctrinated them as kids. Most of these stories start with someone being abused as a kid, someone starting hormone therapy as a kid, or something similar as a kid.
It’s horrible what happens to these children. Then they are screwed for life.
Most of us only see the end result of transgenderism. We only see that odd transgender adult walking around. We don’t see the normal, healthy kid that used to exist until some demon perverted them.
The Society For Evidence Based Gender Medicine did a survey on the reasons for detransition. It has some obvious answers, but answers that many doubtful people need to see. They are followed:
Here are some lessons we can take from a review of all this information:
There are likely other lessons, but these are my main takeaways.
Weimar Germany experienced this same phenomenon. I am beginning to understand why the German youth so vehemently burned those transgender sexology books. What is being done to these kids is strictly Satanic and needs to be burnt.
My heart aches for these people, as I can see them as the children that are today being corrupted into transitioning. They’ve just had more time since then.
It is horrible what is being done to them at every turn: The original abusers that isolate them, the groomers that subvert them, the trans community that lifts them up as a sacrifice, the doctors that mutilate them, and the system that abandons them. It’s a tragic story all the way around.
In a just society, each of these negative actors would be punished. But we don’t live in a just society, yet.
But what we can do is share this information. If we had more people sharing these impactful stories, it could help spark a reckoning against the trans cult. Or at least save a few kids from taking this path.
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