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Here are just a couple more reasons why you should definitely trust the “experts”.
First, a story from ZH:
“Extreme Cover-Up” – Scientists Who Penned Lancet Letter To Bat Down Lab Theory Have Links To China
An investigation by The Daily Telegraph reveals that all but one scientist who wrote a letter in The Lancet medical journal dismissing even the slightest possibility COVID-19 originated from a laboratory in Wuhan, China, have ties to Chinese researchers. This stunning revelation suggests that 26 of the 27 scientists listed in the letter might of had a conflict of interest.
The letter, published in March of last year, sought to quash any debate among the scientific community or the media over the origins of the virus – until international intelligence findings in 2021 brought the matter back to the spotlight.
The man who orchestrated the article is Dr. Peter Daszak, CEO of EcoHealth Alliance, a nonprofit which was armed with millions in NIH funding to work with Wuhan scientists to experiment with coronaviruses and ‘gain of function’ research. Last week, a FOIA email release by The Intercept revealed that EcoHealth Alliance was absolutely engaged in gain-of-function research to make chimeric SARS-based coronaviruses, which they confirmed could infect human cells.
Besides Daszak, 25 other scientists listed in the letter have connections with either the lab or Chinese researchers. Below, the Daily Mail takes The Telegraph’s investigation and dives deeper into those who wrote the letter. A few examples (truncated, emphasis ours):
To sum up, the letter identified anyone as a ‘conspiracy theorist’ for even mentioning the possibility the virus originated from a lab that was penned by scientists who had some sort of conflict of interest with Chinese researchers and or the lab. Could this be evidence of an extensive cover-up by the scientific community of an accidental release of the virus from a lab?
Even America’s top virologist, Anthony Fauci, has had to admit the virus might have come from a lab.
Remember: this is why everyone was banned from Facebook and Twitter. We all lost our accounts because of the “conspiracy of the virus coming from Wuhan Lab”. Now, everyone with a functioning brain knows it came from the lab. It wasn’t a conspiracy theory. The wet market was the real conspiracy theory, and it was orchestrated by scientists.
Thanks, scientists! Your expert opinion really helped on this one.
Next up, doctors at hospitals ponder how best to terrorize the public into compliance:
Doctor Wants To Be ‘Scary To The Public’ And Inflate COVID Numbers, ‘If You Don’t Get Vaccinated, You Know You’re Going To Die’
North Carolina doctor wants to be “scary” to the public by inflating COVID-19 numbers and claiming people will die without vaccines
National File has obtained a recording of a Zoom video conference call between physicians and a marketing director at Novant Heath New Hanover Regional Medical Center, a group of 20 hospitals, clinics, and offices that treat patients in North Carolina and South Carolina.
In the recording, Mary Rudyk, MD tells Director of Marketing Carolyn Fisher and another hospital employee that she wants the hospitals to become more “scary to the public” by inflating the number of COVID-19 patients, and by using messaging that falsely tells individuals “If you don’t get vaccinated, you know you’re going to die.”
The video is well worth a watch. It’s short and to the point. They talk about how best to terrorize everyone into doing what they demand.
Just imagine: a virus so deadly you have to artificially inflate the numbers and scare everyone to force them to take a vaccine. A virus so horrendous you have to artificially scare and terrorize the population into taking your cure for it. Crazy.
Hilariously, as a follow-up to these two, let’s look at the “experts” in journalism. A local news station responded to the leaked hospital video. They started their article with the following paragraphs:
Novant Health issues statement on leaked internal discussion of COVID-19 patient numbers
WILMINGTON, N.C. (WECT) – Novant Health New Hanover Regional Medical Center has issued a statement after a video of an internal discussion on how the hospital reports its COVID-19 patient count was leaked on social media.
The just over two-minute video sparked a heated discussion online, with many pointing to the conversation as proof hospitals were falsifying or artificially inflating case counts – one of many conspiracy theories circulating as health officials report record case counts in many parts of the country.
This absolutely idiotic journalist just called it a conspiracy theory that “hospitals were artificially inflating case counts” while writing an article on a leaked internal discussion of hospitals talking about artificially inflating case counts. The author apparently couldn’t see the irony of calling a leaked revelation of directly what was happening a conspiracy theory.
You really can’t make this stuff up. Our journo’s are honestly that bad. They have no capacity to think critically or independently at all.
Through just these few examples we’ve shown you three different “experts”. All of them trash: scientist, medical, and journo.
This is why you don’t trust the experts, folks. They are lying to you. All of them.
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Absolute Covid Authoritarianism Is Here: Biden’s Vaccine Mandate
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When Everything Surrounding Us Is Nothing But Lies
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