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useful idiot mob theory

The Degenerates And Their Useful Idiots

Responding to a reader's email about the useful idiots, degenerates, and the natural order.
useful idiot mob theory

Mob Theory In Action

I received a reader email that stated the following (summarized):

You argue that most people are disgusted by the inverse of the natural order. You argue that trans and homosexual people are inverse of the natural order. However, I went to a trans organization to protest with a group of other similar-minded people, and the majority of the people there that yelled at us were the grey masses. They weren’t gay or trans. If these people were disgusted with them, they wouldn’t so adamantly support them. What’s happening here?

The mob (the societal group that destroys and tears down the culture) has numerous elements. The goal of the degenerate is not to fight or resist. They have no reason to, because they know they have other elements of the mob to fight for them.

Criminals are often the violent element if needed. It didn’t sound like the reader got assaulted, so the criminal piece may not have been present at this protest. But they are often the truly violent element protecting the degenerate.

Instead, the mob element at this protest was the useful idiot. Just like the criminal, the useful idiot protects and lifts up the degenerate.

Remember my analysis of the mob: The Five Criminal Elements Of A Mob:

They [useful idiots] are people who unknowingly support evil through their attempts to be a force for good. These are the ones who imagine themselves as an agent of justice, while their cause is diametrically opposed to real justice. They will cheer for who they perceive as good, while that “good” is knowingly seeking evil.


The useful idiots are the cover for the mob. They are the numbers. They are also the whipping stock of the other criminal elements and the legitimacy creators. Which means they make the mob seem as a legitimate action and movement, instead of what it actually is: a combination of degenerates, drones, criminals, and centralizers.

The degenerate has a specific function to enact with regard to the culture. The useful idiot has their own separate function. But neither group is your average people. They are both pieces of the mob.

Our reader noticed at this protest exactly what I portrayed. The degenerate just wants to degrade their surroundings and shift the culture. The useful idiot guards them and makes them seem legitimate, thinking they are doing good while unknowingly seeking evil.

At this protest, our reader did not interact with “normal people”. They interacted with a special segment within the grey masses—The useful idiots. These people reject the natural order and live within an imagination land in their mind until such a point that it destroys them. Many of them probably are still repulsed by it like any normal human, but hide it in their quest to virtue signal their “goodness” to others.

This experience serves as a good example of how my mob breakdown works in practice. So thanks to the reader for sending it in.

Read Next:

The Grey Masses And The Useful Idiots

Showing Grace To The Deceived: Is It Desired?

“They/Them”: An Accurate Description Of The Mentally Ill


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1389

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