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The Conservative Response To The Border Crisis

Are conservatives truly "winning" with their recent responses to the ongoing border crisis?
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The Border Crisis

The United States is currently being invaded by millions of illegal aliens.

This is clearly designed to both destroy the demographics of the country and create a class of people who have no allegiance to the States, thus being easy to utilize against the heritage citizens.

You would think a “conservative” would be against this, as they would want to conserve the original nation-state, thus requiring conserving the nation and her demographics.

But instead, our “conservatives” are doing the exact opposite.

We have millions of illegals raging across the border, and what do the conservatives do? Do they attempt to stop the illegal immigrants, or use their state tools and money to deport/imprison them?

Nah, they actually use their state tools and money to give the illegals a free ride further into the country!

Meanwhile, other conservatives cheer about this and claim they are “owning” the liberal states or cities. By importing these liberal states more voters and destroying our overall demographics even more.

What a great “own”. Only a conservative could “win” this much.

This should be a sitcom: A million illegals cross our border, and we have conservatives cheering because places like Texas are then giving them free rides to sanctuary states that will house them for free, protect them against deportation, and give them welfare benefits and employment.


It is mind-blowing how completely braindead the average conservative is. How can they not see this? How is it not plainly obvious that this is an action of the uniparty that is actually working in sync with one another?

Why is the below so difficult to see?

  • The uniparty democrats cause the border surge.
  • Liberals stupidly celebrate. The uniparty gets their illegals into the States.
  • The uniparty republicans then ship them to states where they will be most useful, and protected from deportation.
  • Conservatives stupidly celebrate. The uniparty gets their illegals firmly planted and spread around the entire country.

Open your eyes, conservatives. This is not a “conservative win” by “overrunning liberal cities/states”. It’s further destroying our demographics to abject crisis levels.

A true conservative win would be if zero of them crossed the border, and we simultaneously deported millions of those already here. That would be actual conservation.

These people do not obey the laws to immigrate here. They will not obey the laws once here. They have to go back. But even those that did obey the law should go back, to conserve our demographics.

Until we get this situation under control, a true conservative would argue that all immigrants, even legal ones, should be deported.

They all have to go back.

On the bright side, once we run out of money and collapse, they all will go back. Legal and illegal. Like all locusts at the end-stage of empires, they are only here to suck us dry until we have nothing left to extort. The same thing happened to Rome: After the Empire fell, all the foreigners left and went to the next victim state. That’s why Italians still exist. It is kind of like a parasite finding a new host after the former is bled dry.

Still, I prefer they go back without all that hassle. I’m sure you do, too.

I know most of you dissidents understand this. But clearly, the average conservative still doesn’t. They’re cheering for the leftist cities being overrun with illegals. Apparently not realizing that those are still our cities. Please remind them that this is an IQ 74 take, and that they should feel bad for being so easily played.

The uniparty’s hands are on both sides of this divide. Never forget that. And never cease telling conservatives about it. Maybe we can wake up a few.

Other Immigration Articles:

Legal Immigration Is The Problem

The Big Lie: “America Is A Nation Of Immigrants”

Where Did The Term “Melting Pot” Come From?


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1389


  1. You’re right. As a conservative republican, I shouldn’t respond to people with “You get what you voted for.”

    • Very true, Shawn. Appreciate both the comment and the ability to self-reflect. I wish more republicans had your ability to be humble and introspective, then we likely would not be in this mess.

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