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Our Media Is Garbage: China Lied, People Died

Our Media Is Garbage: China Lied, People Died

China Lied, People Died. And our mainstream media covered up China before, during, and after their lying. "Free" press is a misnomer

Our mainstream media is more Pro-China than it is Pro-American.

Our Media Is Garbage: China Lied, People Died
Today in News: China is Great And
Has Never Done Anything Wrong Ever

RealClearPolitics had a fun article today when they talked about how the biased press does whatever the hell China wants them to do:

What’s particularly obnoxious about the press’s desire to force this debate [on whether it’s called the “Chinese virus”] is that it falls right in line with the Chinese government’s propaganda campaign. Earlier this week, China booted several members of the Western media out of the country for the sin of reporting on the extent of China’s outbreak and the Chinese government’s culpability in covering it up. This was in addition to the Chinese government’s decision in February to expel three Wall Street Journal reporters who were covering the coronavirus.

Which is equally as infuriating as the media’s view on the COVID death numbers. They continually chalk up “China’s amazing response” to lessening their death numbers.

However, now we know that China is not reporting accurate numbers.

A week before this report came out the mainstream media wouldn’t shut up about how it was a conspiracy theory to think that China wouldn’t tell the absolute truth all of the time.

Now we know conclusively that that is exactly what happened. No conspiracy theory, just facts. The only conspiracy is the media’s collusion with China at this point.

China lied, people died.

Which is so surprising for the bastion of morality that China is:

A government that runs a thriving market in selling the organs of executed political prisoners is in no position to hide behind political correctness – but if we’ve learned anything in the last few decades, it’s never underestimate the American media’s willingness to run interference for China.

And our own media toes the communist party line so they can get their share of the blood money:

And, since 2011, the venerable Washington Post routinely comes delivered wrapped in a special advertising section called “China Watch.” It’s official, state-sanctioned Chinese propaganda that reports fake news.

The Post spent much of the last two years complaining that the Trump administration didn’t take Saudi Arabia’s murder of columnist Jamal Khashoggi seriously enough, even as it took blood money from a dictatorship with a thriving gulag. Democracy dies in Uighur detention camps.

our media is garbage

The media needs the funding money from the communist dictatorship. Also the business connections within China. So they do whatever they have to do to not get on their bad side.

There is not a single mainstream media outlet that would talk about the Chinese dictator the same way they rag on about Trump. The dystopia vision of the past was supposed to be that the government controlled the media and allowed no dissent. But instead, our government can’t even get our media to cover it for news briefings. It’s controlled instead by foreigner influences and cultural elites.

The American media is more owned by these foreign elements than our own people. Whoever holds more green decides their “unbiased, journalistic” viewpoints.

Still think a “free” press is a good idea?


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1389

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