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My Top Three Christian News Sources

If you are looking for some reliable Christian news websites, I have you covered.
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“What Are Your Top Christian and Secular News Sources?”

I had this question come through the mailbox the other day.

I sent the reader to my Recommended Reads page to find my top secular news sources (there are far too many to name). But I realized I have never shared any Christian ones.

This article is going to fix that.

Instead of listing all of them, I’m just going to name my Top 3. You can find the rest through these three, anyway. Most of them cross-post among themselves.

I enjoy them all equally. So, in no particular order:

All three point out the absolute apostasy of the modern American church on a regular basis, which is what you should be looking for in a Christian news source. Any website that is claiming to give Christian news, but is not constantly on the offense against the [wicked] modern so-called “Christianity”, is fake news.

I especially enjoyed EDW’s recent commentary on the Southern Baptist Convention’s failure to follow the explicit and obvious command in the Bible of men-only pastors:

SBC Elites Celebrate Tolerance Of Female Pastors

Bane once said, “They expect one of us in the wreckage, brother.” that is exactly what was said to FBC Alexandria as thousands voted to kick them out of the Southern Baptist Convention while also voting against a ban on female pastors. FBC Alexandria was not booted from the Southern Baptist Convention for having female pastors but for being too open about having female pastors. FBC Alexandria is at least being honest, which is more than can be said about Brent Leatherwood’s church, Jonathan Howes’s church, and many other SBC elites.

Last week, SBC elites took a victory lap in the form of a Baptist Press article titled, “Doctrinal fidelity without methodological conformity.” The article openly admits that female pastors exist in the SBC and that it’s a good thing.


The vote of the Law Amendment revealed that Southern Baptists are not actually united on the issue of female pastors given their refusal to ban them. Nevertheless, female pastors in the SBC are celebrated by elites under the guise of church autonomy and reducing a proxy issue of Scripture’s authority to a tertiary issue.


The elites in the SBC are theological liberals, especially on the issue of female pastors. Thus, they pulled out all the stops to protect them in the SBC.

Every church denomination out there is facing overwhelming heresy in their churches, and baptists such as myself are no exception.

It’s refreshing to have a few news sources that recognize this and are pushing back against it. Otherwise, you just end up isolated and engulfed in modernity’s version of these events.

So, enjoy them. Hopefully, you will find use in them as I have.

Read Next: Useful Christian Resources


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1389

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