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I’ve been researching the situation of the whites in South Africa a lot more recently.
A lot of it is foretelling of the future of white nations if the whites become minorites within them. It is also a pretty clear case study of why nations should have their own country, and why those countries should not try to force some type of assimilation with other nations.
As I say often, if nations are intermixed, there is always going to be one that is dominant, with other(s) that are dominated. There is no alternative. There is no peaceful coexistence, given time and demographic change. Some minorites can certainly intermix in a nation, but if there are competing nations of a sizeable quantity (which will naturally arise, given certain demographic trends over time without total racial mixing), then this is a constant that will always hold true.
I wrote about this over five years ago with Kosovo and Serbia. We’ve talked about it with empires. Hell, we can just look out of the window in the West and see it happening. Nothing has changed. There has never been a successful comingling that did not dissolve into forced assimilation, domination, or a wiping out of one of the nations.
Regrettably, South Africa is on track to be the next data point.
South Africa was a white-dominate nation until Apartheid ended, after which now the blacks realize they can dominant the whites. Given some time, those blacks will be give the same treatment that Zimbabwe gave to their whites:
However, at this stage, land acquisition could only occur on a voluntary basis. Little land had been redistributed, and frustrated groups of government supporters began seizing white-owned farms. Most of the seizures took place in Nyamandhalovu and Inyati. After the beating to death of a prominent farmer in September 2011, the head of the Commercial Farmers’ Union decried the attack, saying its white members continue to be targeted by violence, without protection from the government. Genocide Watch declared the violence against whites in Zimbabwe a stage 5 (of 10) case. In September 2014, Mugabe publicly declared that all white Zimbabweans should “go back to England”, and called for black Zimbabweans not to lease agricultural land to white farmers.
Mugabe land seizures force hundreds of [white] farm owners to flee
Hundreds of Zimbabwe’s white farmers prepared to leave their land yesterday following Robert Mugabe’s announcement of the seizure of 804 mostly white-owned farms for the resettlement of poor black farmers.
“I don’t know how to even begin leaving my farm,” said Jim Sinclair, a white farmer faced with eviction by early next month. “I had reckoned it would take five months to wind up the farm, not a few weeks.”
He said he feared an increase in lawlessness. “This gives carte blanche to anybody who wants to move onto the farms. Some of them are armed.”
Five white farmers have been killed since Mr Mugabe’s supporters began invading farms three months ago.
In 1980, as president of the Commercial Farmers Union, he encouraged white farmers to continue under majority rule. Now Mr Sinclair sees little hope for Zimbabwe’s large-scale farming. “This will tear the heart out of commercial agriculture,” he said. “It’s the beginning of the end of the economy of this country.”
Other farming families have begun packing up valuables in fear that their property will be invaded immediately.”
Our biggest fear is that there will be an influx onto the farms by people who are just going to go shopping for land, livestock and equipment,” said Colin Cloete, a CFU official. The group is setting up a programme to help farmers relocate their families, protect farm workers, move household goods and livestock.
South Africa is already dealing with many of these typical elements, such as farmer killings, affirmative action programs, white slums, and active white genocide against the light-skinned South Africans.
There are three documentaries I want to share here. If you have the time, I recommend watching them all. If you can, watch them in the order I have them listed. It will provide some comedic relief once you see the trend.
The first documentary is by a liberal black Londonite, and it was humorous, to say the least. He could barely comprehend the horrible conditions whites were living in. He still clung to his liberal teachings, but it was fun watching some of those indoctrination teachings collapse in real time. This documentary is the one with the “black resistance” movement, which created numerous songs about killing white people that they happily sing at their rallies. This went over the head of the black Londonite, who didn’t seem to realize that if he were white and at that rally—They would have probably killed him.
It’s a moderate-length documentary, worth the view if you have the time and the interest. Find it here:
The next documentary is by a former prominent “alt-right” personality that has since drifted off the face of the earth.
Lauren Southern made a documentary about the ongoing genocide of white farmers, similar to what occurred in Zimbabwe:
If you don’t have the time for Southern’s documentary, this one is much shorter but shares a similar story.
Pay attention to the black “resistance” lady that says that blacks can’t be racist. They’ve picked up on Western tactics in South Africa, apparently:
It’s important to remember that all of this is still a “conspiracy theory” according to the leftists. Even though the exact same situation unfolded in Zimbabwe and Haiti, resulting in the whites being ethnically cleansed from the region in both cases.
It’s just at an earlier stage in South Africa, and we all know leftists aren’t great at historical analysis or recognizing trends.
Even as thousands die and many others are forced into ghettos, they still claim it’s all an imaginary daydream of “white supremacists”.
Even Wikipedia says the following:
South African Farm Attacks
Conspiracy theory alleging that the recent killings of White South African farmers were motivated by anti-white racism
The term South African farm attacks refers to the claim that white South African farmers are murdered at a higher rate than the murder rate in the general population of South Africa. Heavily disputed claims that such attacks on farmers disproportionately target whites are a key element of the white genocide conspiracy theory and have become a common talking point among white nationalists worldwide. There are no reliable figures that suggest that white farmers are being targeted in particular or that they are at a disproportionate risk of being killed. The African National Congress and other analysts maintain that farm attacks are part of a broader crime problem in South Africa and do not have a racial motivation.
If you watched the documentaries, you’ll see national political parties in South Africa literally chanting about killing white folk, stealing farmland, and destroying their houses. One of their chants is “Kill the white”. But nope, no racial motivation there. Thanks, Wikipedia.
It’s equally moronic that they use a domestic power source (The African National Congress) to state that the genocide isn’t occurring. That’d be like relying on the Turkish government to say that the Armenian genocide wasn’t happening. Or relying on Stalin’s communist party to say that there was no Holodomer happening in Ukraine. Just absolutely insane. But what do you expect from leftists?
It’s not like we haven’t known Wikipedia is leftist trash for a long time here:
Regardless of what Wikipedia says, a domination which will lead to genocide is happening in South Africa. And it’s only going to escalate, because of the inherent problems with intra-nation mixing within a single country. One must dominate, given time.
I do not mind the blacks in South Africa having their own nation. They should, just like all people should. But they should not be harming another nation from within in the process. Apartheid was harmful, but it does not justify genocide. They can have their nation, but the white South Africans need theirs, too.
But therein lies the problem. The whites should leave or partition, but many can’t, because of the conditions placed upon them. Watch these documentaries and you’ll see that most want to leave, but can’t. They have no way out. A few rich ones stay while they have their wealth, but they won’t be staying for long. That wealth won’t last them forever. All it takes is for the right black nationalist to get in and they will flock to Europe and the United States the next day.
The South Africans are certainly in a bad spot. But their suffering could be a learning lesson for the West, if only we would listen.
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