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A New Type Of Government

We Need A New Type Of Government Entirely

Republic, democracy, fascism, socialism, communism... the list goes on. They've all failed. We need a new type of government entirely.

A New Type Of Government

Now is an important time in the history of the United States and for the future of right-leaning politics.

We have a unique opportunity for changing the hearts and mind of the average citizens that we cannot let go to waste.

The average right-leaning individual (and many centrists) now clearly see the reality:

  • There is no peaceful political option. If it existed, the ruling class would remove it, just like they did with the fraudulent 2020 elections.
  • A ruling class (deep state – whatever your term preference) own this country. Not you, not I, not even our president.

With this in mind, a lot of eyes and minds are open right now. People are willing to consider things that they wouldn’t have considered in the past years.

Before, the majority believed in American democracy. Now, the harsh reality of it is here for even the most mainstream conservative folk. They recognize it’s a sham. They see the ruling class that controls them, their media, their institutions, and their very lives. But for us on the dissident right, it always was a sham. We already knew it. But we had no way of waking these people up.

Well, they’re up now.

I’m happy to have more people in our circle. But I want them coming in with the right mindset. And the right mindset is to ignore the government forms that have already failed us.

Which is all of them.

Fascism failed. Socialism failed. Communism failed. Democracy and the republic have also failed. They failed in Rome, they failed everywhere else they were tried, and they have now failed us as well.

To constantly run back to them is a fools game. We cannot keep repeating these same mistakes and expect a different outcome. No other outcome exists. We merely delay the degeneracy for a bit longer.

The system of republicanism failed here in America. Nothing we do will save it if we try it again. Maybe it’ll last longer next time. Maybe it won’t. But it won’t last forever. It’ll fall too.

The systems we have tried have failed us entirely. It’s time to start thinking of permanent alternatives.

This is even more true for the ethno-centric right-leaning folk. Nearly all of Europe was ethno-centric and a republic or democracy. Now they are all declining and have become at risk of majority-minority in the near future. Why? If a democratic, ethno-centric government could save us, then why have they all fallen? If a fascist nation could save us, why didn’t Spain, Italy, or any of the other rule by one forms of government do just that? What’s the common denominator?

No legacy form of government can save us from the cycle of political collapse.

The sooner we accept this, the better our chances of finding a true alternative.

We need another option. Something entirely new. Something built with resisting this degeneration in its very blood and framework. That’s what we’re trying to do with Enclavism. Otherwise, all we are doing is spending our entire lives fighting to bring about the very same systems that have failed us in the past.

It’s important during this time for those seeking answers to not get suckered back into the same false hopes of the past. They need to fight for something new. Whether it’s our idea or your own. We just must agree on the fact that these legacy forms can no longer help us.

It is a tough pill to swallow. In fact, it’s one of the most difficult ones in my opinion. It involves recognizing that the country you grew up in and was taught to love no longer exists. The democratic and republican aspects you grew up to enjoy are gone, forever. It involves recognizing that no matter what you do or did, the end result was going to be the same: this very scenario. It involves swallowing this pill that even if you put the system you love back into place, the same exact thing that caused this decline in the first place would happen again. It’s designed in the very framework. Swallowing this pill means giving up on all false hope.

But in many ways, it is very freeing. It means you are no longer tied to promises that cannot be delivered.

Every single democratic and republic nation is failing. Every single fascist and socialist nation failed. Regardless of ethnocentrism, religious-adherence, or any other typical indicator of a successful or desirable society. All of them are now declined or outright failed.

Why do you think this wouldn’t happen again?

Stop trying the same systems over and over again and expecting a different outcome. To get a different outcome, we need a different system.

Read Next:

A Brief Overview of Enclavism

On Sensitive Cultural Markers: Is Government The Threat?

On Cultural Homogeneity: Why We Need A Homogeneous Culture

The Banks Will Crash Again: They Have Learned Nothing

On Fostering and Building A Parallel Economy


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1389

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