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UNICEF, also known as United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund, is a UN agency responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide.
They recently decided that pornography is not harmful to kids:
WASHINGTON, D.C., May 14 (C-Fam) A UN agency is again immersed in controversy for a recent report suggesting there is no conclusive evidence that children exposed to pornography are harmed.
The report published by the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) addresses how government policy can be used to protect children from harmful, abusive and violent content online. Its conclusion is based on a European study of 19 EU countries that found in most countries, most children who saw pornographic images were “neither upset nor happy.” In fact, the report UNICEF relies on says 39 percent of Spanish children were happy after seeing pornography.
Porn fighters disagree with the UNICEF data. “UNICEF’s report ignores the vast body of research demonstrating the harms of pornography to children. By ignoring the real harms pornography can have, UNICEF is playing roulette with children’s health and safety,” said Lisa Thompson, vice president and director of the Research Institute at the National Center on Sexual Exploitation.
I had to look up and verify this one with the actual report itself.
It’s direct here and archived here.
Page 37-38:
There are several different kinds of risks and harms that have been linked to children’s exposure to pornography, but there is no consensus on the degree to which pornography is harmful to children. Prominent advocates point to research arguing that access to pornography at a young age is linked with poor mental health, sexism and objectification, sexual aggression and other negative outcomes. The evidence suggests that some children appear to be harmed by exposure to some kinds of pornography at least some of the time, but that the nature and extent of that harm vary.
As discussed above, the evidence is inconsistent, and there is currently no universal agreement on the nature and extent of the harm caused to children by viewing content classified as pornography.
They used percentages of kids saying they “felt happy” after seeing porn as justification for their position.
Imagine being so dense that you couldn’t use common sense to grasp that pornography is harmful to children. Now realize that is our intelligentsia. So bogged down by their incorrect assumptions and falsified models that they can’t just take a step back and think critically for even a few brief seconds. The tunnel vision warps common sense.
I imagine a similar situation occurred with covid. They were voluntarily trapped inside with their models, and upon reaching out to breathe some fresh air and see that there was no real catastrophe, they very quickly ran back inside to hide in their enclosed echo chamber. They wouldn’t want common sense and general perception to conflict with their isolated scientism.
What is even more hilarious while briefly reading the article is the inability of UNICEF to be able to even define “pornography”. It’s not a hard definition if you want to define it. It’s only a hard definition if you don’t want to truthfully answer the question that you are presenting.
Pretty much every international organization is subverted at this point. The UN has been for a long time. This is just further evidence of that fact. The leading international Children’s Fund and their related top-level children’s researchers are literally at a crossroads because they can’t figure out if seven year olds watching porn is a good thing or not. That’s where our science is right now.
Meditate on that one for a bit.
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