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The Uncommitted Voter: A Good Or A Bad Thing? header

The Uncommitted Voter: A Good Or A Bad Thing?

What should we think about the uncommitted voter folks?
The Uncommitted Voter: A Good Or A Bad Thing? header

The “uncommitted voter” term has a certain ring to it. Usually when you hear that phrase you think of a grey mass kind of person. You know, a normie that just doesn’t really know what’s going on and doesn’t wanna rock the boat in any direction or hurt anybody’s feelings.

But, I don’t think that is always the case. Sure, a lot of uncommitted voters are that. But not all.

In fact, given this election, I think I would call myself an uncommitted voter. I don’t think I will be voting at all for the federal level, so I guess that kind of counts as uncommitted.

When both sides suck, there tends to be a lot more uncommitted voters. But interestingly, this seems to occur for a lot of different reasons.

In this case, I think a lot more people have become uncommitted, not because they are weak and unwilling to choose a side (as is the generalization with the uncommitted voter)—but instead, because they are too committed to a cause, and our current options are both two centrist mediocrities.

That is why I am uncommitted. The difference between a Trump and a Kamala is marginal, given how far out I am on the fringes.

Neither of the two options are anywhere near Christianity. Neither of them are anywhere near nationalist. Hell, neither of them even share just one single minor point of my foundational five political concerns (demographics, decline of the faith, migration, geopolitics, and social issues like abortion). Neither of them share even a slightly similar position to me on any of those five.

Trump gives lip service to the migration one (but only for “illegal immigration”—Meanwhile, I want a complete ban on legal and illegal migration), but that’s all it is. He won’t do a damn thing, same as his first term. He even cucked out on abortion and his anti-war stance, so he really has nothing going for him anymore.

I am not uncommitted because I am a fencesitter. I am uncommitted because both of my options are fencesitters.

Neither of them is going to stop what is coming. Frankly, I don’t even think either of them would even slow it down any.

As I have said before, I believe even stronger now:

Trump/Vance is the ticket for World War 3 and economic decline through Israel.

Harris/Walz is the ticket for World War 3 and economic decline through Russia/China.

I was thinking about this whole topic the other day after re-reading an old article of mine. It really blew my mind. Because this is something I would’ve never said even just four short years ago. In fact, in that article I poked fun at uncommitted voters. Now look at me: The situation has got so bad, I have become what I once scorned. Albeit, of course, for different reasons. But it’s still shocking.

If nothing else, it shows you how far the system has fallen: When the only way to be truly committed to our people is to be fully uncommitted to the system.

I just pray that we don’t have much further to fall before we can rebound to something new and better. I’m not sure I can take much more of this whiplash.

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1389


  1. To the point- I am also not voting for a Prez.
    I was all in with R.F.K. but all that has changed. Trump & Harris are both ?’s that are not fit to run a healthy, stable Republic.
    I am greatly dissapointed to the MAX!
    Thanks for posting this important topic. Lets hope WW3 does not happen?

    • I agree 100% KG. I am also disappointed in how it all transpired. Shame there is never an actual valid alternative on the ballot.

      Oh well. Have to wait and see what happens.

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