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There is a lot of debate that we are living in a “post-ideological age”.
That phrase means:
Designating or relating to a time in which (a particular) society is no longer characterized by a strong adherence to political or social ideologies.
If you hear “I am a democrat”, it is an ideology-driven statement. If you hear “As a black man…”, it is an identity-driven statement. One is driven by a core belief, the other an identifying characteristic of oneself.
I would agree with the idea we are living in a post-ideological age, but only with an explicit caveat.
We plebeians still have to deal with ideology, but the ruling class is living in a world ruled solely by identity. This was done purposefully. The centralizers realized that an ideological focus was appropriate for indoctrinating us, but was not useful for them.
The rulers of this world are following an identity worldview. The subjugated are still stuck with arguing ideologies.
The principle ideologies have faded in the eyes of the centralizers. Communism, fascism, socialism, environmentalism, democracy, social democracy, republicanism, and all the associated ideologies aren’t relevant to them. They use them when they are useful to them, but they toss them aside when they are no longer so.
We can see this effect with their support for Antifa and BLM pre-elections, but their lack of support or even mention post-election when they are back in charge. The same can be seen with environmentalism when they are trying to raise your gas and food prices, but not when they are flying their private jets.
The centralizers have moved on to a more identity-based approach. They see centralizers versus non-centralizers. They see those who should have control versus those who should not.
It’s not an ideology, because the ideology can be flexible. They’ll use whichever ideology allows them to keep their identity position. They support democracy now because it works for them, but if socialism becomes better, they’ll shift immediately. The centralizers have no real loyalty to any ideology, besides whichever currently serves them best.
The new centralizer identity-approach is rather easily summed up with a globalism and nationalism axis. Instead of the left-right axis of ideology, the nationalism and globalism axis is more relevant because it is the axis of ideology versus identity at its very root. Are we a regional, national, real people, or are all humans the same and should be globally connected by ideas?
Those who want to preserve identities are nationalist, whereas those who care more about ideology (as the centralizers place into their minds) are globalist. The centralizers do not care about their own national identity, or any nation’s identity, but rather about their own identity: centralizers versus non-centralizers. They feel they should have worldwide control, and the best method for this is globalism. Identitarian nationalism is opposed to this.
We can see this with the United States’ recent geopolitical actions. The United States has demonstrated absolutely no ideological consistency. It constantly whines about nazis, but then supports the Azov battalion as they actively wear swastikas in Ukraine. Our ruling class says that it is left-leaning and we continue to become more socialist over time, but we are hostile to China, who is far-left. But we’re no friend to the Right either, as evidenced by our hostility to Russia and India indicates. We hate Iran (one right-leaning Islamic country), but support Saudi Arabia (another right-leaning Islamic country). We say we support representative democracy, but then we overthrow the democratically elected President of Guatemala (Jacobo Árbenz) when he risked our company’s profits. The U.S. says we are against far-right nations, but the CIA conducted a propaganda campaign in support of Pinochet in Chile after he overthrew the socialist candidate that we did not support.
The point of all of those examples is to demonstrate that we have no consistent ideological belief. Post WW2, ideology took a backseat. What matters to the centralizers is identity through hierarchical submission.
This new approach serves many useful purposes for them. The first and most obvious is that it gives incredible flexibility to the centralizers because they do not have to be stringently aligned to any one ideology. Another is that they can then use those ideologies to indoctrinate the grey masses while annihilating their nationalist, identity-based survival instinct.
This approach also allows them to use identity when it is beneficial to them for the continuation of centralization. Take BLM or feminism, for instance. BLM is completely identitarian, focused solely on race identity. The same goes for feminism, which is focused solely on gender identity. I would include environmentalism as another one in this category, as a religious identity, but they’d argue it’s more of an ideology. To each their own.
Identity can be useful to sow discord and protect against a cohesive identity forming, while using ideology as the base for these identities. It’s a manipulation tactic, used nation-wide. The feminist is a liberal democrat ideologue first, which is why she must accept trans men into her sports league. The Islamist politician is a liberal democrat ideologue first, which is why she must follow the party-line to the point of betraying her religious beliefs. They are indoctrinated ideologues first, identitarians second.
If we were trying to sum this up, the centralizer is hierarchy-elitist identity-based but hides behind ideology. They use both to their benefit. Whereas the average individual is ideology-driven, but is sometimes taken in by identity. The average individual will have ideology first, whereas the average centralizer will have identity first. This is why the feminist must bow to transgenderism, even though it is clearly anti-female, which (should) be their identity focus. It’s not, because at the root is a corrupted ideology focus, driven by the ruling class.
Regardless, identity is becoming a much bigger deal worldwide. The centralizers have let this one out of the bag, and they can’t fully pull it back in. The identity world has returned, the temporary hypnosis of ideology is finally wearing off.
We are returning to the natural order condition, which is groups of people uniting based on identity, not some obscure ideology.
The ideology-focus was an invention of modernity. The same modernity that invented everything else corrupted and evil today that is inverse to the natural order. Just as all else of it is failing, so too will the ideology focus. It’s not the natural condition of our species, so it cannot sustain forever. We will wake up from the nightmare. It’s already happening.
While the centralizers preach identity to themselves, they keep convincing us that what matters is ideology, because they don’t want us to form into our natural identity, which is a cohesive, homogeneous group that is against them. Because if we shared the hierarchy identity approach, they would be quickly annihilated.
The numbers simply aren’t there for them to succeed. But we’re all divided amongst one another with these stupid ideologies to notice. Men against women, boomers against millennials, socialist against capitalist, the list is endless. Just look at how quickly the centralizers destroyed the Occupy Wallstreet Movement which targeted them, and replaced it with the original Black Lives Matter movement which divided us. We’re divided by implanted social and political ideologies. But the centralizers are not.
So, they keep us talking about libertarianism, socialism, social democracy, egalitarianism, environmentalism, racialism, and all the other ideological “isms” that distract us from the fact that we are in a post-ideological world ruled by the centralizers. The reality surrounding us is identity-based, even though we continue to believe in the fairytale of the age of ideology.
Whites are some of the most indoctrinated with the ideology mantra. We’ve had this belief drilled into our head since birth. “We’re all equal, every race is the same, everyone is perfect, anyone that disagrees is evil”. Meanwhile, other races have been strengthening their in-group identities. Even today, most grey mass whites are afraid to even call themselves white in public.
In extreme cases, certain subversive elements have even tried to mold America itself into an ideology. You’ve likely heard it: “America is An Idea“. This is a product of the corrupted ideology mindset. The belief that America is an experiment or idea is flat out, moronically wrong. Our American nation(s) is/are real. The American people have always existed, there are real heritage American identities that do not revolve around an “idea”. Our country was inhabited by a people, not by a magical, floating idea. Heritage Americans built and conquered this country. This nation existed until the Immigration Act of 1965 decimated us in terms of demography. Around this time was when the ideology belief was in full dominance, coupled with the beginning of anti-identity indoctrination in whites.
If you understand the ideology vs identity axis and the differences between them, you’ll understand what happened in the past sixty years far better. Things start to make a lot more sense, because you can understand what these people were thinking. They weren’t absolutely insane; they were just ideologues.
The ideologies are still here, but they remain here only for us. The rulers lead by identity. And other countries, especially non-Western ones, are waking up to this new reality. This is why we are hearing more nationalistic rhetoric coming out of Russia, India, and China. Places that never used to be “nationalist” (one of them is, in fact, communist). But countries such as China are now far more nationalist than Western nations—the original hotbed of nationalism. This occurred because we have become globalists.
The global political spectrum is moving away from the economic left-right and social left-right axis that were fully ideological-driven. The world is going toward an identity approach. This is true whether it is race, religion, hierarchical status, or some other identity. We can’t escape it now, the natural condition is returning.
A shift has occurred. While I can’t agree that we are fully in the “post-ideological age” yet, we are close. Our rulers are already there, but it seems the grey masses have not yet caught up to that fact.
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