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I’m sure most of you remember the widely circulated Mass Shooters 2019 meme.
If you haven’t seen it before, here it is:
This goes quite contrary to the popular conception of a mass shooter: white, male, and loner.
The image itself can be left without further comment. I’m sure you all get the point.
But one thing I would like to point out is the hilarity of the Snopes article on this image. If you haven’t read that “Fact Check” in connection to this, you must. It’s gold:
Claim: A widely shared meme in August 2019 showed the faces of known mass-shooting suspects in the U.S. in 2019.
Rating: Mixture
What’s True—The meme was a broadly accurate representation of the identities of known suspects in 2019 incidents in the U.S. that fell under one relatively broad definition of a “mass shooting.”
What’s False—The meme did not accurately represent the profiles of suspects under several other definitions of a “mass shooting.”
Snopes then dives into a thousand-plus word article about how we should only define mass shootings as shootings that a white person may be more likely to do, because including mass shootings by blacks makes it look bad.
Snopes Logic: You just don’t get it. Mass casualties don’t matter; what actually matters is the particular definition of the event surrounding those mass casualties. We shouldn’t include the event if a gang banger shoots up thirty people, but we must include it if a white shooter hits the minimum.
The Snopes article is well worth a read if you’re still learning about how they slyly manipulate the truth just enough to make it seem reasonable to the grey masses.
Still, you have to enjoy the fact that Snopes still had to rate that one as a “mixture”. I’m sure that caused them much heartburn.
But anyway, the final data seems to be in for 2020, as well. Sadly, we don’t have a thrilling meme for it yet (would be a great task for someone with some time on their hands). But we do have the leftists accidentally giving away the same key detail about the annual killings:
We certainly know it’s not a bunch of whites running into those majority-Black neighborhoods and shooting up the place. Because if that happens, it’s in the news for the rest of the year. So, by deduction, it’s pretty clear to see the trend staying intact.
What is interesting, and of note, is how the leftists manipulate this data. Places like Mother Jones and PolitiFact (who use Mother Jones’ reasoning) like to say something like the following:
No U.S. government entity specifically tracks mass shootings — much less, the shooters’ race and ethnicity, experts told us. But some media organizations and nongovernmental groups have taken up the task in various forms.
Some of the differences in the datasets are the result of having no universally accepted definition of mass shooting. The number of mass shootings a group tallies can vary dramatically based on how the term is defined.
Mother Jones defines a public mass shooting as an incident in which the motive appeared to be indiscriminate killing and a lone gunman took the lives of at least three people.
One problem with this approach is that Mother Jones’ definition is flexible. This gives them enough “discretion” that they then get to decide which shootings are mass shootings and which aren’t, because it is up to them to decide if the motive “appeared to be” what they say it is.
Another problem with this is that it is an outright lie. A government agency does track mass shootings. It’s called the FBI, and they define it as “four or more shot and killed in one incident, excluding the perpetrators, at one location, at roughly the same time”. This has been tracked for a very long time, and was the universal definition until leftists realized they needed to muddle it up.
The major leftist contention with this definition is clear when it comes to groups like Politifact, Mother Jones, and EveryTown—if we look at mass shootings as mass shootings (i.e. many people killed in a single shooting); it is always predominantly black. For every year.
They can’t have that, so they change the definition to make it so they get to determine which shootings are, and aren’t, “mass shootings”. It’s apparently just coincidental that after this change, suddenly the majority of the black mass shooters vanish, and whites become more closely proportional to their population when reviewing percentage distribution.
It’s all a complete lie.
A common saying, but an apt one: “Lies, damned lies, and statistics”.
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